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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. This one wins. It will never be topped.
  2. I’m having mine tattooed on my forehead.
  3. Why would you do that???
  4. I guess by the end of this summer I will know. I bought a house near Taos and I plan to spend all summer there, “working” remotely. After that it will be time to make decisions.
  5. I have gotten progressively more tired of the corporate world, tired of living among more and more people, tired of bullshit. I guess this covid “social distancing” thing has pushed my apathy past a line. Also I feel old. I’m almost 50 and my prostate requires me to take medication, and I will probably need hip joint replacement surgery. I think that I have 10, maybe 15 good years left (assuming that my prostate is just enlarged and not cancer, which I don’t know yet, and assuming that hip surgery allows me to walk more than a few miles without being in pain), and I don’t feel inclined to dedicate those years to a fucking job.
  6. The writing is lousy, and the two main actors just don’t have quite enough presence.
  7. I lost the passion for my job. Don’t give a shit about helping my fucking company increase quarterly profits anymore. I’m thinking about just quitting and living off of my savings until I get to start drawing from SS. What’s keeping me (for now) is not the prospect of being poor but the prospect of being bored and aimless. I’m thinking of learning how to weld. Or buying an old car to fix. Always enjoyed turning wrenches.
  8. Ah, yes, the slippery slope fallacy. You start requiring (fill in the blank) and you end up in nazi Germany part 2.
  9. Why would they be OK with the J&J vaccine? It also uses mRNA. Only difference is the delivery mechanism.
  10. Better than 3 in my opinion. Because covid.
  11. Why do you call him that?
  12. This is all fuckface’s fault. Fuck that guy.
  13. Maybe it’s aliens that somehow have transcended matter and can do things such as accelerating past the speed of sound without a sonic boom. For a while I’ve been thinking the following: you know how our dogs perceive us? A few things we do are familiar to them, eating, drinking, playing, etc, but then there are a bunch of technological things that we created that the dog is utterly clueless about. For example TVs. A dog will look at a TV and say “what in the fuck is THAT, and why is my human constantly looking at it”. A dog will never be able to understand how a TV works, how the station that transmits the signal works, etc. Now pretend that we are to some alien race what dogs are to us. It would be so weird to have some alien species come here and try to explain things to us that our brains are absolutely incapable to comprehending.
  14. Last week I went to Corpus for work. First time in a year that I was able to get out of my car, walk into a restaurant, sit down, eat, and leave, all without wearing a fucking mask. I liked it. It’s not that wearing a mask is cumbersome or that “muh rights”, it’s that I’m fucking tired of not seeing people’s faces, and to a lesser degree not being able to hear people clearly. My hearing is kind of bad, plus I’m not a native English speaker, so it’s already difficult enough to understand what people say without masks.
  15. So former CDC director Robert Redfield says that the evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 coming from the Wuhan lab and not from a wet market. Fucking China should pay the bill for this.
  16. Yeah, this.
  17. WTF is walla?
  18. Who the fuck is US Agent?
  19. So, do these mRNA covid vaccines prevent transmission of the virus or not? Why isn’t this known yet? Or is it known but they don’t want to spill the beans? Like, if it does prevent transmission, then vaccinated people can stop all of this social distancing stuff three weeks after getting the vaccine. If, on the other hand, it doesn’t prevent transmission, then we are kind of fucked.
  20. Sorry that you lost your pets, Brisket. Euthanizing my dog (cancer) was probably the saddest thing I ever did.
  21. The traditional vaccines (attenuated or dead virus) give you sterilizing immunity.
  22. Is City of Austin or Travis County currently under a mask mandate?
  23. So is it Austin or Travis County that has a mask mandate, or both?
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