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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Yeah you are. Most high school coaches are total ass my dude. Also high school isn't where the future of the sport will be developed. It is in the club academies. While, yes, there should be better support at high schools. That is generally a public funding issue and not a USMNT development issue. 
    I absolutely understand that Clubs are where all the development takes place. But High School getting even worse is not helping. We have a couple high level club players that are not even bothering with HS because it's so shit. It brings down everything. For mid level players starting Varsity early is a valid goal and that drives up competition and work ethic in the clubs to a degree. Playing HS when you have your coeds and peers from school able to actually watch you play is motivating unless you are so baddass you are already in Europe.
  2. Also, if you have a backflow preventer don't forget to drain the system of water, including the backflow device. 
    I did this last go round, and used a compressor to blow out my irrigation lines. Turns out my shut off valve leaked ever so slightly and slowly recharged the whole system which caused my RPZ and some other areas to freeze and break. Make sure the shutoff valve actually works 100%. It was about 10 years old.

    $10 part would have save a couple grand and much pain

    • Rage+1 1
  3. I gave 15 years of my life and $135k of my treasure supporting the Nats and MLS.   I knew in time the international soccer economy would break the single entity monopoly on the talent, which happened.  I *believed* that the insider/nepotism/amateur Cabal that ran SUM (and thus controlled both the fed and mls) would eventually break under the weight of the money in the mls franchise fee ponzi scheme.  Both of these happened years ahead of schedule.
    And so we run out a Champions League side and not only can't score, we can't score at will.   The money is decades away to cause a LeBron, Shaq, or Vince to take the Mbappe path.
    We had a european coach that could adapt his x's and o's but he spoke truth to power, and we can't have that.
    We play in a joke confederation with useless games by the dozen that do nothing to sharpen us for the big stage.
    The first point can only be overcome with promotion and relegation which is decades away.
    The second is up to the US corps that put up the cash.  Do they want the US to make a 26 run, or not?   If they don't, hire Jesse Marsch and call it a day.  If they do, go get the Special One.
    The third point will only be solved by playing in Copa Americas and the Euros.  If they won't let us in, go play in the Asian and African tournaments.  Owning aggy is no longer of any value to the progression of the program.
    To be a Morocco we are going to have to hire from outside the US and play in Full International Continental Tournaments outside our own, and until either happens we're better than aggy and that's it.
    Very fucking accurate and well said . We have so many gifted athletes here, yet my kid's high school team has less resources than I did in the fucking 90s. -no film study, no legit trainers, no weight training program.
    I completely understand that higher level disfunction and competition is a larger issue but development at all level is behind where it should be. And it pisses me off. We should be smoking a lot of tiny countries with our population size and number of youth players . We should not lose to fucking Costa Rica which is the size of West Virginia. We should have every advantage. I shouldn't be trying to watch film and help my kid with team spacing and passing, I'm not smart enough to coach high school level film study.
  4. happyness for argentina is tempered with the realization from this tournament that i will never live to see my own nation experience this joy
    Yeah but they've been my team since the 80s, my kids favorite team and player plus our close friends from Rosario finally getting this joy and embracing Messi finally this WC after being guarded and skeptical as a die hard Central fan. Close enough. I never expect Usmnt to go the distance but I've been rooting for this for a long time. Happy fucking day in my house. Great fucking game
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. For fucks sake, is The Horn almost done with this All Flex shit?  30 minutes of reciting names and stats of kids nobody but their parents give a shit about.
    It's a beating, they waste so much time talking about how they are going to talk about flex; enough with the shotouts to snoop too. Just direct people to the flex website or horn website if it's your thing.

    I'm okay with brief discussions on high school footba, but the flex bullshit has me switching stations.
  6. Did you ever coach little league and have to deal with little league parents?
    I loved coaching my kid and his teammates. Great memories.

    The parents are the worst though. Just so many shitty parents. They don't read the fucking emails, so you have to answer a million questions over and over. They don't discipline thier kids so you get some real unruly assholes that can't be managed. Fortunately they usually quit pretty quickly as they are unaccustomed to having to work at anything.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Rage+1 1
  7. Sounds like a nightmare18b105b7ab83ec1a24d859404b58a15b.jpg
    My son has been in competive soccer for years. Season starts in early August with training 2-3 times a week until 930. Multiple tournaments a year out of town, multiple games in San Antonio and Boerne, sometimes two on one weekend. Then High School starts in December and they play 17 games, then club again March through May.
    The superlative players travel around the country so it could be worse.

    I rarely get to use my boat on the coast anymore.

  8. Maybe I am reading the original story incorrectly but me impression is that this is his apartment, not hers.  She goes to his apartment, locks him out, and he is supposed to walk away?   I guess, personally I am calling the cops.  And if someone, anyone pulls a knife on me in my apartment in a aggressive faashion, I don't give a shit if its a woman, 6yr old child, or a fucking bunny rabbit, they are getting their ass kicked at the very minimum.  
    Chick left his ass for hours on the side of the road, dumped his weed and beer out, then started attacking him.

    You gtfo immediately and either call the cops then or the next day and get a restraining order.

    Continuing to escalate and kick her out is a terrible move. Sure defend yourself when a knife is drawn, or better yet gtfo before the knife is drawn and the need to punch a woman comes up. Why invite legal or physical harm?
    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. All your aggy righteous indignation aside, sometimes shit happens.  
    Leaving Lake Travis years ago with BSC, driving her car back to west campus, 19 at the time.  She gets violent, hitting and scratching while I’m trying to drive, and now she wants to drive, it’s her car.  Pull over into a parking lot somewhere on 620, I get out and walk around, she slides over and locks the doors and drives off.   So what do I do?  What any sane guy would do.  I throw my shoe at her car.
    3 guys sitting around a truck bed drinking beer watch this go down and start heckling me so I walked over and hit the first guy.   The fight ended when their legs got tired of kicking me up under their truck.   I laid there for a while after they left, finally got up and walk/jogged down 620, down 71, then up bee cave to Barton springs.  It took hours.   Some girls took pity on me and gave me a ride from there back to west campus.
    when I get there my door is locked (never did, didn’t even have a key) and BSC was inside and wouldn’t open the door.   At that point I’m exhausted and just want a cold beer and a bong hit.   Well she dumped the weed down the storm drain and set the beer out in the parking lot for whoever grabbed it.   Keep in mind I was 19 and that beer had been very tedious to acquire.  Plus it’s late/early so the getting more ship had sailed.
    I finally convinced her to open the door, I walked past her and grabbed an arm full of her clothes from the closet and threw them out the front door.   When I went back for a second load she started hitting, scratching, spitting, whatever….  Didn’t even feel it, just grabbed another load and tossed it outside with the rest.   She threw a wine bottle at me and missed, smashed the mirror when it hit, oops that one would have hurt.
    On the next load was when she went to the kitchen and got a big ass butcher knife and she blocked the bedroom door which was my only way out.   I still had a load of her clothes in my hands and I told her I would leave and she could get the rest of her shit and get out before I came back.   She told me to put her clothes down and that I wasn’t going anywhere.  So I dropped her clothes and punched her right in her forehead, she still managed to cut my arm pretty good in the process.   She sat down in a chair still holding the knife with 1,000 mile stare. 
    I took one of her shirts and wrapped my arm, left and walked down to taco cabana.  It’s surprising that even at like 4 in the morning people at cabana will get up and move tables giving you a wide berth when you go in looking like you were just in a plane crash.  I didn’t go home that night or the next day stayed with friends and when I finally went back, BSC and her shit were gone.   Don’t know how the police didn’t get called, probably neighbors all passed out from drinking all my booze.   Low point in my life, not proud of any of it, but saying never hit a woman under any circumstance is wrong.  
    You should have got the fuck out when she was still pissed when you got home, instead you escalated things, and she escalated back.

    Throw her shit out later when she's in class and change your locks. Your lucky she didn't cut off your Johnson.

  10. As much as I would love him to announce that he's running for president as an Independent, I'm sure it's the speaker's race.
    But that's delicious in its own right.  It means Kevin McCarthy definitely won't have 218 by January 3 (or any other date that's reasonably foreseeable).  And it really does raise the possibility of a weird moderate Republican (or even Democrat) compromise candidate that gets Democratic approval.

    That last sentence made me laugh out loud. Compromise, We compromising in shifts.
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. Yeah, I guess the new party he was inevitably gonna break off and form after the 2024 Convention, could be it.  I mean, if you're gonna do it anyways...why not do it now when you can raise so much more money outside the more structured primary/FEC season?  This way, he doesn't leave 14 months of fundraising graft on the table and let the RNC take big chunks under the watchful eye of FEC/media.  Other than a few cursory bullshit reports to FEC, the new MAGA party PAC or whatever the fuck they call it, in addition his 9 other Political Action Cons (or PAC's if you will) can just rake in cash from the 25mm stupids going down with his ship for the next 23 months.  Not a bad idea actually.  
    Either that or he really does think that whoever called his office telling him they wanted to elect him Speaker of the House was being serious.  
    Ah yes, DJT running his own political party, he can finally go back to ruining companies full time like the good old days absent his brief and successful carreer as a reality star.
  12. I don't know - they can't be too happy that a bunch of LBGTQ supporters showed up well-armed (and even outnumbered them).
    They never thought we would be armed also.
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