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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. This year I started something new for myself. Any time anyone I'm interacting with wishes me well between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I donate $5.00 to a charity. And I let that person know what I'm doing so I can find out their favorite charity. Doesn't matter to me if it's "Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanza, etc. etc." Don't care what the words are. I care about the sentiment behind it. And I think that that sentiment should be rewarded and more importantly encouraged. The amount that I've donated so far is pretty trivial. Maybe $50-$60 total. But the surprised/happy looks I've received back for the gesture have been worth a kings ransom. Pretty trivial, but goddamn if it doesn't make me feel good.
  2. Is that the reanimated corpse of Ed McMahon officiating?
  3. I'll just leave this here for y'all to pick up....
  4. And the third leg on the stool: shit jammed in there haphazardly and bending every fucking tong on the racks. Upper and lower.
  5. She got....to lovin' eatin'.
  6. "Keep 'em moving, Colonel. A man that eloquent has to be saved."
  7. Again, replace the glitter and fart spray with deer urine and skunk scent and I'll invest heavily in his company....
  8. I know this gets said every so often, but goddamn, some of y'all married some stupid fucking bitches. And don't give us that, "Oh, she's got a degree in Astrophysics and won the Nobel in Economics, this is just a quirk." bullshit. Being EDUCATED is way different than being SMART. And for the record, yes, I married one too. I'm free of my chains now, but I fucked up by putting a ring on it too.
  9. Yeah, THAT'S what makes fat people a fire hazard....
  10. voopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoopvoop
  11. O.k. So, two things: 1. Wurda Redfearn-Groes? Where's Durkee and the Bullshit detector? This story stinks from the word go. 2. Since 'movement' is another term for what I did on South Austin's mom's chest last night, I'm gonna say that describing Lofty Hopes as a giant crock of shit is about the most accurate thing in this article.
  12. I used to laugh my ass off every time I heard the phrase, 'Poulan WeedEater Bowl'.
  13. In Alaska they call that "Tuesday".
  14. Yeah, no. It's not dusty in here. I'm just bawling my eyes out at that. No shame. That's the most beautiful thing I've seen in media in years.
  15. Let's back up there just a sec. Just how many mother-in-laws do you have?
  16. D is for Dookie, that's good enough for me....
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