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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. And while we are it, Nick Neuheisel is tanned, rested, and ready to go.
  2. We could have totally beaten the sister fuckers. Herman you fucking moron.
  3. I’m getting fucking old and have a bad hip joint. Need ortho doctor to assess. Please recommend one. Austin. Thanks in advance.
  4. I just saw on the news that there’s one of them monoliths at ACC Highland. And I was just there yesterday and didn’t know, goddamnit.
  5. Thanks. Is there any one in particular that you prefer?
  6. There’s a multi-part documentary on Netflix with a chic (ex CIA analyst, I think) who covers a different drug in each episode. She was talking with poppy farmers and they clearly understood the ramifications of their trade, but it didn’t seem to create any conflict in them. Like, that was their livelihood, end of story. We are a lot more like monkeys than we’d like to admit. I often wonder how scammers manage to sleep at night.
  7. I think all you need to do is look at the motto at the top of the page. When it changes, it’s like white smoke coming out of the Vatican.
  8. DKR actually WAS an elite coach. Mack Brown won the lottery with VY. That’s it. Without VY he wins nothing.
  9. Rob Pongetti, no? He put a lot of effort analyzing plays, something that sadly seems to have disappeared.
  10. And with the lead AND the ball AND three and a half minutes left in the game. What a fucking dumbass.
  11. If the decision to shitcan Herman has already been made and is not contingent on anything, why haven’t they done it yet? Fire his ass and put Ash or whoever as interim head coach until a new one is hired.
  12. How would one go about finding a reputable title insurance company in New Mexico?
  13. If you were to buy a house that sits on two lots, do you have to make a custom contract or two separate contracts or what? Asking for a friend...
  14. Yeah, no shit. Am I missing something? All this because some rando asked Meyer’s wife if she likes tex-mex and she answered yes? That’s it?
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/29/entertainment/david-prowse-darth-vadar-star-wars-dies-gbr-scli-intl/index.html
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