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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. Especially airplane passengers.
  2. Y’all take a couple deep breaths and try to regain your composure.
  3. So out of all the people in the ICU right now with covid, what % is fully vaccinated?
  4. It’s always been a dickhead move to show up somewhere when you’re feeling sick.
  5. Seems like some people have gone unhinged with this pandemic. Yesterday in the news they were showing two or three guys beating the shit out of each other on a plane.
  6. Surely, SURELY, you mean the NEW star wars movies. You DID watch the original three. Right???
  7. You talking about ivermectin?
  8. Is delta deadlier than the original sars-cov-2 for unvaccinated people?
  9. Why don’t the health authorities talk about taking vitamin D?
  10. Shouldn’t this news have caused a major selloff in crypto?
  11. XYZ

    Formula 1 2021

    Fucking Bottas ruined everything.
  12. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it would be good for the health of the crypto ecosystem for lots of BTC to be spread among many hands and a good chunk to be moving around instead of dormant. What will happen the day that Satoshi Nakamoto dumps his bitcoin?
  13. Also worth mentioning that 19% of ICU beds have covid patients.
  14. I wonder how much USD cash (paper notes) is out there, and how much is stacked up in piles of millions in illegal operations such as the Russian mafia in the John Wick movie, the other Russian mafia in the Bob Odenkirk movie, all the drug cartels, etc.
  15. That would be very bad news for crypto, I think. When I think of crypto, I think of “anonymous” and “decentralized”. That law would cut one of the two pillars off. It seems like running afoul of uncle sam is inevitable for bitcoin.
  16. But is that really positive? I think I saw somewhere that the vast majority of BTC is laying very quietly. You take some more of it out of circulation and liquidity will suck.
  17. That movie looks stupid.
  18. How does he cheat? Asking for a friend…
  19. Who the fuck is Phil Valentine and why should I care about what he says?
  20. There’s a law against that.
  21. So you must have heard of EMTALA then…
  22. Aren’t you a nurse?
  23. This reminds me of some buddhist proverb about a king who’s sad and a ring that is given to him with the encryption “this too shall pass”. Or something like that.
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