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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Former Business partner had the same thing happen living with his baby momma. She was physical, slap, strangle and scratch. He was bleeding from the ear and lip. Hand prints on neck. Neighbors called cops, she didn't have a scratch on her,( 5 ft 95lbs vs 6-1 200) he went to jail. Charged with felony assault. CPS was called, and she was able to hold the threat of never seeing his child again while going to court and dealing with that and CPS etc. 
    They eventually pled to misd and probation. 
    Long story short, family court eventually grated him full custody and hinted he should leave the state/move so she couldn’t challenge custody easily and she was only allowed supervised visitation. 
    Yep, it's loaded deck, play your cards accordingly.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. CSB Time:

    My ex girlfriend and I got in an argument a few years out of college. I used to have anger issues, (but never physical) so it got pretty heated in our apartment. Yelling etc. She snapped and threw everything within arms reach at me. A vase, glasses, shoes. She had quite the arm. I tried to leave, she punched me, spit in my face and scratched my face and arms while trying to block the door. I grabbed her arm to stop her and then retreated to the bedroom door and locked myself in. Which she tried to force her way through unsuccessfully.

    Our neighbors rightly called the cops.

    Cops come and she's calmed down by then and had cleaned shit up enough. At first they wanted to take me in because her wrist was red. My ex had sensitive skin, beard stubble made her face or nether regions red. I definitely didnt try to hurt her in my defense but her wrist was red because of me. I thought for sure i was going downtown. I got grilled. Then they noticed all my wounds and scratches. They pivoted to wanting to take Her in.

    I was able to explain that I was in construction framing houses" "see these were from today, here are older wounds from earlier in the week". They bought it. Got a warning to not have another call and urged to get counseling. Scheduled counseling, played the reconcile all is well game . Got my own place and moved out while she was at work a few weeks later. Did not give her my address. Her response verified the decision.

    -The instances when a man should touch a woman are extremely limited and rare. We are bigger, stronger and more frightening in general. Just don't go there short of her having a weapon. I have never laid hands on a woman short of stopping my ex from scratching my face and I still almost went to jail. If I was in a high profile job at the time I'd lose it. Period, even from the neighbors talking.

    -I was an an angry 24 year old and still didn't abuse back; it's a simple redline. CB fucked up. Lots at stake which makes a breakup or domestic strain that much more intense for both parties, but he should have never engaged.

    - Fellas do not engage an angry woman for any reason. Especially in a 3rd floor apt with only one exit point

    -If a woman gets physical in anyway, fucking leave its too risky.

    -Chris Beard fucked up and is done here.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  3. I don't think it's really that hard. TFG likes three things -- money, power and pussy. He has the documents for one of two reasons -- either he plans to profit from them or they incriminate the fuck out of him. Fin.
    He also loves bragging about himself and "ratings" or press that shows he is a big deal. Remember all the fake magazine covers? The rallys weren't just pure grift, it's also pure uncut bragging and adoration.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. I don’t care for that “sorry”. 
    Well he operates in a universe where being a complete fuck hole means nothing, just go on DWTS! All is forgotten.

    This too will pass, the brief apology is plenty for this asshole, at least he fessed up instead of the normal doubling down despite clear evidence he's wrong. Baby steps?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. counterpoint
    Louisville Cheerleader was the Rosa Parks of her time.

    She made a stand and suffered severe consequences and adversity so that future generations of young women could sit anywhere on a bus and diddle themselves for money.

    Free at last Free at Last!

    *it actually costs money but you can find it for free

    Thank God almighty Free at last.
    • Like 1
  6. I used to work with this sicilian guy who was a real firebrand. When he lost his job he bought a local restaurant, and took his attitude along
    with him. 
    Whenever I feel like having a chuckle I pull up online reviews of his restaurant where he insults anybody who doesnt give him a 5 star. 
    This is my crack, a restaurant owner just running into the ground on rage and attitude.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. That’s senate rules not the constitution. Not a fan of it and McConnell will toss it when it’s convenient. Blame the dems not the constitution.  But if sacrosanct it’s how legislation like marriage equality couldn’t be overturned in the future so it cuts both ways. Which minority is getting protection from it? Depends on the era I guess.
    Ah you believe an unfair system will protect your pet rights issue. Got it.

    For you, and so many others, I hope you're correct.

    Mitch says sure thing.
  8. It's ok, at least it's not someone we see often, but there's not much interest here. With bowl games being meaningless and less and less people caring each year they should look for storylines to sell. Yeah Sark coached at Washington but not long and he didn't do anything there. They don't give a shit about him either way. 
    Mack won a title here and played for another one plus he left under bad terms. That would be a much better game to sell than another meaningless Alamo Bowl against a west coast team. It would be nice if they would do away with all conference affiliation and let the bowls seek out their own matchups. 

    I'm happy with match-up.
  9. Brittney Griner got fucked. But she probably should have known better than to play basketball in Russia right when Russia was outwardly announcing they were about to invade a Western-ish ally. Also not smart to smuggle illegal substances into a foreign country. It's like she never watched the 1999 film Brokedown Palace starring high school crush Clare Danes and current old-man crush Kate Beckensale. 
    I've always been to scared to travel to Russia. Too corrupt, too beauracratic, to anti-west. They are just itching to fuck with you. You smuggle in weed right before a war breaks out? WTF?

    She fucked around by even going given the political climate, let alone while holding.
  10. That was pretty weird.  As I recall, they thought it was sniper(s) based on the caliber and that no cameras picked up anybody within several hundred yards of the transformers.  Didn't realize they never caught anybody.  And it was supposedly a group of snipers operating in concert.  

    Some of the most heinous fucking crimes go completely un-punished in this country.  Law enforcement just shrugs it off like, "Hey, what can you do?"  But the most petty crimes can get you a fucking bullet to the back of the head by police for being "mouthy."  
    Last paragraph is Very accurate. Some of the more harmful crimes are ignored, but some dude with a small amount of weed gets nailed to the wall. It's absurd.
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