I grew up in a neighborhood that was full of immigrants. I had Black, Muslim, Mexican, Honduran, Korean, Vietnamese, Sihk friends growing up. Some I'm still close to today. The Best Man in my wedding is Mexican. I've worked construction my entire life and as such, I'm around a lot of Latinos. I say bring it on. They work harder, and are good people busting thier ass to make a good life for thier family. I've had so many white boys that I've hired last two days or end up being drug addicts. Master Race my ass. See also most neo nazis. Just trash. Tangentially I was fortunate enough to be in Advanced classes so I was around brighter, hard working people. My brother was in Regular classes and a childhood friend was in Basic. Both had rougher experiences, and came away pretty racist. My brother has a Masters from Aggie but he's still pretty pissed at the entire Black community because a few brothers whipped his ass. Not sure if he's just wired to be racist or if not having a diverse friend group led him to have racial biases. Or if he's just petty and angry. He still says Oriental to be contrarian. I do know that many of the more racist people I know, have led very insular lives, and have a very homogenized friend group.