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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. So playing hilarious commercials during the superbowl is not a thing anymore?
  2. “Black health experts”? Is it relevant that they are black?
  3. Who knows, “financial terrorism” probably. They will make something up.
  4. It looks like the final outcome of this GME saga will be: hedge funds who were massively short got kicked in the balls but thanks to other hedge funds bailing them out, they were probably able to open new short positions when the stock was high, so at the end of the day they win. A few reddit warriors will probably be millionaires, while most will lose big. The few redditors who made money will be prosecuted and humiliated, and their money probably taken from them and returned to their rightful owners, the hedge funds, and let that serve them as a lesson to try and fuck with wall street. The end.
  5. Yeah, you can short it. And yeah, you can keep the short position as long as you want, except that I think brokerages reserve the right to take the shares back at any time, and every once in a while they do that. So unlike a long position, a short position can actually be taken from you. Or maybe I’m full of shit.
  6. To cancel the rodeo two years in a row must be a devastating blow to the Houston economy.
  7. I’m pretty sure that Amazon will continue its predatory practices.
  8. Exactly. This is just a slip-up. Some middle-level manager mistakenly pushed the “keep the tips and fuck the drivers” button. There is no precedence of Amazon treating its employees like shit. None whatsoever.
  9. That’s because he wasn’t very good.
  10. What, you thought that Jeff fucking Bezos would become the richest man in the world by being equitable?
  11. Good to hear. Make sure that Mrs. Brat remains isolated for another 3 weeks.
  12. There’s nothing called “City Drug” in Llano.
  13. WTF is “Kelly Reeves”? Is there a link?
  14. Abbott also decided that teachers did not belong in 1B.
  15. It seems to me that police unions say that kind of shit because there are no repercussions for them.
  16. Open an account with TreasuryDirect, buy 4-week, 8-week, or whatever duration bonds you want. After they mature rinse and repeat.
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