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Ojo Rojo

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Everything posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. I'm not hip or cool and I'm pretty conservative when it comes to what I wear. But I have to admit that I got these sweatpants: I don't know if I'll ever wear them in public. I got them to wear around the house. But I do notice a lot of younger dudes wearing these everywhere.
  2. Wow. Never heard this. I am old and I am white.
  3. Rage. You'll be picking those off of all of the furniture and walls in your daughter's room for the next three years. Hate that shit.
  4. In high school I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about an incident where this kid mooned him and spread his ass cheeks so he could see his asshole, except instead of asshole he said, "red eye." I thought that was funny as hell and I started saying 'red eye' a lot and explaining to people what it was. It became a nickname of mine. I converted it to Spanish for anonymity and because it rhymes.
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