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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    Appropriate. It wasn’t shenanigans IMO. It was a mistake.
  2. That guy claims a lot of things. You say he’s almost completely wrong. What is he not wrong about?
  3. Shhhh, no, New Mexico sucks. Don’t go there. Everybody stay the fuck away from New Mexico.
  4. Looks like they agreed on the crypto legislation. Validators exempted from KYC rules. I’m not clear on whether this law will force online retailers to use KYC if they accept payment in crypto. Wouldn’t that be kind of a big deal?
  5. But that could be managed at the hospital level, no? Don’t let covid patients take all the beds. As fewer beds are available, get more and more selective about which covid patients you take. The others you send home and tell them to come back if their heart stops beating.
  6. And that’s great. I’m one of them.
  7. Ivermectin has been around for a long time and literally billions of doses have been given to humans over the years.
  8. Closing ceremony seems like it sucks.
  9. So assuming that this Warner-Portman-Sinema legislation passes, what are the repercussions? Crypto mining effectively outlawed in the USA? What else? I guess if a merchant wanted to take payment in crypto they would have to collect the same bullshit KYC information as banks?
  10. https://www.jpost.com/health-science/israeli-scientist-says-covid-19-could-be-treated-for-under-1day-675612
  11. So basically the push to cripple the crypto industry in the US is still very much alive.
  12. Israel just published a paper with the results of a double blind/placebo/whatever investigation and the conclusion was that ivermectin is effective against covid.
  13. Seriously, these people that start shit up in airplanes, do they end up in a no-fly list?
  14. I thought that you couldn’t get into Canada unless you are an essential worker…or Canadian.
  15. I bet you’re right about pent up stress. Most of us like to go about our lives working, doing shit, etc., and not pondering about our mortality. This pandemic gave us all a reminder that we are quite vulnerable.
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