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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. DOJ doesn’t owe anyone anything. It’s Trump who made this public. If Trump wants to release a copy of the search warrant, he can. But reality is that we all know he’s committed crimes and the raid was justified. 
    And many of his crimes he has bragged out before and after committing them. He bragged about sexual assault and it's on tape, and he became president. It's all insanity.
    • Rage+1 1

  2. No offense but that's your culture not everyone's culture. I don't have a single family member on either side that says shit like that. I'm always kind of surprised when I read posts on here about how so many posters do have family or friends that will say shit like that in the open. 

    Sorry I grew up in near inner city Suburban Houston? Because thats how it was .

    White kids 4 years older than me all partied on nigg$% road, I found out it was called that years later by a friend's older sister. The casual racism even 4 years older than me was startling. I graduated HS in 94, H town was pretty hot for crime at the time. And very racist . You could get got by any group for talking even an little smack. You could get jumped anytime regardless of race.

    I had friends of every race and creed, many have gone on to be pretty successful, frankly. But we survived some shit. And overcame. It happened.

  3. It has been mentioned before that mishandling of classified materials is sporadically enforced. I imagine an ex president has quite a bit of leeway just for optics’ sake. It may be that the FBI was trying to get Trump and team to agree to some passable level of security for said information; and in true Trump fashion, they doubled down, fucked around, and found out.
    imagine going to Sean Hannity or Eric Trump for truth in news and feeling clean and normal in reporting back to fellow alum about what you find.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. This is why we have a rural vs urban divide now.  They don't ever see anything different.  There are a ton of reasons as to why we've gotten here, but Big Ag and corporations being "people" is the main reason.
    Maybe, buy my dad starting listening to Rush, my mom picked up Micheal Berry, and poof- brain mush, fear and hate. Her siblings are all staunch democrats. My mom felt very belittled for voting for Trump in 2020 by her family "laughing" at her.

    I think my pops losing his Company in the early 80s crash in Houston left him ripe for the Gop rage machine. Taxes, welfare queens, immigration and guns. Sad to watch. I grew up with friends of all races, then he got angry and a bit racist, particularly after 9-11. Rush etc likely hurried his death sadly.

    As she travels in retirement, her opinions moderate. Which is one hopeful development. So some truth in getting around. My brothers SIl is full Q anon, and she's barely left coastal small town Texas.
  5. In a serious vein, maybe the most effective down-home remedy is getting folks out of their bubbles.
    I just toured my conservative twice Trump voting mom All around Northern California. It radically changed her unfavorable view of the state. She is ready to move out west for the weather, scenery and people. Except she loathes change and won't. But getting to know the scary others does wonders to reasonable folks opinions.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. Wildfire last several weeks burned up most of the late Texas author John Graves ranch outside of Glen Rose. Real shame that. Most people might not know of him but for those that do it's a real hard one to take.
    That SUCKS. Hard Scrabble is a great read.
  7. That boat has never done anything useful I would wager.  The only reason DPS has it is for photo ops.  They also have 3 boats in Port O'Connor on trailers sitting in a parking lot for some reason that never get used. 
    They used to take em out for Warriors Weekend and put around the ICW getting in the fucking way, and doing jack shit. The rest of the year you are correct.
  8. It’s glorious.  There are some small towns in outlying areas at a lower elevations that don’t have as much snow/cold in the winter.  Poor man’s Colorado or something.
    I have been to that area twice. Once as a kid, once as an adult where I quickly realized I'd likely never return. I'd rather drive another hour or so north and be in Santa Fe area, and if I'm looking for powder maybe suck it up and hit Wolf Creek or Taos a bit further still.

    Riudiso area is like bothering to trek to Vegas, only to stop on the outskirts at a truckstop casino and a super 8 and calling that vegas. I realize that area has cooler weather but, meh.
    • Haha 2
  9. Yeah. Story has been told before but  a few years ago I went to lunch there  with [mention=251]Pescado_Rojo[/mention] [mention=671]Kyrie Eleison[/mention] and [mention=593]Brisketexan[/mention], and they were out. Out of Chili.
    At the Texas Chili Parlor. 
    WTF was there to eat? I've been to fried chicken joints that were out of chicken and I dipped. Chili is kinda important at TCP, even for Enchiladas.
  10. Yeah. Story has been told before but  a few years ago I went to lunch there  with [mention=251]Pescado_Rojo[/mention] [mention=671]Kyrie Eleison[/mention] and [mention=593]Brisketexan[/mention], and they were out. Out of Chili.
    At the Texas Chili Parlor. 
    Local Air Quality probably got a major victory that day.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  11. It was also the alma mater of (I believe) our qb Swoops.  Went 1-11 or something his senior year and people said he’s going to lead us the the promised land.  I played at that level of football and I assure you if anyone on any team and any position could lead a d 1 team to promised land, he wasn’t going 1-11. 
    "Swoops should starts."

    -That loss to Kansas, dude in front of me.
  12. The party of infinitely delayed justice if you are an old white guy.

    That's really the sum of the platform.

    Black dude with a joint, any lady not wanting to carry her rapist's baby to term can go to jail with the quickness. Gay and want marriage rights? Fuck off. See this ladder I climbed up on? Fuck off. Go back to whatever land you've never been to....

    • Like 1
    • Rage+1 6

  13. Best bathroom graffiti I ever saw was on the condom machine in the bathroom at Posse East

    Arrow pointing to quarter slot, “For refund, insert baby here.”
    Yet again Crown and Anchor Wins.

    "Don't be a dick and piss on the seat, be a hero and shit on the ceiling"
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  14. Well, Parkland is a death-penalty case, and that always adds some layers of complication.  But Cruz also pled guilty, which removes some, but not all, complications.
    More than broken, it's simply overburdened.  And just about everything wrong with it can be traced to that fact.
    I saw somewhere that there are more than 140 attorneys prosecuting the 1/6 rioters.  For comparison, the US Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, which encompasses more than 100 counties in Texas, has 250 attorneys and staff combined, for criminal and civil both, and I imagine the staff ratio is 2:1, at least.
    Also notable, ND Tex filed nearly 1200 criminal cases in 2021, a rate nearly 2.5x every other US Attorney in the country.  The District of Columbia got 3/4 of that just out of 1/6.  https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndtx/about
    Sure, and I was hoping the pandemic and use of Zoom etc as a means to boost efficiency with courts, and speed things up. I would thing funding for swift justice would be an easy sell politically. I guess the donor base benefits from delayed justice so here we are.
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