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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Have done for decades. Any cars you put in their lots and anything you put in their lockers are fair game for dogs. Then a dog reaction gives PC. Lockers they can open on their own with master keys without your knowledge. Cars they come and get you but you either consent or they get a warrant using the dog reaction. 
    mid-90s high schooler here. 
    They searched my shit several times in the mid 90s. Never found shit because it was well hidden bitches. They did confiscate my work pocket knife from my work belt, next to the framing hammer-clowns
  2. Failed state.
    It's even better, we have a pretty good chance someone, really multiple people, severely wounded in this incident will need to beg online for help with health care expenses even if they have been paying out the ass for Healthcare for years.
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    • Rage+1 2
  3. Very on point, except the braintrust also talks about a lack of religion. It doesn't take too much imagination to detect which religion that implies. Amazingly, the idea that the judgemental pious puritanical male biddies who believe masculinity consists of a very defined box containing only approved specimens of manhood that wear certain clothes, look a specific way, act a specific way, play certain sports, listen to a certain type of music, and only bang chicks that are tens, think nothing of calling any woman that would sleep with these devout Christian males a skank or a ho because heaven forbid she might enjoy a one night stand as much as a male but somehow he/they is/are above criticism and would never marry someone who would do that and that never mind any one who might love someone of the same sex, or worship a different God or no God at all and any one male or female who doesn't fit inside of this very limiting box is wrong, emo, a scourge on society....pause for breath....this idea that is rammed down our young people's throats and perpetuated on them by adults and the offspring of those adults day in and day out. Geeze, maybe the root cause isn't a lack of religion it is that many people who cite a lack of religion and their own self-important view of it is threatening our society's mental health.
    I don't say that lightly. I grew up in faith and am still faithful, but I do not believe in using religion like a weapon in order to sacrifice them on the altar of my own self-esteem and righteousness.
    Matthew 6:5

    Jesus was extremely direct and concise. Pray in private, don't make a spectacle of prayer, don't be public with your prayer for credit.

    This rules out many fake Christians including my pillow guy who should just burn for his hypocrisy- he knows better

    This rules out a lot of churches and preachers too. Sorry its right there in the new covenant though, prolly should read it, Joel Osteen, I'm looking at you too.
  4. If it fires a supersonic round it is not low powered
    22 = low powered rifle to me
    maybe a 38 or 357 pistol round in ranch rifle, otherwise it's kind of high powered rifle even if it's a 223,etc. Rounds that most manly men would consider pussy shit and barely enough to kill a deer, ( as long as it wasn't fired at them.) 300 Ultra or Gtfo
  5. Yeah that’s all terrible but it’s even more mind boggling there was zero mention of the Tulsa race riots or Black Wall Street when I took OK history in 1995ish.  
    Oklahoma AND Texas suck.  
    I was an American Studies Major at UT and I only recently learned of Tulsa...
    It's frightening, the blind spots.

    Study of Texas History is a depressing saga of corruption, greed, and wasting resources for minimal gain: plus every imaginable grift, environmental fuckery for a few bucks, and unimaginable civil rights disasters for a few penny's today despite pain tomorrow. If not for joining the union, we would be a polluted smoldering shithole. I mean more than we are already. Washington has always tried to save us from ourselves, we laugh and illegally ship oil etc and bitch about those trying to help us from ourselves.
    • Like 2
  6. I'm a dude, the world is my toilet.

    That said:

    Off the South Rim in BBNP with my childhood friend in 1992.

    Most Major Cities because no toilets.

    Multiple Spots in the High Sierra over Yosemite teaching my kid how to piss like a champion without pissing on climbers, exposing himself to others, or being an inconsiderate pisser. 'No we don't piss on Marmots either". Critical bonding moment

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. My wife seems to have no concept about "what can fit in a garbage can" and "what it takes to lift a garbage can."  
    One of the women at work is the same way. "We need to throw out all these lead ingots.  I'll just put them in the plastic bin someone has to lift.  It will all be OK."
    I haven't hit Landcruiser transfer case level of wieght in my Rubbish bins, but the lift and the buggy can handle an insane amount of rocks, concrete and tile.
  8. Nah he isn't lol. Facebook just shows it like this most the time. He replied to someone's comment in there mentioning abortion. 
    That doesn't change my worry factor at all. He still talks largely to himself.

    This dude is a fucking batshit crazy ticking time bomb. Next TX Tow or Atx City Council Person at minimum. Then I found he eats Tuna everyday, prolly at some shitty office or warehouse much to the disdain of everyone else there, but Gainz tho bro. Just a contrarian angry fuck.
  9. West Side Story kicks ass. Singin’ in the Rain was awesome and Debbie Reynolds was a total babe. Fiddler on the Roof is a masterpiece. I seem to recall liking Mame. When I was in my high school drama club we did a show called Merrily We Roll Along. I don’t remember any of the music but I remember liking it. And the story worked backwards in time. I thought that was pretty cool.
    I’ve never seen Cats but the costumes and makeup look pretty cool.
    If I visited Broadway tomorrow, I’d go see David Byrne’s American Utopia.
    There is not enough LSD to make Cats worth watching over something else, it's a fever dream clusterfuck.

    Phantom of The Opera, Cabaret, Chicago, Fiddler, SITR, etc are awesome. Book of Mormon is hysterical.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. yeah, but so far, we don't even know if cipollone knew they were committing crimes. 
    except for the times he said, "they're going to charge us with all these crimes".
    Yeah but so far in this matter, I was stoked to learn his legal first name was Pasquale, only to learn I have fucking zero jokes for said name, none, including zero Pasquale lame dad jokes. I got dickaroo over here, I disappoint myself. Nada, zip. Ol pat can skate and I can't do shit to even make it uncomfortable. I hope his yard is unhealthy at least. Maybe underwatered....
  11. It’s always a real head snapper to read “I want a stupid boat and that’s more important than your right to control your own body. Oh well, good luck!”.

    I do appreciate assholes who clearly mark themselves as such. Makes them easier to avoid.
    Nothing stupid about that boat, but your point stands. It's really shitty voting to take rights away from others, including over half the population, just so you can land favorable taxes or a work environment to own a yacht, and being upset that said purchase might be delayed a few years by the "opposition" which is also largely rich white moderates as well. It's just too much to ask to maybe take a minor tax hit to resolve inequities, or a gun registration inconvenience to save a few lives, or basic women's rights. That's radical left shit...
  12. If I ever achieve that goal, you fucking bet. I’ll even bring the whiskey. 
    Deal, fucker. I'll sink your boat with live bait. A nice 6" piggie will catch a sow snapper. A fat ass 10" croaker or piggie will get tackle tested on a rig donkey. A bucket of shiny porgies will get fed tuna feeding again. I caught a white on a lonely ass undersized hardtail once bump trolling for Ajs. I have few talents, but making bait is one.
  13. Everyone has goals, and it’s not any type of brag. I just want to retire early and have hobbies (and becoming less tolerant of heat). That used to be a thing, having financial goals. I have a feeling it still is, but internet righteousness is the new cool. Fuck Abbott y’all!  I’d rather have less security than have that shitbag in office. Wheelchair pun. 
    I have the same goals, but my vote doesn't fuck over others and pull up the ladder behind me. I've given up on owning a large offshore boat. I could hustle it out, but I'd rather see my kid and partner now, while working a reasonable load ethically. And still retire as early as I can and just do other shit with a far cheaper annual nut.
    • Hook 'Em 1

  14. I think you are misreading what I wrote. Wrapping your head around spending 25k on a watch is different from not being able to do it.  I’m upset because it’s going to take a few more years to have a place on coast and in ski country.  

    And a 1 million dollar boat plus 200k a year in operating costs on just That boat. Boo fucking Hoo.

    Can I get a ride on said boat?
    • Hook 'Em 2
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