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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I think our judicial system would be improved a little bit if such long deadlines weren't so frequently given for matters that shouldn't take that long to consider. 
    I work on Saturdays regularly. I think the urgency of justice demands a little overtime every now and then, especially when it involves a president stealing nuclear secrets
    Or more use of technology and zoom meetings for non jury matters.
  2. What do you guys do with old ass pictures and old family albums? Grandparents took good care of them but age is hitting. Really want to make sure these stay alive, it includes stuff from the time my great grandparents left Mexico for Abilene (terrible decision) in 1932 and times they picked cotton in Munday until moving to Dallas when they sold watermelon at the farmers market until the late 80s. Just a fuck ton of history that my little brother and other young generations have no clue about so I want to keep it alive. Long story not short what's the best way to digitize or keep these going?
    Bought my mom a legit scanner for docs and more importantly for slides so she could start saving important picts and docs and shit to a medium I could save to some digital or cloud service or have some sanity in collecting.

    A year later? Dickaroo done. Nada. 1k wasted.

    A service for this turnkey would print money.
  3. Dumbass doesn't realize the Gods are trying to tell him something.
    Ah yes fond memories of my first marriage were I was sent many vigorous warning signs that I verily laughed away. Ah to be young again! Just laugh and laugh!
    • Like 1

  4. Wanna move to NYC with me?
    That would be epic, but you've already ruled out sharing a bicycle built for two together. Hmmm.
    Missed opportunity cruising over the Brooklyn bridge; two chicks in love, popping the question with such an iconic background. But maybe yall have other connections like sailing, Or the Hamptons, or enjoying the fall foilage in Central Park whilst sharing an ice cream cone or an overpriced pedi cab scam after a Broadway show on a random Tuesday that you later laugh about. High Tea at the Plaza and heavy petting?
  5. Texas has now literally targeted every aspect of the care I provide through my clinic lmao
    It's almost like the state is telling this dyke to gtfo
    We need you here, and can't really tolerate additional brain drain. Thanks for all your service in the medical field.

    That said, fuck em, I hope to be out in 5 years, let the last non asshole turn the light out on these assholes and let em go back to leeches, blood letting and snake oil. Enjoy your moderately less taxed shit hole.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. No, everybody stay put.  Holy fucking shit.  It started as a spin-off of the discussion on why we use so much more energy than a state with more people than us that also has heavy industry and hot-as-balls weather.  Fucking-A, kwh is not just based on people, it's not just based on geography, nor on climate, nor on industry, nor on renewables v. hydrocarbons...it's a blend.  shit ain't binary.  But fuck it, everything else in America is binary so why shouldn't this be? 
    Your posts make me feel like I'm taking really shitty drugs and I'm sober. And I don't take shitty drugs so I'm just guessing here.
    Manic nonsense, I can often connect the dots, but the squeeze isn't worth the juice. You sound like a more intelligent version of Don Jr (no CR).

    Some of your stuff in the past made me laugh, this current iteration is really uncomfortable...
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  7. Replies are...not heartening.
    I don't always read Twitter replies,
    but when I do, I hate this fucking planet.

    Seriously, so much emboldened stupidity. I had my first insight into this in 8th grade when a kid from the remedial English class left his ELA folder in my locker by mistake. His Prose on critiquing Jack Pardee and my Houston Oilers, was eye opening. Just unbelievable. Dude could barely write or spell but had all the answers that a professional (I know its an oxymoron for Houston sports teams) football team couldn't solve. But ol buddy the tackling dummy for the B team in Football had answers. Hubris of Ignorance.
  8. Well, he spoke to that as well.  The population has heavily urbanized in recent decades.  Those kids have now moved to Beijing and Shanghai.  They live in a nice apartment.  They've gotten used to having money, nice things, maybe even a nice vacation every now and then.  So, the bit about "so much of the country is poor" doesn't apply to people under the age of 40 like it used to.  And mom and dad hopping a bus from the village, and coming to live with them, living on their nickel, is going to put a serious crimp in that.  And it's not just one mom and dad.....your wife's mom and dad are coming, too.  The "one child" policy means that there are a whole lot of households that are going to have to care for 4 grandparents in retirement.
    How happy would YOUR wife be if all 4 of your parents came to live with you?  How miserable would she make you?  And wouldn't you want to kick the shit out of whoever condemned you to that existence?  History has shown us that sending starving peasants even further down the hole doesn't really turn the peasants into an angry mob deposing the government.  But....make it so the upper middle class can't afford their favorite brand of yogurt or somesuch?  There's hell to pay.
    Restless peasants don't frighten Xi.  Restless middle class residents of Beijing does.
    Well said, fucker. But dang it if your not often correct.

    This thread is like a slow drip IV of depression, or I suppose if your proactive and smart- an investment guide.
  9. Would have been cheaper and easier to stuff the new shit in a box and mail it home. 
    I mailed a suit and a dress plus a bunch of extra shit back to Texas after a Wedding in NYC a few years ago just to be more flexible for subsequent travel to Europe. Ended up in Budapest buying warm clothes and an extra bag to get back. Still way cheaper than extra bags Especially with flight cancelation RN. Big fan of mailing my syself my own shit. I'll do anything to avoid checking a bag unless I'm camping or surfing. Then you gotta pray your shit comes down the conveyor.
  10. Because that's the only good times Texas Football can promise?
    You make your own good times bro! Texas Football has largely sucked shit through a straw my son's entire life(he's 15). But we've had fun at games narrowly defeating a meh K State team in a monsoon, losing at home to Iowa Steak multiple times including my moms only trip to DKR, and watching Chuck lose to TCU after Thanksgiving with a big bunch of family in attendance. (Several members of that expedition downtown returned via Uber to our West Austin pad around 4 am, myself excluded. So good fucking times can be had.

  11. We identify as “Harries” lol

    And, yes, [mention=406]bolverk[/mention] , I’m having an absolute blast and spending WAY too much money buying all kinds of stuff, so much so that I had to stop at one of those luggage/souvenir shops and buy another suitcase to bring home because all my new clothes and makeup and shoes and purse (plus gifts for my kids and coworkers - and for my ex-husband for dog sitting) won’t fit in the suitcase I came with lol.

    I haven’t cussed out one single person! Yet.

    You only turn 50 once!

    I'm glad you are enjoying your time, especially after 2.5 years of a pandemic, especially given your industry.

    "Harries" Lol

    Happy Birthday you no bike riding Gump!
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  12. Yeah, I’ve felt super safe and if I had the money, I’d love to move here.

    However, what is NOT safe is my clumsy ass on a bike - much less in a busy ass place like NYC.

    I’m like David or Alexis Rose on a bike lol

    Ha ha, I forgot about that episode on Schitt's creek- hilarious.

    Bay Area or NYC would be amazing for a few years.

    Can't bike? boooo, well I'm less enthusiastic about asking you out to the Harry Styles themed restaurant that's certain to open in Austin before Bama comes to town. Harryville? Harryheads? How do yall self identify?

    Back to treason by fpotus
  13. Aww thanks fellas (and ladies)!

    I’m having a absolute blast! I was a little nervous about traveling alone for the first time, but I am - as the kids say - living my best life.

    I’m so glad I treated myself for my 50th birthday!

    And I’ve got two more Harry shows and “Hamilton” and “SIX” this weekend!


    ”Passports in footwells.
    Kiss her and don’t tell.
    Wine glass, puff pass, tea with cyborgs.
    Riot America.
    Science and edibles.
    Life hacks going viral in the bathroom.
    Cocaine, side boob, choke her with a sea view.
    Tooth ache, bad move, just act normal.
    Mocha pot Monday, it’s all good, hey you.
    Should we just keep driving.
    Have fun in NYC. My favorite thing to do up there is rent a bike or even just grab a Citi Ebike and just cruise all around, especially around Central Park And over into the other Burroughs. For better or worse it's a super safe area now, and not like back in the day, so go explore and feel free.
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