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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. WTF is a “3 meter socket”?
  2. Has anybody used BetterHelp or TalkSpace or some other “telemedicine” type of talk therapy? Any recommendations?
  3. That’s probably because a lot of us have nothing to do while you are busy flying planes and being filthy rich.
  4. Sheesh, get a room you two.
  5. Somebody explain this to me. In the team slalom competition last night, US goes against Norway for the bronze medal. US is down 2-1. Radamus goes last. The announcers say that he has to win by at least 0.4 seconds in order to get the tiebreaker. They race and the Norwegian guy doesn’t finish the race, but Norway wins the tiebreaker. WTF?
  6. I bought BTC on two different ATMs and both times I had to put a driver’s license for the machine to take a picture of, so not too sure about the “kyc free” thing. I believe these fucking machines also take pictures of your face. I don’t know what would happen if instead of putting your driver’s license you put a piece of paper with “fuck you” written on it, but I’d be curious to find out. I suppose you would also want to wear a hat and those glasses with fake eyebrows and nose and mustache for the picture.
  7. Yes, me. Three months after second dose.
  8. Alternatively, NATO could tell Putin that it’s not going to add Ukraine and everybody gets to go home.
  9. There’s this speed skating sport called “mass start” that fucking sucks.
  10. What did they allow? I heard the commentators say something about a bunch of tickets but I didn’t catch it.
  11. The last really, really memorable movie I watched was “A Ghost Story”.
  12. You watch that trailer, you don’t need to watch the movie.
  13. I generated public/private keys from my own computer and then printed them.
  14. Yeah, Sakamoto was fucking awesome.
  15. If Lance Armstrong were Russian he would be a national hero, and the Russian people wouldn’t even know that he was a cheater, a piece of shit, and that he was stripped of all his biggest wins.
  16. The Hobbit movies are terrible. They are “Prometheus” level bad. They are “The Last Jedi” level bad. And fuck Peter Jackson.
  17. FIFY
  18. The salesforce ad with Matthew checks all the woke boxes: being “green”, interracial couple, and black woman with big hair. Ever since Derka posted that collage of screenshots of black women with the big hair, I now notice them in pretty much every ad.
  19. This. Although this downhill course seems almost too tame. Hardly any airborne time.
  20. The problem of the doping russian skater chick has an easy fix: all the other skaters should sit out. But nobody has the balls to do that. Literally.
  21. Username does not check out at all.
  22. What do you mean by “is it still a safe place to put money”? None of those crypto exchanges are safe places to put your money, and they never were.
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