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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. How I feel every time a CR argument spills out of that toilet. Or really about any kinda argument on this board that lasts longer than 3 posts.
  2. And from those ashes, a new phoenix of assholism rose.
  3. Keith Richards is the only being Chuck Norris can't kill.
  4. Dork. That's for hand sandwiches. And other finger foods.
  5. Weird that it's a youtube livestream then....
  6. It's genius really. Simultaneously working in metal and wood.
  7. Actual footage of Brew's "manservant" doing yardwork:
  8. "Herbstreit likes his chili with beans" "Herbstreit uses liquid smoke" "Corso still has Enron stock" "Herbstreit can understand Orgeron"
  9. Nah, he only jizzes in his OWN pants.
  10. The real villain....has yet to be revealed.
  11. Just take my foot now. That's how bad the diabeetus is with this one.
  12. How in the name of Mark Mangino does that woman not break her ankles, or honestly everything south of the kneecaps, every time she stands up??? Are her parents fudgebars?
  13. Y'know, truthfully, I didn't need to know that your daughter buys beer and lube with her Cheerios either.
  14. Motion to change Walden's username to Jack Handey.
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