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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. During the 50s and 60s did they really teach kids to hide under their desks? Because that sounds as useful as this:
  2. What missile defense tech does the USA have? I thought there was a treaty to not have missile defense tech.
  3. There’s only one GOAT: Fangio. The end.
  4. It seems that this MAD theory goes out the window if the leader of one superpower goes fucking insane.
  5. I don’t believe you.
  6. RIP Diablo.
  7. It seems like when Max’s car went flying over Lewis, without the halo Lewis would be dead.
  8. If Russia were to launch 100 nuclear ICBMs at the USA, how many, realistically, could the USA intercept and destroy?
  9. Hey, good post, and I’m glad you were able to figure out the cause. Over the years I have grown increasingly disenchanted with the medical profession, particularly mental health. The “Dr House” type of medical detective is a fantasy.
  10. So, did you figure out how to buy BTC without any KYC whatsoever? Asking for a friend…
  11. Not invade but “hold responsible”.
  12. I liked him in Narrow Margin.
  13. It was kind of a letdown. The production quality was high, like everything that Matthew Vaughn does, but the bad guy was lame. Rasputin was the only remotely interesting character. KM1: Samuel Jackson KM2: Julianne Moore KM3: who the fuck is that guy?
  14. Macron had a telephone conversation with Putin. He surrendered.
  15. I’d like to think that in a country like the USA the president doesn’t just call for a nuclear strike against some target and it happens. That there are senior military brass that would get the chance to say “mr. president, we need to talk” before the birds are in the air. Anyway, I hope that Russia has some checks and balances, too.
  16. What a lame thing to say by that smarmy beta cuck.
  17. I believe that right after Japan’s surrender in WW2 there was a faction of the US military brass that wanted to nuke the soviets. I wonder what the world would look like today had they done that.
  18. XYZ

    NBA 2021-2022

    Crowder just made one of the most boneheaded plays ever to give the game away.
  19. Never is a very long time.
  20. How the fuck is the stock market up on a day like today? Is this the doings of the “plunge protection team”?
  21. Isn’t the Chernobyl area, like, you know, radioactive?
  22. That’s hilarious, man. Hilarious.
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