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Doyle Hargreaves

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Everything posted by Doyle Hargreaves

  1. Hopefully he uses the Klan in it. Seems hypocritical, I know…but if the robe fits…
  2. Gonna miss the home and home grind that made teams salty for the tournament. Not going to miss KC. Lots of great games played over the decades. SWC tournaments in Dallas were the best when I was a kid. This upcoming season might have been the best Big 12 season ever. With all the drama Im thinking Texas is going to get screwed…a lot. Sour grapes will ruin the competition. Beard teams will travel well. Should be high seed from SEC annually.
  3. Doubt it. If they did their homework they knew about his lifestyle already. You dont disclose that type of stuff with coaches that party. still hilarious aggy went and leaked that shit. They’d rather hate money than play Texas again.
  4. You went to TCU, you dont have a crowd.
  5. What happens if OU cant buyout the GOR? Have heard times are tough in Norman.
  6. Yes they do. They also work well together on research.
  7. Keeping these players happy and sticking around is going to be a shitshow. Everyone is a free agent. There is no cap. no draft….and at least 30 others that can pay whatever it takes….basketball too. on one hand Im all for these kids making a dollar…but this is what the cost of freedom is. Its cool. It was fun.
  8. I believe that is correct. I suspect Fox will likely take a smaller content Saturday package moving forward and go all in on NFL.
  9. the move is to wait until the GOR expires in 2025.
  10. Good point Huck. Fan bases are the forgotten entity here.
  11. Tech in Pac-12 After dark will be fun if it happens. Would love that scene.
  12. There is no 64 team thing. Its going to be decided in Bristol, Connecticut by a handful of executives. Fox can just go all in on NFL and then CFB is beholden to ESPN. Is that 30? 50? Depends on how many slices and how big the slice.
  13. I could see the other 3 conferences blowing up and forming a super league. some more pain is coming.
  14. Tech will be fine. All campuses, Medical Schools and Law School are well ahead of endowment targets. I think now that the gloves are off, we should go ahead and actively pursue amending the PUF. Of course, you all will see that as some kind of gotcha. Its not. You all can live well off your football money. The rest of the state can benefit from the PUF now. Seems like a win/win to me:)
  15. The only gamble or risk to Texas is if the voters decide to gut their funding apparatus. Doubt it will happen, but crazy shit seems to be going around.
  16. Best thing UT and OU can do right now politically is to piss off the rest of the Big 12 by asking for a much larger share of the pie and this time I bet the other schools will fold and acquiesce. Im a Tech alum. Its not 2010 or 1995. I say let it go and lets just get on with it.
  17. I doubt the legislature cares. This is not the 90’s.
  18. Not much on the Tech boards. I personally dont care either way. I am enjoying the Aggy meltdown though.
  19. $74. American highways are jammed with RV’s, Semis, Everybody. Then we get the 4th. Demand spike.
  20. Oh yeah. Sold in pre market. Paper hands. i think its fascinating what these crazy kids believe. Everything is a short squeeze.
  21. Took a flyer earlier in the year when I was accumulating oil positions. So I had a few shares of TRCH. Got a tip from another Henry Hub trader on TRCH. Took a full position last week. well holeeee fuckeee suckeee long time. The “kids” piled on this morning, all day, and AFTER hours. Been trading a long time. The worst thing about being up 70% is selling at the wrong time. no, idgaf about the divi…probably keep a few shares in the merged company. Its crazy. Anyway…just curious if anyone else was caught up in it.
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