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Lynchburg Horn

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Everything posted by Lynchburg Horn

  1. Much appreciated. Time-wise, don't have pressure other than self imposed to get up to new location as close to June 1 as possible to maximize settling in for kids ahead of next school year. And financially, able to float the between time if needed on mortgages/down payments. Tend to agree and understand there is value in the agent setting competitive price in the market and my own true pause to use one is in the situation of a truly pre-sold situation with a buyer ready to go at the price we are happy with. again, thank you! Great idea on the flat fee. One avenue I'll explore as well
  2. Know this is probably not met with postive view, but truly looking for perspective on approaching my situation and open to all the angles. Moving due to work relocation (lump sum, self relocation, so no home sales assistance). Before even acting to get the house on the market, we have several highly interested parties (highly desireable neighborhood, very low to no inventory in neighborhood even in robust market times) looking to make a deal before the house even goes on market We are outside of TX. pros and cons to moving forward to FSBO, quick off market deal vs full listing, etc? Recommendations on steps to reasonably set price in that FSBO approach vs getting agents fully involved and doing that approach?
  3. He’ll have 3 storylines predetermined coming in. They’ll talk about them in the intro. Actual good announcers watch the game develop and adjust how they frame the game to what’s happening in front of their eyes. Lowell can’t do that. He will continue to take everything back to the preliminary things they “thought” would be key and shoehorn the lame anecdotes, nicknames and quotes he had prepared before. Dude can’t adjust and it detracts from the viewing and excitement of what’s actually happening
  4. It’s that time of year when the agents (Sexton with his monopoly) start leaking/floating names if nothing else to get their guy a BS extension or raise.
  5. Release typically in the Spring (March-ish). Delayed this year due to all sorts of materials/supply chain delays. You'll see it on shelves in late July/August, then 2023 in March per usual release schedule
  6. I'd say the creators might have been familiar with this little gem....
  7. Question for the experts out there. This is booked for late March, so I'm sure plenty can change, but as of right now curious to experienced takes on the following: Booked on expedia (first mistake, but a friend handled and I found out too late) JFK-ORK overall Route is JFK->LGW on JetBlue, 8 hr layover and then LHR-> ORK on Aer Lingus Is the fact that I am moving between airports in London going to create a COVID protocol nightmare? As in, am I accountable to UK COVID entry protocol, or still just Ireland. I assume I need to bite the bullet and rebook direct to Ireland (or at least with a connectiong not requiring exiting the airport) Thoughts?
  8. Same. I have distinct memories of him constantly talking over those Nextel walkie talkie like features with people all over the athletics dept. while he was sitting and watching baseball practice or games. Damn good dude. Definition of bleeding orange
  9. Select markets. In less than a month
  10. My dad has 2 that bug me Dairy Cream anytime talking soccer or hockey, it’s the “Goaldie”
  11. Question for you ESPN+ vets at this point. How fast is the replay of the fight typically available? Plan is to purchase, but not watch until normal time (night). Does ESPN+ typically have the replay up and available for those who purchased right after the broadcast i over?
  12. What a perfect example of this team for like 10 years. All world celebrators. Shit for anything else
  13. If you find a store with a big display of Wheatley vodka or a bar with it all over their menu, chances are you'll see some Sazerac unicorns or coming thru there. In many states Sazerac deploys a "point" system, where retailers/bars are given a weighted score (lower popularity/high profit e.g. Wheatley have higher points tied to them) by amounts of certain products they support and their point total dictates how much of the tough to get items they are allocated.
  14. Could Ware be lower energy? Monotone, slow talking....
  15. Agree here as well. One of the things I feel like is a clear separation of the top announcers (and analysts) is the ability to really "call" and "analyze" the game as it is happening. Galindo and Brooks are in the shitty group and you really see it in the fact that they don't have the skill and awareness to deviate from their key storylines that they developed in their production meetings in the days before the game. Goo said it, they just keep drilling home their pre-planned points and don't even see the actual game and other storylines presenting themselves. I think it was last year against ISU and their RB was out for the first half (Montgomery?) and all Lowell and Ahmad could talk about that first half was what a game changer he would be in the second half, look out, etc..Of course he comes in, does nothing and they can't grasp it.. Just continued talk about how he could break out at any moment. I love to shit on Herbstreit, but he and Fowler (or Gus and Klatt) are top teams for a reason. They actually call the game, analyze and tell you why the game is shaking out how it is, all while weaving in storylines in a skillful way along with X's and O's. God forbid Ahmad and Lowell actually recognize that the Texas D was absolutely shitting the bed. Instead we get broad "Carter Stanley has moxie! He's tough! Wow!" Adds zero value. Texas fans, who are making up most of the viewers on any LHN game want to hear about Texas. Good or bad. If we are winning, gush over us. If we are sucking, talk about why. It's simple. I don't need to hear about Kansas....
  16. Up on Hulu for anyone that has it
  17. Going to be out there this Friday for work during the day. Flying back Saturday AM, so looking to do a solo dinner, low key. Any recommendations for restaurants good to sit at the bar but still have full menu? Ideally, steakhouse, but can be persuaded. Staying at MGM, but fully mobile.
  18. And he went to high school in San Antonio, got his sports talk start on 760 there as well. Doesn't hide the fact on social media that he is a massive LSU fan (no issue with that from here) and he does the SECSECSEC trolling thing constantly. Can't blame him, just playing to the mouth breather base of the SEC network....
  19. I don’t know, the law maybe? Anybody that makes the alcohol (suppliers) can’t sell directly to a retail or bar establishment. There must be an independent distributor tier in between like Southern/Glazers, RNDC, Silver Eagle, etc....In states like PA mentioned above (and OH, ME, NH, NC, UT, OR and a few more) the state effectively acts as the “distributor”, controlling pricing, product availability, etc...prices are typically higher in these states (not always) due to the state adding additional taxes in to the chain.
  20. Good thing you just moved there Couple years ago you might have had the joy of the “Zion Curtain”. backwards indeed Zion curtainsEdit Zion curtains are partitions unique to Utah restaurants that separate restaurant bartenders preparing alcoholic drinks from the customers who order them.[11]The partitions are only mandated for restaurants with "Limited-Service Restaurant Licenses" and "Full-Service Restaurant Licenses".[11][12] These partitions are often made of frosted glass since they are required to be "solid, translucent, [and] permanent".[11] They were mandated in hopes of combating excessive drinking by keeping alcohol out of sight of restaurant patrons who choose not to consume alcohol. [13] As of the Spring 2017 legislative session the Zion Curtain laws are being revoked and the requirement is being withdrawn from restaurants and pubs. [14]
  21. It’s a permanent line extension. Most likely some supply inconsistencies early due to initial demand, but not an in and out item. 1910 will be back in stock this summer
  22. Good point. I wouldn’t be surprised if that takes place, but that would end up being for a tiny amount of consumers. The law is about beer in coolers, so I’m sure plenty of ways to get cute and get around it Cold beer was 100% industry lobby. The initial blue laws had liquor, beer and wine only for sale in package (liquor) stores. When that loosened and beer/wine was going to be made available everywhere, the liquor lobby put enough money in to get that little caveat about cold beer still to them only passed through
  23. Want to buy beer in Indiana? Go anywhere (grocery, drug, liquor store, convenience). Want cold beer in Indiana? Liquor stores are your only choice. When the law to sell beer beyond just liquor stores was finally inevitable, the liquor stores lobbied to retain the right to be the only outlets to sell cold beer. Just exceedingly stupid and frustrating for the consumer. And the Sunday liquor sales is (even if they aren’t publicly out front) heavily influenced by Total Wine and More. Their M/O is to move in to a market and then sue the shit out of the state and lobby like crazy to get laws passed/changed that benefit their model (minimum pricing, quantity discounts due to their buying power, etc..depending on what is blocking them in that state. See what they did in CT). Of course, Twins/Specs are on board as well, but once Total gets involved it has a whole new level of momentum and support
  24. Moody Theater in Austin has a great rotating collection of Jim Marshall photography up on their 3rd floor in the Jack and Jim Gallery. Cool to check out when you're there And of course all of Scott Newton's ACL tv show work on the 2nd floor as well http://acl-live.com/venue/gallery
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