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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. My grandmother’s dachshunds were both bilingual. Could act upon commands given in Spanish and English…

    To which my pops made sure to rub that fact in while I would struggle to communicate in horrible Spanglish to my grandparents.

    My Lab was bilingual. Always cracked people up at Dove, Duck, or Deer camp. "Damn dog knows Spanish,"

    He'd fetch whatever you shot back to you in any language tho, once the gun went boom.
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  2. YEP.  This is why the in laws are flabbergasted when we tell them things about dotard and the GOP.  Their immediate reaction is "no way that happened" because their only news source is Fox.  They try to claim it's not, but it 100% is.  MIL strangely "doesn't watch Fox News", but has every single moron talking point ready to go at a moment's notice.  
    This is my mom. She doesn't watch FN, but her neighbors do, as does the local news director, the local paper crew and of course Uncle Fwd Fwd: and all the idiots on Facebook. And those "I did that" Joe Biden meme are Fire.
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  3. Very political/Roe v. Wade vibe for the first songs of each set. 
    Good show. Truckin' was really rocking. Stella Blue was delightful. 
    Encore scribbled out, just like the Friday Wrigley show last year. Some disappointed muttering about no encore, but they played a long time, and I think they will make it up tomorrow (as I thought last year, and was eventually validated). But we might have some weather delays. 
    Billy came out and played a little bit at the end, so he's apparently doing better. 
    Nice, I was about in about the same spot, except between home and first.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Happy Summer Solstice! 33 years ago today at Shoreline. I watched this on PPV. At the start of the show, Bobby is experiencing technical difficulties with his amp. Jerry leads the band into a Hide Away jam, just the second (and last) time they played it. Bobby joins in, then gets more static and he kicks his amp. Then they get everything just exactly perfect and finish the jam. It’s a good show.
    [/url] Here’s the first time they played Hide Away. From the Harding Theater in San Francisco. Talk about a deep cut. I had no idea what it was at the time. I saw a setlist that listed it as Green Onions but I knew that wasn’t right.
    And here’s the Freddy King version.
    I was born on the Solstice. Great show last night. Nice Birthday. St Louis is pretty meh, but the venue was alright. Stoked for tonight, then Reds game tomorrow and some "Chili"

  5. I posted a link a while back to a write up that seemed to raise some legit questions as to whether it actually happened.

    I really hope it did.
    T Bone has been posting (I have no idea what) for decades, he's bona fide!.
  6. St Louis, Cinn, and Chi confirmed. Who is going to be shaking on Shakedown? First two shows are going to be hot as balls FML. Staying two nights in Cincy so I can sample that "chili".

    Might have psilo in Cinn for a reset.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Biden was riding a bike with old school toe clips/cages.  I'd reckon about half the denizens of this website would stand a 50-50 chance of eating shit trying to disengage from that style of toe clips.  There's a reason hardly anyone rides them anymore.
    And that mountain bike in post 5140 is old and dated af.  Someone should give him a modern mtb.
    And yeah I get hung up in that shit on the exercise bike. I dumped a fixy I just rebuilt because I just don't like toe cages.
  8. Biden was riding a bike with old school toe clips/cages.  I'd reckon about half the denizens of this website would stand a 50-50 chance of eating shit trying to disengage from that style of toe clips.  There's a reason hardly anyone rides them anymore.
    And that mountain bike in post 5140 is old and dated af.  Someone should give him a modern mtb.
    Good lord get that man a modern bike, no need for the fossil to be ridding a fossil. Get Joe so some 510 shoes and some flat pedal stamps. Who is the cabinet head in charge of shred? Get this man a proper bike and gear ffs.

    Kudos to Joe for riding, but gear up. Come on man!
    • Hook 'Em 1

  9. Yoga
    Yes sir. Before covid I felt great, was surfing, skiing, running, hiking abd banging younger broads.

    Shredded my knee so I'm the old crippled dude at the gym for 6 months but can't wait to get back to Yoga class, it's a goal.
  10. Pierce is a Will Bednar miracle performance from being a national champion in 2021. See how that works? Stop complaining about the most successful big 3 coach we currently have and let him break through 
    Exactly, I was there. Dude was throwing smoke. One hit just a bit here or there and we advance. It was so fucking close and just a masterful performance for the bad guys. Omaha is a hard place to win.

    Baseball is a weird game. As others said, get to Omaha, then see what happens. By March, no one on this board expected us to win it all. I was pleased just getting out of the Supers. Sure losing to Aggie sucks shit, but hat tip, they whooped our ass for 9 innings.

    Hoping they crow and brag and that today was the high water mark for that program for the next decade or more. They do have shit going, which sucks, but they find a way to revert to mean.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Super late to the party:

    I was like a little kid in that it featured 3 of my favorite planes from 5th grade, The F-14 tomcat, The SR -71blackbird, the p51 mustang like Yeagar few in WW2

    I wanted to be a pilot before and after Top Gun 1986, and was briefly obsessed with that shit in the early 80s.

    Lots of liberties taken with aviation, but they kept some of it truthy ish.

    It was fun as shit and I felt like they fully endulged my generation so I overlooked a lot ridiculousness. I think the unmanned SR72 that is still a few years out, is targeting Mach 6 for example, no where near Mach 10. But it felt like a hat tip to Yeagar and the old guard test pilots that pushed the limits, and are a dead or passing breed and I loved that side of it too. Nostalgia a la The Right Stuff. Pilots vs just being a machine.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. i dunno....maybe someone should've left you to drown in your own vomit instead of rolling your over on your side after your third blackout drunk and vomit-fest.  
    i say this as someone who was prescribed Vicodin for a migraine, who took as prescribed, but had the door kicked in to my own hell of addiction, who checked out of rehab 8.5 years later with all that i had left in the world: a dufflebag of clothes and 2 pair of shoes, one of which were shower flip-flops, having lost my family, innumerable friends, my home and my vocation.  that was a 11.5 years ago, and since then i've managed to rebuild a damn good life worth living surrounded by friends, family and colleagues, having given a second chance at everything, including my career, where i've reached heights that i never even dreamed of at the beginning.   fuck...this recovering dope fiend flies on an Embraer 300 Phenom now when i do business, and some pleasure, trips.
    i'm here because of second, third, fourth, fifth...infinite chances that were given to me, including overdoses.  and i thank god for those who, disgusted as though they may have been, never turned away.  and for strangers who identified with my plight and had the love and empathy to frankly rescue and guide when i was at my sickest.  
    this shit the junkie in the library is dealing with is a disease, a fucking nightmare of a disease, and s/he isn't responsible for having this particular disease anymore than the Type 1 diabetic is responsible for having diabetes .  they are, however, responsible for their recovery, but they can't get there without help...ALL types of help.  including having Narcan administered.
    to say "that's their choice, their consequences" and use death as a consequence of choice implies addiction is a moral issue, one of character.  and that's ignorant and callous as fuck, as well as immoral per se.
    fucking hell, man.  what's happened to simple, human decency?
    Thank you for this Kyrie, well said, especially when it might have been easier to just ignore ignorant comments or self preserve. Thank you for your support of other addicts and those struggling here and elsewhere. And having empathy. Tiger Bait and what not. Sincere congrats on your recovery, that is amazing, as is clarity to realize that it was a bit of luck and chance encounters at kindness that helped you rally.

    I just got through knee surgery and after two days of pills I threw that shit away and just dealt with it. It just knee shit and not chronic pain, and pills don't agree with me, otherwise I could have ended up there too. Fuck pills.

    I've seen many a great man go from needed pain meds to dark fucking places very quickly. The pills so quickly rewire brains, it's truly horrible zomby shut. I've elected to cut people out of my life, but I've never felt the urge to say "fuck em".
    • Hook 'Em 1

  13. F you. I drove a shitty 79 Mercury Marquis.

    My older Cousin had a sick Fiero with T tops and was my hero. I pilfered through pretty much that exact same tape collection in 1989 after his coon ass wedding in Baton Rouge, taking tapes and leaving empty cases in all the chaos of the festivities.
    I still feel guilty as hell and never told him, but it was a long ride back to Houston, I only took 3, and it ended up taking 9 hours on I -10. Those tapes distracted me on my Walkman from Dad puking out the window after being a coullion all night and my mom being next level pissed.
    I'll never listen to Tears for Fears, Candy-O by the Cars or Diver Down again. 9 hours straight through was enough.

    Grew up that day
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  14. Lettice. 
    Jokes on you, I thoroughly enjoyed Licking Letice back in 1993, lightly to start, but then she liked it firm until she was a quivering mess. In my mind, Lettice, is similar to Letice but with a double dose of tits. YMMV.
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