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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. The carriers’ concern seems very legitimate??? Who gives a shit? What, AT&T is very worried that somebody in America is not gonna get the call from a relative in India? So all of us have to suffer this every day so that some dude can get his call? You seem dense, and I’m going to reiterate my position one last time. When I say that the regulatory bodies in the USA (in this case the FCC) are captured by corporate America, I don’t mean some shitty robocalling company in India. I mean AT&T, Verizon, etc. Why does the FCC listen to them instead of to us? Why is it that when there’s a conflict of interest between corporate America and the people of this country, corporate America ALWAYS fucking wins?
  2. Agreed. They’ve done research on this. When you communicate through texting, facebook, etc, there’s a part of your brain that proclaims “I have social interaction, see, I’m having a conversation with a friend right now” while another part of your brain says “fuck that, no you are not, you are alone typing words on your fucking phone”.
  3. XYZ

    Sea Glider

    Not great, Bob.
  4. Yeah, I mean, it’s conceivable that as hospitals have more empty beds they start relaxing their admission criteria. They like money.
  5. https://www.wsj.com/articles/at-t-verizon-and-t-mobile-challenge-rule-targeting-robocalls-11620552600
  6. The biggest American phone carriers are cockblocking regulation that would reduce the number of robocalls coming from abroad. Try to keep up.
  7. Abso-fucking-lutely. 80% of communication is not in the words spoken. Or something. We evolved over 100s of 1000s of years to interpret each other’s faces.
  8. Tim, David, Sean, AJ, Bruce, Manu, Tony There was also a douchebag whose name I can’t remember, won finals MVP last time...anyway, fuck that guy
  9. Just a couple of days ago there was a thing on the news about how there was some sort of proposal at the FCC to block calls from “unapproved” foreign carriers (most robocalls come from outside the USA, apparently), so AT&T, Verizon, and T Mobile went like “whoa, let’s not do anything rash here, we ask that you put this on hold so that the situation can be analyzed some more”. And here we are.
  10. Because the regulatory agencies in this country have been captured by corporate America. It doesn’t mean anything to, for example, the FCC, if you get a million spam calls a day.
  11. Let’s go pay that motherfucker a visit.
  12. I have a question. Wikipedia says that The Punisher (2017 TV show) is set in the MCU. What qualifies a show as “set in the MCU”?
  13. I used to have to change my credit card number every six months or so due to fraud. Now it’s been about two years without an incident. The change I made is I got myself a Capital One credit card, which has virtual numbers. For any online purchase I use a virtual number. A few days after the transaction goes through I delete the virtual number.
  14. So, wait, your young, healthy, vaccinated BIL is scared of catching covid?
  15. They gonna need a wide-angle lens so that DiCaprio’s head can fit in the frame.
  16. There’s a paper published in The Lancet in which they researched the asthma medicine budesonide on early covid cases. The principal outcome that they measured was what percentage of early diagnoses ended up in the hospital. Control group was whatever the fuck they tell you to do when you get a positive test, probably sit at home in isolation with your thumb up your ass until you feel like you are gonna die, then come to the hospital. Group 2 was same recommendations plus 1600 ug of inhaled budesonide per day. Long story short, 15% of group 1 cases ended up in the hospital while 1% of group did the same. 15% versus 1%. Why the fuck hasn’t this medication been used on every case that is caught early? (You have to start early, before the virus fucks up your lungs). https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(21)00160-0/fulltext
  17. Right on. Covid is not going away. We know this because it can infect other species. So Covid is here to stay, like many other infectious diseases. So let’s figure out what is reasonable and do away with the bullshit.
  18. What do you mean “how would you not”? I’ll give you an example of something I’m somewhat familiar with: a wastewater plant (a.k.a. where poop goes). You are a city and you operate a wastewater plant. There are lift pumps, screens, digestors, etc. All of this stuff is managed by a SCADA (a specialized program running on a computer connected to the sensors and actuators). The computer where SCADA runs is NOT connected to the internet. The only way for the operator to manage the system is sitting in front of the computer where the software is running. There is no remote login. There is no remote technical support. If the operating system or the software need to be updated, the update must be done in person. The only way for a hacker to shut it down is to be physically there. The end.
  19. So irresponsible to have computers that control valves, pumps, etc. connected to the outside world.
  20. Holy shit, yesterday I went to The Oasis after about 20 years of not setting foot there. What a shithole. Shitty overpriced food. It’s like the national convention of fat cholos and cholas was being hosted there.
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