Back in the day my old ass uncle got arrested for shoplifting at the Home Depot on 610 North in Houston. He bought a bunch of shit, but had put $35 worth of shit in his pocket, as his arms were full, and forgot to dig them out to pay. Class B misdemeanor as Class C at the time was $25 ( or whatever). Spent most of the night in jail over it. Saw the same store parade around a dude that attempted shoplifting and got caught, with a "I'm a shoplifter" sign around his neck as some sort of penance instead of calling the cops. Bizzare. In West Austin these days I routinely have to wait for a cashier to even appear- at the CVS, Lowes, Corner store. I could steal all sorts of shit, walk out with whatever, or only self check half my shit and no one gives a fuck. Crazy. I guess the liability and costs of preventing shrinkage is factored into operating costs and they've found cheaper to let shit slide. Or maybe most people are pretty honest.