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SW Horn

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Everything posted by SW Horn

  1. This will be fun. I got rockets, dubs, blazers and jazz advancing.
  2. Agree. Come on mods.
  3. Damn. Only one mention of Jason Williams so far. Easily the most entertaining player of my lifetime. Everybody was trying his moves on the playground the next day.
  4. What a joke. Diluting what he did last year. Now everyone knows it’s a fraud.
  5. I respect his effort though. The guy just doesn’t have much left in the tank.
  6. Well shit, he got the out.
  7. Awesome!! Huge pickup!
  8. Sneak in? Enter the lottery for next year.
  9. I have a feeling people are accidentally hitting the wrong button. I’ve done that a few times and it won’t let you change your answer.
  10. New homeowner here. How does the Homestead exemption factor in this? Thought it capped appraisal increases at 10%.
  11. It’s one game. Off the ledge, everyone.
  12. If any class wins 0 tournament games, it’s a bust.
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/JoelEmbiid/status/979529063533563904?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.espn.com%2F&tfw_site=espn Embiid out 2-4 weeks with broken orbital. Freak accident but this guy just can’t stay healthy.
  14. “I bet my Camry could do that”
  15. SW Horn

    Poona Ford

    Not SEC good </aggy>
  16. This. I don’t recommend ordering online. Seems to never be the right shade of orange.
  17. Boom!! Nice win!
  18. God dammit Giles Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Very cool! Nice work.
  20. Same Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Yay! Thank you!
  22. Fuck that. Then you have Lebron winning again. Toronto will choke per usual. Houston is the far less evil of the 3, IMO.
  23. Yes!!
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