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Everything posted by choripan

  1. $0.02/TLDR: Maverick has a use case for urban-dwellers who want a truck for basic hauling/VERY light towing. I do a lot of work renovating our (old) houses before we sell, and want a truck bed for dump trips and other activities that beat the shit out of the truck bed. I've usually lived in east coast/midwest cities that were built up a long time ago for America. It's common for street parking to be a battle to the death, so we typically try to have a garage. Many/most garages from pre-1910 or so are 20x20 or 20x10, were often used for horsed (rather than horseless) carriages, and can't fit a vehicle much larger than 200" once you account for the garage's framing and garage door(s). In our last house, I was able to extend the garage about 2 feet to the property line (alley access), so I bought a newer GMC Canyon and had room for four. In our current house, I have about 209" of space and bought a 2017 GMC Sierra Rrgular Cab Short Bed (205.6"!) and it's basically going full-on mechanical centipede with my garage door and wall. Oh, and GM quit making Reg Cab short beds except in Mexico/overseas, Ford's is too long because of that notch behind the seats, and Ram only sells the janky Ram "Classic," so it's used for me if I want full-size, and impossible for mid-size because none of them are <205" or so, even the Ridgeline. If the Maverick has decent payload and a bed where I can strap down 8' or 10' lumber just fine, I'd be all about it even if it's not body-on-frame. The XJ Cherokee was fine as a unibody and the warrantied stats for the Ridgeline are fine, so I'm hopeful it doesn't just turn out like a Subaru Baja or El Camino, but more like a smaller version of the new Ridgeline. Gotta be more people like me out there who want it for a use case like mine, or even just to be easier to parallel park, if the general trend toward urbanization I've been reading about is even half true.
  2. In any case, Sy financial masterminds ... when do I switch my 401k over to money markets or something like that? Only posters with crystal balls please respond.
  3. I'm not good at navigating the BLS' site, but it'd be interesting to see median earnings and quartiles or something like that. Averages don't mean much in this context, IMO.I'm not good at navigating the BLS' site, but it'd be interesting to see median earnings and quartiles or something like that. Averages don't mean much in this context, IMO.
  4. Thanks, I think this could cut two ways for me. On one hand, they can be utter geek headed tools that might be a PITA to deal with. On the other hand, the watch was refurbished by a well-known refurbisher of old Omegas and has paperwork on what was touched up, how the vast majority of it is original, how the numbers match, etc. and I could ride to coattails of the refurbisher...
  5. Thanks, everyone. Not looking to rack up 100+ posts on a new forum, so I'll check out TimeZone if I end up selling. Thanks.
  6. So I have an old Omega "Pie Pan" Constellation I might end up selling since it just sits in my closet with my cufflinks, collar stays, etc. What's typically the best way to sell something like this? Enthusiast forums? Ebay? Watch store/pawn shop? TYIA.
  7. Lol, he and Les Miles def didn't fall far from the same (coaching) tree when it comes to media.
  8. Thoughts on using Armagnac or another brandy for your sidecars? Or, really, any recommendations for when I want to make rounds on the cheap. I typically keep a handle of Christian Brothers brandy on hand for when we host and I make a bunch of sidecars, since you can get through a bottle of nicer cognac after one or two rounds. No one seems to be the wiser, and it's good enough for most groups we have over.
  9. Provided Tesla goes belly up, which seems much more likely by the day (but still not certain), I wonder what will happen on the warranty end for consumers? What made me think of this was a friend looking at a fisker karma and me asking him how he'd get such a rare bird serviced. I suspect there are enough Teslas on the road that enough third party warranty companies might step in and offer something like what a dealership tries to sell you on in the finance room, so there'd be competition. This wasn't the case with Fisher: https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1084484_orphaned-fisker-owners-offered-4k-year-service-contract-by-whom
  10. This is great feedback. Thanks a ton. Liking the idea of a castle stay, and one night in Galway might be enough, given our situation.
  11. I made the switch to a battery/cordless electric mower like a year or two ago for a similarly sized yard. Wish I would have done it as soon as battery tech allowed. Cuts more than fine, folds up small for storage, I don't deal with the maintenance of a gas mower, and I don't run over or have to avoid the cord like I see my neighbor doing with his corded. This is the one I use: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Ryobi-20-in-40-Volt-Brushless-Lithium-Ion-Cordless-Battery-Walk-Behind-Push-Lawn-Mower-5-0-Ah-Battery-and-Charger-Included-RY40180-Y/304597920. I have nothing but good things to say about it.
  12. Looking for recommendations for a week in Ireland. Wife and I have been before and done a lot of the big sites both in the city and the countryside, and partied it up in Dublin and Galway, but our group will be different this time because we surprised our moms with a trip later this summer. Background: The team will be 2 late fifty-something moms who are novice travelers and that have never been out of North America/the Caribbean, 2 mid thirty-somethings who are well-traveled and usually do the "airbnb in a neighborhood and pretend we live there for a a week" thing (prior to babby), and 1 one year old babby. Tentative plan is, by day: Land mid-AM at Dublin Airport. Rent van and drive to Cobh to Heritage Museum, buy the moms the "check your genealogy" package. AirBnb in Countryside around Cork, maybe on Wild Atlantic Way. Drive to Blarney Castle before tour buses arrive, then drive up to Galway along the coast. Spend evening in Galway, maybe look for a "Cook Irish Food" experience or something like that. Cliffs of Moher before buses arrive followed by lunch and an afternoon sheepdog/farming demonstration. Spend another evening in Galway Drive to Dublin. Stop at Tullamore Dew distillery en route. Check into AirBnB in central location in Dublin. Moms go to Riverdance show that evening while we return rental van and cab back into town. Kilmainham Gaol and St. Patricks/Christ Church/Both. Moms babysit while wife and I go out. Do the Guinness storehouse tour. Evening, find a place with live Irish musicians so the moms can experience that. Wake up and head to airport to fly home. So broadly, we'd be doing a clockwise circuit around the southern half of the island. Putting together an itinerary has been challenging because the moms are relatively non-adventurous while we prefer to go off the beaten path and have done most of the Ireland highlights before. The baby is the tiebreaker and we'll keep it simple and with a pretty open schedule. Overall, though, is there anything we're missing? Anything we should reconsider? Appreciate any help y'all can offer and thanks.
  13. legit lol but nope. i was just a young man sitting on the stoop outside of the mcdonald's, trying to get you to sponsor my travel basketball team.
  14. I worked at 111 W. Monroe for years and have walked by where you took that picture hundreds of times. /csb
  15. Here to defend the Pilot SS. It's not like they became shitty tires overnight with the introduction of the 4S, and they're actually a really good bargain now that some places are closing out their stock. Signed, Guy who has Pilot SSs on his car (and who is post-purchase justifying :D) (Side note: Thanks to G650 for the note re carcass integrity and Twaron. I've never seen that attributed to Twaron, but it makes sense given that it's mostly marketed for keeping a larger contact patch under stress)
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