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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. i know what you mean, and it's a common sentiment, but the church is the bride of Christ of which He is the head.  
    Largely agree with the sentiments you were responding to.

    Ex Catholic, trying to follow the Luthern Church with my lady friend. It feels like I'm going through the motions.

    I'm a Reiki practioner and after my pops died I fully became a believer. I felt the energy where my dad left this world as real as anything I've felt in my life. I knew where he passed and how before I was told. I can lay hands on friends around a campfire and leave non believers feeling shook, and believers feeling amazed. With zero effort because it'd just the Holy Spirit at work. I love praying and fellowship. I don't trust or feel authentic in any churches. Yet.
  2. You've got Patrick running from being served, Cruz running to Cancun, and Gov Wheelie running from his constituents. Why is everyone in the Texas GOP a bitch made cunt? 
    That's the brand and it keeps working? Wrap Bacon around an AR =own libs for life, no matter how bad you suck at your job.
  3. The Rock clapping gif.
    Also, yes on the  Waffle House Summit II: Syrupy Boogaloo.  Needs to happen.  
    I suppose one upside of this Summit is you savages will start ripping ass a few hours After said meeting, and if you double down on EYM for Lunch after said summit I have a decent likelihood of not being on the same flight as one of you. But good lord if I happen into the unlikely scenario the entire plane may die.
  4. This.  They've enabled and chosen this path repeatedly.  Russia is getting what it chose.  Lots of FA.  Now the FO.  If hey want something different or better, they should be less fucking servile and happy to profit from a corrupt and bankrupt system from top to bottom, and actively stand and fight for something better.
    Oh, and those soldiers butchering and raping Ukrainians by the truckload, and looting everything not tied down, are not Putin -- they are "Russian people."  We've learned a lot about who Russia STILL is by how its people have conducted themselves in this war.  Don't ignore that.
    It's an authoritarian state where any dissent can lead to death. So I have a lot of empathy for the Russian people.

    Consider rural Texas. While not as fucked, you have a lot of people just accepting a shitty life. Brain Drain accelerates decline, then the big plant closes down and moves abroad, because profit margins. Poverty, alcoholism, no jobs. You blame others to feel better about your sorry lot and do jack shit to make it better. I may be poor, but I'm not a socialist, Ukraine nazi, Mexican whatever. Your only way out is the military. So you find a measure of pride and self worth in blind patriotism and the military success of your kids or spouse. When someone suggests the War in Afghanistan, err Ukrain is Ill advised you have another OTHER to hate, the peacenik, libtards, patriot haters. Or you keep your head down and cope; and anyway all the stuff on the news is so confusing, and I can't keep up with politics.

    Cycle of poverty.
    I am curious about how much Russia influenced our current domestic environment versus how much of this is human nature. Russian Influence is greater than zero, even if very small, it worked here very well.

    We, as a people, are more like Russians than we may want to admit.

    We have better guardrails. Our overlords are still selfish capitalists, and don't give a fuck about living wages. But they are not a kleptocratic mafia state.

    Again, we can throw stones, but there is a lotta fucking glass in our own house.
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Like 3
  5. He doesn't care how many people die.  Thousands?  Hundreds of thousands?  Millions?  None of that matters, SO LONG as he is not one of them.
    This is how narcissists work.  Anything that happens to someone OTHER than them doesn't matter.  At all.  Not even a little bit.  No empathy, no sympathy, no humanity.  We are seeing in Russia how a narcissist led state functions.  And, on a troubling side note, it's not much different than it worked here, and will work again if TFG is elected again.  Do you really think Trump gives a rat's ass about any dead US servicemen?  Or 100k dead US servicemen?  He has zero humanity or empathy.  Those are terrifying qualities in a leader because -- as we're seeing with Putin -- it leads them to conclude that a path that kills every other human on the planet is just fine, because all of those dead people aren't him, so who cares?
    A cornered narcissist is dangerous.  But he was always going to be -- there's no backing out of this.  By being a pathetic, weak population of slaves and criminals who couldn't help but elevate someone like Putin to godking, Russia set the world up for hell, and now we have to go through it.
    By being a pathetic, weak population of slaves and criminals who couldn't help but elevate someone like Trump.... Fixed

    Russia is kind of showing us where we could easily go. Propaganda and lies are effective.

    Trump craves adulation more than power. He's a game show host, so he would be annoyed by 100k us troops dead because that lowers ratings and is less humans to adore him.
    • Like 1
  6. Somebody, please 'splain to me like I'm a 5th grader.  Does this mean they smell the end is nigh and are turning on one another to garner status on what's left on top of the rubble?  I've said for years there were three distinct tranches of Trump/MAGA folks...but this at least rises to the point of vitriol, though short of violence.  There's a playbook already written about how to get the middle third to eliminate the right third by the left(er) third.  I've been thinking about it for a long while.  Maybe this is a flashpoint?  I dunno, let's at least begin the dialogue.  Seems as helpful as anything else we do on here.  How do you get the "We are sick of being shamed at work/home/community of just being pro-America MAGA folks because of violent dumb asses like you who deny all the bad shit going down" to rise up and liquidate their own?  
    This is modern America man; t-shirts and flags.

    You'll need to workshop it though.

    Make Maga For All Americans Again.

    Maga loves the blacks, we just don't like nigg#$s

    Maga for legal Mexicans!

    Make Affordable Lawncare with Mexicans great again.

  7. Mike B the trash man?
    Cool, most places now require talented drivers that can use the truck to grab and dump all the trash without exiting the air conditioned cab. Good on Mike for jumping on a manual labor job with no path forward in a dead industry. Great life planning He can keep eating clean with canned tuna and chicken and being single forever.

    Unrelated, my pops and I did a project in Tanglewood back in the 90s, and the trash guys snatched your cans and rode them amazingly balanced on hand carts or dollies to the truck then skated them back up the driveway. Fast as fuck. Was amazing to watch. Never seen it anywhere else. Remiss we don't have video.

    That and the old school cats that hand nailed shingle roofs. That shit was amazing.
    I digress tho. Mike couldn't do any of that shit, it requires skill.
    • Like 1
  8. I can't but wonder though ... anything that remains submerged in the ocean as its home environment is going to have a very strong "fishy" smell and taste to it.
    I was taught to stay away from that!
    Sure, but during Cedar season I can't smell anything. So would try.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. If that shit was targeting they need to change the rules. Either better define targeting and make it more focused on deliberate helmet to helmet, or make it where just touching the qb behind the line of scrimmage is considered a tackle.

    Currently defensive players have two choices: risk getting ejected when trying to tackle a qb behind the line of scrimmage no matter how careful, and going in so soft the qb sheds a weak tackle and smokes the defense.

  10. Holy fuck kill it with fire. 
    Also - Chad is beyond a fucking beating running his solo show. Not only is he a dumbass he's started being super whiney and condescending about Texas football. I feel like he sees the writing on the wall and is afraid that we're about to start punishing motherfuckers on the regular right before we jump into the SEC. 
    He thought No Doubt was fucking Brittney Spears the other day. 
    Sure, but he's a "music snob". He's never heard of the band Phoenix either. It's not like they are obscure.
  11. Well my sponsor told me set goals.  
    Oh c'mon, it's hyperbole man.  I'm just an armchair board poster.  Not the one actually committing literal war crimes.  Perspective man.  We all need more of it.  
    That's weak fucking sauce. We've watched hyperbole turn to all kinds of violence politically lately. I'm not a big fan of advocating for it then hiding behind "just joking lol" "recovery so cut me slack"
    If in recovery, then focus on that.
    Discussing treason, shoot your shot then expect consequences.

    Unrelated to Lobo: Don't light treason then sit around and make threats . My gym has a giant physical message board,-magnetic letters and white board space; you know to write encouraging shit or whatever; some member is fired up for Maga 24, civil war, and upcoming violence. Can't I just work out in peace for fuck sakes without Maga bs.?
    • Like 1
  12. About a week ago I told my wife about [mention=2796]Scheiss Meister[/mention]'s humble brag about discussing the war and reading the thread wife his wife.
    Today she presented me with this:
    Can one of you guys start bragging about getting blowjobs soon?
    I get blowjobs about 4 times a week from the wife, I would get a more per week if needed, but the daily sex for her to orgasm 2-3 a day just leaves me a bit spent some days. Then of course you have the chore of selecting the correct car for each social occasion and remembering to schedule the right driver, after all one can expect Nigel to drive us in the Porsche, that would be ludicrous really. I had to drive to 7-11 just last week solo. Trying times, we must all preserve.
    • Haha 1
  13. This is an overstatement.
    He can still be investigated, and indicted.  For now, at least, the seized documents can't be used in the investigation.
    Kind of humorously, no one has raised any arguments about the 100 plus classified documents and 15-16 boxes of documents previously obtained by the government.
    It Would be humorous if he wasn't actively committing more crimes and in complete control of one of our two political parties and trying to install himself as dictator catered by Mc Donalds solely because his name is also Donald and perhaps daddy told him he owned Mc Donalds or it was nsmed after him and they sold " billions and billions"
    • Haha 5
  14. Trump can't be hurt politically like impeachment because the congress won't go against him.  He can't be hurt criminally because he has the judicial in his back pocket apparently.  The only way for this to end is the hopefully inevitable stroke and or heart attack that takes him out.
    Maybe fix institutional problems associated with Trump that were previously contained by norms with codified fucking law. Why is this not done? The next populist asshole needs to be stopped 12 months ago.
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