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Everything posted by choripan

  1. It's a trust issue. SF did him dirty the first time around when he was a winner there. Here at M, Warde the AD has been shit from a support standpoint, NIL is lacking institutional support ("transformational, not transactional" wtf), and he got hosed on the SELF-IMPOSED 3 game suspension at the beginning of the season (wtf, your AD should fight *for* you, not backstab you) and the big ten's 3 gamer (your conference should fight *for* you, see the SEC and countless scandals like cam newton). And the NCAA has jumped way past any precedent with him, especially when it comes to leaks. So he can't trust his AD or conference, and the NCAA has been unusually aggressive with him..I'd want out, too. And he had similar issues with the 9ers in the past. He's also a weirdo, so it's not all external, too. But in any case, it makes sense to stay at M if he can't get contractual security/assurances from an NFL team because he can probably win the power struggle with Warde/the AD if he stays. Shiny penny says that if Jimmy comes back, Warde is gone within 6 months
  2. Why you scared of your latent homo-bestial tendencies? Acknowledge and reject them and you'll feel better.
  3. FUCKING LIONS LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO WE'VE NEVER WON SHIT IN MY LIFETIME BUT FUCK IT LET'S GOOOOOOOO (1. Tampa got theirs with merc Brady, SF has a million titles, KC fatigue is real, Ravens got a couple recently. Bills, uh, cool if you win it besides us after the 90s near-misses. That had to suck.) (2. LOL at the Google image results for "Muscular Lion." Look at the nips on that second one!) And why the FUCK does it have blue eyes?!?! (If you can't tell, I woke up pumped today.)
  4. Haha, I'm probably missing some things here but last year Ryan Day, coming off back to back Michigan losses, brought an elite undefeated squad to Ann Arbor. Quite probably the second or third best team in the land, depending on them vs. Georgia. He put up the stiffest fight of any Michigan opponent this past season, more than the national finalist and arguably Bama, and anyone dating back to TCU last year. His QB threw for more yards and TDs than any other Michigan opponent. They scored more than any other Michigan opponent. It was only a last second INT on a drive to win the game against Michigan that took them down, and the QB was hit on the play. In the aftermath of this, he has decided to: run off his rising senior incumbent QB who finished 14th nationally in passer rating. run off his rising senior WR who was arguably the best blocking WR in the country. run off his starting center. take a new center who can't snap (lol). take a new power run QB who lost his first battle to Adrian Martinez and lost a second round of PT to Avery Johnson. take a malcontent running back who the entire Ole Miss offense shoved into the portal after a stepback season. add zero tackles. add zero guards. add zero tight ends. fire the Special Teams coach whose unit was always SP+ top-20. fire the QB coach whose recruiting + position performance was always national top-3. fire the safeties coach for seemingly no reason. publicly cuck program luminary and WR coach Brian Hartline, who many argue is the best in the business when you consider recruiting and development (MHJr, Olave, Wilson, Jaxon Smith-Njigba, etc.). hire Bill O'Brien off one of the worst offenses in NFL history. Am I missing anything? Crazier things have worked but gottdamn Ryan, that's an, uh, interesting offseason.
  5. I would like this to be wrong. Maybe jumped the gun on this through the game of telephone. I don't care if he flirts with the NFL every year if the on-field results are fine. If Jim is scraping the bottom of the barrel with the Falcons and moving toward giving up control in his various negotiations, he probably gone. Diminished credibility aside, it sounds like Spanos wants to keep all of his sons, nephews, etc. in positions of power with the Chargers and it's been a point of contention not just with Jim, but with other coaches.
  6. Per my people, crossing the Ts and dotting the Is with Chargers. Minter gone, too. Possibly more. Staff rebuild incoming.
  7. Also, be mindful of taking what JUB says as gospel. He's a good guy. Our kids are at the same small elementary school BUT ... just like Sam Webb, he's sometimes only fed part of the story and can be used as a mouthpiece to advance certain camps' agenda.
  8. Problem is Regent Bernstein and insisting on a fired for cause clause tied to the COVID cheeseburgers. We know Stalions-gate will be nothing based on NCAA prez statements. Harbaugh's camp wants the carveout, Bernstein is insisting on the clause and has at lease one Regent with him. Everyone wants Regents vote to be unanimous. Harbaugh feels like UM isn't showing him the love and his negotiating camp is being aggressive instead of "Michigan-gentlemanly" about it, which is ruffling some feathers. Also, expect Warde or Harbaugh gone by summer, regardless -- that well is poisoned, even though Warde is trying to save his ass by pivoting to do everything to get the contract done. Also heard that Harbaugh walked into LAC interview with a huge list of demands, many tied to the nepotism in the LAC organization tied to the owners' relatives as well as control/job security in general, and LAC was like "shrug, okay." Good leverage for Jimmy. Source: Am somewhere between friends and good friends with a Pro-Harbaugh Regent. Enough to drink and hang together, but not enough to like go on vacation or anything like that.
  9. Michigan fan/alum here. I think I am in the supermajority of us that are like "hope he stays but, if not, thanks man. Go get a Super Bowl unless you play the Lions." The feeling walking out of NRG last week was the same, but with overwhelming euphoria. Hasn't changed much since and I am a degenerate message boarder and text threader. Not too worried about the second NSD, either. Almost all of the key plays from the defense are back next year (safeties, CB1, DTs, etc.), the OL ran 2-deep with high-level players, Donovan Edwards/Mullings will be great at RB. Only questions will be CB2, QB, and potentially WR with some unproven guys there. If we get a transfer portal QB or Orji steps up, offense should be fine enough to win around 10 and make the playoff and then flame out. Really looking forward to playing UT next fall. We owe you for the "Holy shit this Vince Young guy is gonna be something next year" Rose Bowl game, and My BIL is a UT alum and is flying up from Austin to A2 to watch with me.
  10. Also that Antonio banderas looking mother fucker puka is good. First time I've seen him play live
  11. Yeah, we held but we are owed it. About even now --that offsets when their guy was offsides earlier, in terms of drive killer-- with trash calls both ways
  12. One good thing about Peacock is that it's in 4k. Lot better feed than my NBC affiliate over YoutubeTV. (Somewhat related hint: If you're a golfer, buy GolfPass+ thru Costco for like 70 bucks. Comes with $10/month in teetime credits AND a free Peacock subscription.)
  13. I mean. WTF? How can this stuff always happen? I am the least conspiracy-type person ever. But wtf? If you can't tell I'm a Lions fan. Since I could follow football. Felt real good at 14-3. It's felt really familiar since then.
  14. HUGE there after the uncalled late hit on gibbs earlier in the drive, too.
  16. Guadaloopy outed as Fred Lambert 👆
  17. Often, between down payment and payments made, people have *some* equity. Not always, but often. In other words, most people pay down their principal amount one or many steps ahead of the depreciation curve. But the drop in value of these cars has been so precipitous that it's almost impossible to be right side up in many cases, even if the buyer was relatively responsible with respect to amount down and loan term.
  18. Drives home how much of an utter sycophant loser you need to be to buy anything Musk related at this point, when other options exist. Obvious exception for people who bought Teslas some time ago, and who are probably and unfortunately in a bad negative equity situation.
  19. What the fuck with not running the ball or throwing over the middle? Sideline outs are so easy to defend? Also why get cute with the Orji package? I *never* thought we'd get too cute like sark. Washington must emit some horseshit hallucinagin. Y'all think it's been a long wait since Vince? Try since 97.
  20. My prediction: Washington only wins if Penix drops dimes and plays out of his mind like he did vs Texas. Michigan will stick to the run, unlike what Texas did last week when just mashing away at Washington, and bust at least two big 30+ plays off of play action. With God-Penix: Wash 38, Mich 34 With anything less: Mich 34, Wash 24
  21. Sort of my grandma and cousins. And I didn't even know this story until I started doing some ancestry.com stuff and asked my mom, "Wait, what? Gramma was married before Grandpa?" So the story goes, when the Soviets took back over in Ukraine after WW2, my great-grandparents, grandmother and her brothers got the fuck out of Dodge and immigrated to southwest Ontario, not too far from Detroit. The boys took up farming while she went to nursing school. Right around graduation, my Grandma got married and, a few weeks into the marriage, her husband had a bit to much to drink and got physical with her. She fought him off with a knife, but her brothers gave him a warning that if he ever did it again, he would "disappear." The husband did not heed their warning and, a couple weeks later after a few too many vodka/vodkas, did it again. She was unable to defend herself and ended up visibly bruised. my grandma and great uncles resolved to have a "talk" with him and neither he nor his remains were ever seen again. [Epilogue: Being a very traditional family, she and everyone in the family wanted her to give marriage a shot again, have kids, etc., but she couldn't because she was still technically "married" in Canada, and it could be some time before the authorities would declare a death. Plus, given the circumstances and having a general mistrust of the authorities, they didn't want to report anything. So she hopped over the border and got a job nursing at the only hospital that would hire her with a Canadian nursing degree and a vague backstory -- Trumbull General Hospital (<--link), a black-owned hospital serving primarily black patients in an then-rundown part of town. My grandpa, a cub reporter on the crime beat for the Detroit Times, spent a lot of time in the area, met her at the hospital, and the rest was history. My mom and her siblings were born in that hospital and, many years later in 2012, after gallivanting around in big cities for ~15 years (Chicago, New York, Buenos, etc.), my wife and I bought a house in the then-well-on-the-way-to-gentrified neighborhood in which the hospital sat, Woodbridge (<--link). ] [Fun Epilogue 2: Speaking of gentrification, Tony Hawk bought the building that was once Trumbull General Hospital for him and his family: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2016/08/24/tony-hawk-skateboarder-detroit-woodbridge-house-sale/89308050/)]
  22. [Raising this thread from the dead because it's the only one I found in this forum searching "Peru"] Hola del DF. So I have the green light from my wife to do a Peru trip. I have two friends (separate friend groups) that live in Lima and want to do the Cuzco/Machu Picchu side quest, too. Would appreciate any advice you have. Here's some questions I have for now: Most of the advice on the internet seems to say to do the Cuzco/MP thing first. Coming from an elevation of almost 2k feet where I live, the difference would be less than if I reestablished myself essentially at sea level if I did Lima the first part of the trip. Mexico City at 7300ft hasn't been an issue this past week, but 11000+ feet in Cuzco seems like a different animal, so I'd rather not lose my 2k feet from home. Does this track? Timing: I'm trying to thread the needle and go late enough that it's less cloudy/rainy to the east, but also still nice and "summery" in Lima. Seems like March would be best, but what I can't find is the percentages that I get no visibility at MP. Like, the guidance I've found online is "generally during the rainy season, you have a window from 10am to about 12/1pm where you'll have visibility." Is this "generally" like 51% or 90%. Kind of a big difference because I don't want to have one of those "I went to MP but it was only in the clouds the whole time." My Spanish is solid but not perfect (passed my DELE B2 pretty easily on the October test and have continued with 10+ hours a week of study since), but is Quechua kind of dominant once you get to the east? How many days should I be looking at? I think 6-7 is NBD -- I'd be leaving my wife with a 6yo and 4yo at home -- but once I start getting to 8+ I'd be pushing it, and I think double digits would be sort of a "c'mon man" point for her. Does something like the following make sense for a 7-day itinerary: Day 1: After overnight flight from US to Lima, transfer and land in Cuzco late morning. Explore Cuzco a bit until check-in and drop my stuff off, take a nap, then explore at night a bit Day 2: Wake up early for one of those one-day trips to MP, get back late and crash Day 3: Sleep in till near check-out time and hop a flight back to Lima OR if MP didn't work the day before, try again Day 4: Either already be in Lima or fly back to Lima Days 5-6: Explore Lima Day 7 - Back to the States Related to the day 3-4 thing, does anyone have experience booking LATAM/LAN same-day between Cusco and Lima? Checking google flights now, looks like I'd be good to book today no problem, and hope/imagine the experience would be the same later. Is 3-4 days enough time to hit the highlights of Lima during the day and hang with my guys in the evening? Thanks for anything y'all can offer in response to my questions or as general advice.
  23. Ahh yes, the old maxim of "it's been awhile so we shouldn't report on it." Curious: where do you place the statute of limitations for just sweeping stuff under the rug? Looks like it's no more than 2 years.
  24. First problem is driving their car in the HEB.
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