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Everything posted by XYZ

  1. WTF are y’all arguing about? America must remain on its current course. Can you imagine the economic devastation to some industries if America became healthy and fit? The fast food industry, the medical/pharma industry. They would make less profit, and we can’t have that. What’s best for corporate America is best for America, don’t you know?
  2. Somebody post again the epic Augie Garrido locker room rant where he dropped about 100 f-bombs.
  3. Are you saying that the average age of all the people who died from covid in El Paso is 79? That can’t be...
  4. Don’t worry about him. He’ll get paid no matter what. Millions, many.
  5. Yeah, this. Texas has been one of the most penalized teams in the country during his tenure. 1-4 against OU. Zero conference championships. GTFO.
  6. That sounds like bullshit to me.
  7. Where is all this demand coming from? I mean, aren’t we in a kind of depression, with millions of jobs gone more or less permanently?
  8. I think it’s pretty much settled at this point that if you are in a room with a contagious person, a mask will only give you a slight advantage compared to no mask.
  9. Can somebody give me the cliff notes on the Austin residential real estate market? The other day some real estate person on AM radio was saying “I’ve never seen anything like it”. Houses in my shitty neighborhood are being listed for astronomical prices. WTF is going on?
  10. How quaint. It couldn’t have ended any other way. Money changes hands and nobody goes to prison.
  11. What the fuck is a gadget program?
  12. There’s a quote of Urban saying something along the lines of “when a team is not performing, it’s usually a trust issue. Either the coaches don’t trust the players, or the players don’t trust the coaches, or the players don’t trust each other”. When I see this Texas team play, I see those trust issues. Like when you don’t call a two-point conversion to beat ousux, that’s the coaches saying I don’t trust you to get it done. This team has trust issues, that’s why they can’t fuckstomp anybody. Texas needs Urban Meyer ASAP.
  13. XYZ

    Bedlam: OSU @ OU

    This game fucking sucks.
  14. XYZ

    Sam Ehlinger

    Why do we keep comparing Sam to Colt?
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