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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. 369c3fff829e63b7a281bf464b0a6093.jpg
    On an unrelated note, can someone tell this casual observer why its not a total disaster that the 30-44 age group only went D+2? After all the shit GOP has pulled, not to mention Roe going down, how tf do the millennials basically split equally between GOP and Dems?
    I've been screaming this for years: Not all utes go to college find a new black friend and undo years of systemic racism. Plenty go on to be welders and hate taxes and mythical welfare queens as they were raised. And, this is shocking, not all migrants to Texas are liberal techbros. Someone has to build the facility the techbros work in, or remodel the house they move in to, and those folks are gonna be Maga types through and through.

    I see it daily. I personally can't imagine putting political shit on my Work vehicle but they do. Progressive clients bitch, but what can I do? Who can I hire? We are fresh the fuck out of immigrants who might keep thier head down and not air political messages.
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. Winning as a Democrat in Texas requires a fuck load of old school pandering enough to make Pappy or the Fergusons blush. And maybe a midget.

    Going to the Valley? Shoot some Dove skillfully, dress like an accurate redneck, eat Menudo or tripe while listening to King George and drinking a Lone Star. Learn to two step and Cumbia. Ride around with Pat Greene in a convertible through Bluebonnets.

    The townhall were cool, but skateboarding was tone deaf.

    See Gov Ann hunting Quail (and she only won because her opponent was pro-rapist)

    Hell see Dana Goeb to start with. We love our mythology; we love our guns.

    Hint hint future Dems. Get really good at Sporting Clays. Bum a dip from a townhall participant.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Haha 1
  3. Which wasn't even said during this race and was also said in the heat of the moment following the Wal-Mart shooting in El Paso.
    I agree Beto might've done a better job clarifying that statement in this campaign but it was always going to be disingenuously used in Abbott/Patrick attack ads and it was. I do not think his common sense views on guns are all that different than enough Texans for it to not be the reason he wins or loses an election in this state.

    As soon as he said that I knew he was toast. His first run, I donated a lot of time and money to his campaign enthusiastically. After that blunder, I fully checked out. He will need to move if he wants to hold political office outside El Paso. I like the guy and believe he comes from a good place, which are sadly not good traits in politics.
  4. Ah yes, sorry. I forgot men aren't allowed to comment based on observations, data, and statistics. I'll just mosey on off to an incel board since I'm such a fucking misogynist. I assume you've made no observations or comments whatsoever on Black and Latinx voting trends?
    I'm a dude, but I feel you brought up fair points. Women are not a monolithic voting block. And do often marry and become submissive to thier husband's church, politics whatever. I had a friend that I stayed close to platonically after we briefly dated in High School. Through college at UT and beyond she was a smart cool chick that i respected intellectually. Then she married some dude and became a fucking wackadoodle right wing nut job. We no longer hang.

    Perhaps the problem isnt women, based on exit polls, but white people.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. i'll say this, pertinent to discussion in this thread...
    as a middle-aged, middle class, suburban/urban white woman...nobody judges and hates on women more than other women. black, white, hispanic, asian... doesn't matter.
    how that plays out in politics may vary and include other factors, but it's a universal truth. 
    All the Republican women I know vote that way because thier husband tells them too. The wife of one of my clients gets a piece of paper with instructions on how to vote.
  6. I'd like to think that the people who wouldn't vote for a Jewish candidate are already lost MAGA, anti-Globalist (whatever the fuck that means) douchebags who aren't voting for any D anyway.
    But I'm an eternal optimist.
    I was shocked Af when we elected a black Muslim and he didn't get assassinated.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. It was also just Fox News and the Right seeing a couple protest signs that they could key up on to scare their viewers. They then repeat it over and over until it becomes THE movement regardless of if that is really what it is. The Right are masters of marketing their fear like no other. 
    I mean they turned "woke", which just means aware of injustice, into a pejorative.
    • Rage+1 1
  8. It’s a joke, and a tongue in cheek acknowledgment that Russias pop music complex is incredibly gay. It’s gayer than eight guys fucking nine guys (NTTAWWT). 
    But! While it’s super gay to the point of over the top camp, it’s also extremely limited. It’s Liberace era, confirmed bachelor gay. All these extremely gay pop music stars can be flamboyant as they want to be, flounce around the stage, squeal, wink at innuendo— what they can’t be is an openly gay person in a real relationship with another person.  The audience can’t believe they are humans, who are gay, which is important but not the only think about them. Only caricature allowed. “Modesty.” 
    So basically the rest of the world prior to the 30s and 40s?

    Welcome, bienvenue....
  9. I've actually been to all these places . All have thier values and charms.

    Detroit Undervalued. Great City on the Rebound. Affordable and a reviving art, music food scene. Canada is right there. Would live there for a few years. Fuck the Haters.

    Seattle Amazing if you can deal with the weather. Would live there for a few years.

    Portland Meh

    Minneapolis Beautuful city with lots of Growth. Cold Af winters.

    Philadelphia. Meh , I'd live there because you're a short train ride to DC, NYC, and a quick drive to Bucks Co etc, upstate NY. I'd rather just go all in on NYC.

    I like to live by the ocean or near it so I'm biased.

    Cincinnati would be an area I would invest in; the Kentucky side is pretty cool and hip; lots of music festivals and cheap. I could hang there for a bit.
    Milwaukee as well, but less so Imo.

    Midwest can be nice.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. Can do.  Right now, I'm considering password changes on the money accounts.  I'm certain my aggy wife would contribute to the buy out if asked.  I may put her on suicide watch.  Turns out our couch is quite comfy but needs to be about 3-4 inches longer.
    I'd also call a divorce attorney; after you lock the bank accounts.
    • Haha 3
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