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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. The bengals are a scrappy bunch.
  2. …and not going to space because “reasons”.
  3. WTF is salesforce?
  4. So, uhm, why does the US refuse to pinky promise that Ukraine will never be part of NATO?
  5. I find it odd that they got Halle Berry to play Cleopatra in the Caesar’s ad, and she doesn’t even say a word.
  6. Wow, an interracial couple in a TV ad. That’s never been done before.
  7. I am still flabbergasted that starting in early 2020, when a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and severity of covid 19 was found, the gov’ment didn’t start a campaign to get people to test their vitamin D levels and supplement if needed. Unbelievable.
  8. It’s like some of y’all find this shit amusing.
  9. Thanks. With the amount of territory that Russia has, I didn’t think they would need more for agricultural purposes. Maybe a lot of Russian land is barren and useless.
  10. Why does Putin want to invade Ukraine?
  11. Dogs are funny. They lock on to things that move. If you stand still they don’t notice you.
  12. My wife, an elementary school teacher, quit last year. Couldn’t do it anymore. Sorry, I don’t have any suggestions but I hope you find something fulfilling.
  13. Thy should crush cars with fake plates.
  14. I started watching that show and had to turn it off after 10 minutes. Secondhand embarrassment.
  15. That Norwegian dude won the big air like a boss.
  16. Government incompetence and unaccountability.
  17. Holy shit, that interview was painful. She’s destroyed.
  18. XYZ


    I don’t get the “need white noise to fall asleep” thing. My tinnitus gives me all the white noise I could ever want.
  19. Maybe it’s the shitty chinese snow.
  20. So two dipshits with almost 100k bitcoins put their private keys in “the cloud”. How dumb do you have to be to put anything important in the cloud?
  21. The setting of these winter games is just awful. The “big air” stage is, somehow, right next to what looks to be a power plant or whatever the fuck it is with giant concrete cooling towers. Who the fuck wants to see cooling towers while watching winter games? And the alpine slopes are completely fake, surrounded by barren land with no snow whatsoever. Fuck China. Fuck the IOC. Fuck “ROC”. And fuck calling Taiwan “Chinese Taipei”.
  22. What kind of dog do you have? Does the dog stay inside in the winter?
  23. XYZ


    “BMG”? big motherfuckin’ gun?
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