Anyone spend significant time in CDMX during the rainy season? Looking to see just how bad it is. The internet is everywhere from "deluge from 2pm-8pm every day" to "kinda like Florida with afternoon showers, but otherwise it's good."
For context, we are heading somewhere once my daughter's school year is over in early June and coming back late August in time to get settled before school starts back up. Last year, we did Madrid with various side trips. This year, we're looking at CDMX vs. Barcelona or Tarragona. Been to CDMX twice, both times in the Condesa/Roma area. With two young kids, we may be looking Polanco this time. Kids are fluent, having been in 100% immersion since 12mo. old each, and I'm B2 and my wife is B1 in Spanish, so not too worried about getting around, even if we miss a subtlety here or there.
Bigly wanting to do CDMX because of savings and time zone (remote work for me during the days, and the Madrid time difference was rough last year), but don't want to be rained out basically every evening after work for us and daycare for the kids.