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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. It's great than she takes the time to do her makeup and nails before dropping mortars.
    Do my hair toss
    Check my nails
    Baby how you feelin'?
    Feeling good as hell
    Hair toss
    Check my nails
    Baby how you feelin'?
    Feeling good as hell

    Woo child, tired of the bullshit
    Go on dust your shoulders off, keep it moving on those Russian something something.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. a part of that thread says that trump basically figured out (or likely was told) that like many other norms or guidelines that govern "presidential behavior", there really isn't any penalty for breaking them, whether intentionally or otherwise.  he knew there was no fine or prison time attached to it, so he didn't care about the "presidential records act" or "emoluments clause" or "not releasing tax returns" or any of the other fucking zillion things he did because he knew he could and get away with it.
    we need to turn these precedents and norms into actual laws with actual penalties.  250 years ago everyone assumed everyone else would bring some sort of dignity to the office, but there were shitbags then and they had to know there'd be shitbags now.  it only takes one to ruin the fun for everyone, and we finally got him out of office.
    so i'll get on my soapbox for the 10th time - do this shit now, while biden is president.  pass a sweeping set of laws with penalties attached to them, restricting presidents the way people already think they're restricted - with actual stern language, not "well, it's really kinda frowned upon so hey please don't do this, ok?" bullshit. 
    a law is not a law unless it has a penalty attached if it's broken, right?   right??
    Yes, this should have been Day one shit, along with further sensible limits on the executive and codified rules and laws instead of "norms". Before you lose power dummies.
    • Hook 'Em 4
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  3. Anyway while we are waiting on the idiot to answer questions on the other thread.
    Plans are in the works for a new international airport at Orotina. I don’t have any inside info on that one but I am guessing it’s because they are out of real estate to expand at SJO.
    The marina here in Quepos is finally building a hotel. Much needed.
    The most interesting news is an international airport somewhere between Uvita and Drake Bay. If that happens it’s going to open up the entire southern Pacific region to tourism. Their real estate prices already seem high in that area but they might be getting ready to go way up.
    Everything here is on Tico time so no telling when any of that might happen.
    Furk I was trying to buy down in the Golfo next year
  4. I and the beloved went to the hill country today, out to Fredericksburg and back. Saw the usual signage. Trump campaign sign. Trump Promises Kept painted on a rusty box truck. The Democrats are Destroying our country. 
    There was a pretty good outlaw country band playing at the Fredericksburg Market Days. One member had a Let's Go Brandon t-shirt. No tip from me. Leaving the little pavilion where the show was, I came face to face with an old guy (likely a more aged boomer than myself). We were in each other's way. I said excuse me while he just scowled as we moved shoulders and passed. Red MAGA hat.
    I really don't like what has happened to this state where friendliness was once the standard. There was a great guy manning the burger booth. Old school smile and appreciation for the purchase. Some other nice people, too. It feels like that type is fading away. 
    Trump has exposed what was built for decades by the hateful right. You now see individuals proudly displaying this awful legacy in the open. They're not just ditto head cultists on the radio. 
    We've thought of retiring to the Hill Country. We still may, but I don't like the prospect of choosing between silence and confrontation with my neighbors over something so basic as what makes our republic a republic. 
    None of this is new. It's just sickening to see disease spread.
    I had a friend that moved to Harper, they moved back real quick
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Fuck your condescending ass. I don't need an explanation of the world so narrow and unfounded.
    I think generational generalizations are largely facile and embraced by the unsubtle. I don't have any identity tied up with the Baby Boomer generation. I actually don't know anyone who takes pride in their own generation; I just see people bent on condemning other ones or over-venerating some bygone days and people. 
    There's plenty to dislike about any group of people defined merely by the boundaries of the time they were born. It's like condemning a whole state or political wing. It's simplistic when boomers do it, and it's simplistic when you do.
    I totally agree with your last paragraph. My dad would have as well. 
    Oh well, whatever, nevermind. -GenX

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Haha 2
  6. Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Savannah Bananas. One of my son’s buddies pitched for them this summer. Summer league guys having a good time, and playing good baseball. 
    I haven’t been to a game, but it’s supposed to be a very fun experience  
    Been to a game, fun as shit! Still rock my Bananas t-shirt too. CSB
    • Like 1
  7. This is exactly the kind of shit that his supporters (and him, obviously) are too fucking stupid to understand.  This is why you don't let the inmates run the asylum.  These people are children and morons and moronic children. 
    Yeah, but then you get Nerdy career nerd lady telling you how to act, and that everyone desrves health care, and worse, A Black Woman telling you to eat your veggies and maybe have your kids exercise on ocaasion!!!
  8. Whats everyones take on wearing new clothes straight from the store?
    Wife is adamantly opposed.  I don't really care.  Cosmetically/superficially there's obviously no blemishes.  Sanitary wise, well its coming off a bolt of fabric and then sewn in a garment factory... even if its Bangladesh, it's not exactly swimming in a butcher shop, so what's the worry?
    Obviously, dress shirts from the package are a no-go because of the creasing (and i wouldnt be getting them from bangladesh anyway)
    Fuck no, unless I'm in a jam, or it's outer wear and I arrived to Budapest in Oct to find 45 degrees, rain, and a near freezing wind chill. Then fuck yeah.

    My girlfriend? Shit from goodwill is gtgo.
    • Like 1
  9. So you're saying if I covered the Himalayan Salt in essential oils (and it didn't dissolve first) then I could charge 5x as much? Hold on, I need to form a new LLC.
    No, no man, that's not how this works. Oil would trap in the salts healing power.
    You need a seperate essential oils diffuser, in Every room.
  10. I had to google that. Is it like a fancy night light or something because it doesn't look bright enough to read by...
    That 20$ lamp from Amazon that is carved from pure Himalayan Salt: removes toxins, balances Chi, removes or adds ozone (I forget which is "good"), appeases the Santos, boosts mood, helps with sleep, Exema and VD.
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