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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Well, Parkland is a death-penalty case, and that always adds some layers of complication.  But Cruz also pled guilty, which removes some, but not all, complications.
    More than broken, it's simply overburdened.  And just about everything wrong with it can be traced to that fact.
    I saw somewhere that there are more than 140 attorneys prosecuting the 1/6 rioters.  For comparison, the US Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, which encompasses more than 100 counties in Texas, has 250 attorneys and staff combined, for criminal and civil both, and I imagine the staff ratio is 2:1, at least.
    Also notable, ND Tex filed nearly 1200 criminal cases in 2021, a rate nearly 2.5x every other US Attorney in the country.  The District of Columbia got 3/4 of that just out of 1/6.  https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndtx/about
    Sure, and I was hoping the pandemic and use of Zoom etc as a means to boost efficiency with courts, and speed things up. I would thing funding for swift justice would be an easy sell politically. I guess the donor base benefits from delayed justice so here we are.
  2. Well, the same court, despite Dobbs, poured out all of tfg's other executive privilege claims, and all the fraud garbage.  One vulnerabllity may be the district courts' interpretation of 18 USC 1512 not to require violent obstruction or that it be intended.
    I think the real problem is that Trump will try to interlocutory appeal (before final judgment) every adverse decision of the trial judge, and the DC Circuit will likely shut him down and then a cert petition.  So even if he gets shut down at every turn, it's gonna take a while.
    It's been 4 years since the Parkland shooting, and that trial is not complete. Trump proceedings will take a decade. That no one is really screaming to correct our fucked, slow ass justice system is just fucking fucked. It's broken.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 2
  3. Fire ants make me surly. Pics below are a small sampling of the approx 50 bites I got while replacing sprinkler heads in my yard  9D20DE85-86BE-40F2-967D-079B661EFFCA.thumb.jpeg.841a3f4b92a2198075924447bb403a83.jpegBAB71F0D-AB1E-49A6-9C2A-58BD16FC0FDD.thumb.jpeg.15741bb7a475eb44f3228f79a6ceaacf.jpeg
    That article was from 1988, about 6 years after I first learned about fire ants. 34 years later, here we are. 
    Apply vinegar right after being bit. Greatly reduces swelling so you don't scare women and children with your hideous swollen hands.
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  4. wtf is gawk gawk 3000
    I believe it means that your dinner companion is extremely talented at oral sex, or in the parlance of our time dome, head, brain, beej. Playing the ol skin flute if you will.

    Entomology likely derived from the sound that vigorous fellatio can create.
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    • Haha 3
  5. Yep. I’m going hiking next year to fulfill a life dream before it is too late. After that, let the chips fall where they may. I really think this just may be the way the earth resets. 
    Where to?

    I'm trying to do John Muire trail, but also weighing a trip to Alaska I just got invited on. Want to do Both before its too late.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. I have this crazy fucking idea.  A world where Texans vote in a greater and greater percentage of the population.]
    Then the top down corruption will change to people who actually want to serve the state of Texas and its citizens.  So I am not fucking leaving yet.  Family is like for most folks, an anchor.  I have a dream where more reasonable people wake up and we change the state from within.
    I know it sounds crazy, but we just gotta wake some folks up and let them know hey, if you vote it won't be only old white people making the policies in the state anymore.
    They will vote, the results are going to suck. Latinos, rural youth, new transplants. GOP GOP.
  7. I love breakfast tacos, I would fuck one, marry one, have it's baby and ultimately that's because I want to be a breakfast taco because breakfast tacos bring happiness.
    This is some new Surly shit here, because I'm all "fuck yeah" and yet I really don't want to know how you fuck your breakfast tacos. In fact thats just gross, whether you roll em up and insert or partially unroll and penetrate. Or outercourse. Or some combo, I don't really care. I really don't want to to know, or do I? I guess I just celebrate the enthusiasm for tacos more than the taco fucking, personally.
  8. 1st LT BearSchlong Jr arrived home from Poland today. Shifting good vibes to the men and women of the 101st that relieved the 82nd.
    Thank him for his service, if he ever wants a free fishing trip In POC with a "captain" that's a bit out the game, but willing, let me know. We will find some fish and some good times.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. c548b758c0a8340a57e394e8dfaa528d.png
    I have family up on Lake Cornrow, and I've watched that shit for years, splits north of Willis, and rains balls out east of 45, but diddly shit for the lake area and The Woodlands.
    • Like 1
  10. I'm a bit of a cooking snob but this thing makes perfect bacon quickly, easily, and consistently every time using a microwave. I have thought it through backwards and forwards and cannot think of a single valid reason to prefer skillet or oven to this method. 
    My oven vents outside. When I cook bacon in it, the glorious aroma wafts over the canyons filling my neighbors with envy. Microwave can't do that either.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Don't knock 'til you've tried it.
    It's a huge time saver - crispy bacon (the way my kids like it) in 7 minutes, and it's evenly cooked. I can do other stuff while it's cooking.
    If I did it on the stove, I'd have to make sure it didn't burn, then figure out how to pour out the oil. I don't save it because cholesterol.
    I first had microwave bacon back in the 80s. It's okay, but an inferior product.

    Oven on a wire rack is far superior.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Or just microwave your bacon. Several paper towels below to absorb the grease, and another on top to prevent splatter.
    It’s not 100% like cooking on a pan, but close enough, and I don’t have to stand at the stove for 10 minutes to make sure the bacon doesn’t burn. 
    You, sir, don't deserve bacon.

    Fucking savage.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. Yeah, I get that one. I suspect the instructions to Roy actually identify two - be coy and don't be coy. Still leaves many unenumberated ways.
    His lady friend suggested the possibility of at least 50 ways- "must be".

    Stab her in the face, Case.
    Hook up with her sister, mister.
    Shit on her bed, Ted. Just listen to me.

    A dizzying cornucopia of possibilities for cutting off cunts if you will.
  14. Besides that shitty “I don’t care do u?” jacket and destruction of The Rose Garden that “Overlook Hotel Christmas at The White House” was the most disgusting thing that plastic salamander of woman foisted on this county.
    "Plastic salamander of a woman"

    You Southern Women sure can turn a phrase
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