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Everything posted by oSuJeff97

  1. I'm going to be absolutely wearing out the "soaking" and "Provo push" jokes now the BYU is in the conference.
  2. I need to re-watch too. Loved this series and still love the Zack Snyder movie too.
  3. Fuck no games aren't rigged. Refs are human and make mistakes, just like players make mistakes on just about every play in every game. But when refs make mistakes, losers whine about games being "rigged." No man, you just got the shit luck end of human error. College and professional football is covered by local, regional and national media more thoroughly and with more rigor than anything in this country, including politics. If games were being rigged, it would have been found out because the vast majority of people are morons and nobody can keep a secret, especially a massive one like rigging games.
  4. Yeah and all of those have been scheduled for decades so it's easy to just renew/keep them going. Typically P5 non-conference games are scheduled a decade or more in advance. I'm not sure why the hell it takes that long, but it does for whatever reason. We have P5 schools on our non-conference schedule through the mid-2030s at this point. I think Bedlam football will happen again, but it will be some time after 2035 or so.
  5. These are my awards, Mother. From Army. The seal is for marksmanship, and the gorilla is for sand racing.
  6. I may wine them and dine them but I DON'T LET THEM TELL ME WHAT TO DO.
  7. Oh please. Again, this isn’t 1986. TONS of top HS kids from Texas go out of state to programs all over the country every single year. And it’s not as if OU is in freaking South Dakota. It’s a 3-hour drive to the Metroplex. Plenty of kids in Texas are literally closer to OU in distance than they are to Texas or Texas A&M. And anyway, they’ll play Texas every year and A&M maybe also, and they can schedule non-conference games in Texas. This is just wishful thinking on some people’s part. Hell I HOPE OU falls flat on their stupid fucking faces in the SEC. I just don’t see it.
  8. I think you way overvalue "games in Texas" for big-time recruits in the state. It's not 1986. Big-time recruits will go to programs that compete for championships and can afford to fork out NIL cash regardless of location. My money is that OU will do just fine in that department and certainly way better than a place like Tennessee, which barely could hold their head above water for like 20 years before Heupel came to town. Now excuse me while I go vomit for defending fucking OUsux.
  9. I’ve got almost 100 years of history that says the fundamentals at OU are better than Tennessee. As much as I hate to say it, OU is a top 5 all-time CFB program. Tennessee has a marginally bigger stadium than OU. What else do they have on them now that OU is going to the SEC? OU is a better program than Tennessee in every conceivable way.
  10. 100% this. Plus the entire OU administration is committed to doing whatever it takes to win at a high level. They’ll be fine once they realize that Venables sucks. If he fires out another 6-7 win season this year he’ll be gone and they’ll break the bank to bring Heupel in.
  11. If you need anything else please don’t hesitate to try and find my number.
  12. Of course this is Central Park. It was designed in 1850 by Joe Peppitone. It was built during the Civil War so the northern armies could practice fighting on grass... LOL I noticed that too when I watched that episode the other day. EEEEEEN!
  13. Oh yeah there was like year or two where Snapple was huge/everywhere... I remember my freshman year in college ('93-94) having my little dorm fridge stocked with Snapple Peach Iced Tea. They were basically just making fun of the ubiquity of it at the time. But then I also saw an interview one time where basically most of the product placements they threw in (Yoo-hoo, Junior Mints, Drake's Coffee cake, Pez, Clark Bar, Twix, etc.) were generally just random stuff the writers really liked. By the time Seinfeld became a hit, they generally had no problem on usage... but the one time they were turned down was the food that Rusty the horse was originally supposed to be eating was Chef Boyardee beef ravioli... but I guess they didn't think it was funny that a horse was eating it and then getting terrible flatuence so it became "Beef-a-reeno" lol.
  14. Yeah I have all of my Nard Dog gifs locked and loaded for next year. There's like a 100% chance this one gets posted literally in the first game of the year:
  15. I've always thought it would be cool to make a prequel of Spy Game with Robert Redford's character as a younger man doing CIA spy shit at the height of the 1960s Cold War. Have him mixed in with Bay of Pigs and/or Cuban Missile Crisis stuff. Mirror the original showing how some older agent recruited and trained him like he did with the Brad Pitt character in the original. Would watch.
  16. Jesus Christ what a fucking loser. I remember sometimes throwing my game console controller when I would really mad... when I was fucking 12.
  17. So I was just going through some of my "best of" lists for each year in the last decade... as I was going through I noticed that my "Best of 2014" had like double the number of songs of every other year. Just looking at the list of albums that were released that year, 2014 absolutely slammed and went hard. My "best of" songs list had several other albums represented, but these were my favorite albums of that year and holy hell there were just tons of great ones: Spoon - They Want My Soul The War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream St. Vincent - St. Vincent Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern Sounds in Country Music Old 97's - Most Messed Up Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire for No Witness The Black Keys - Turn Blue Beck - Morning Phase Courtney Barnett - The Double EP: A Sea of Split Peas Real Estate - Atlas Jenny Lewis - The Voyager What's your favorite music year of the past decade?
  18. The story that I've been told, and I think has at least partially been reported elsewhere so I think it's probably at least close to true is: Sanders told Gundy shortly after the WVU game that he intended to transfer for his last year but still wanted to play in the bowl game. Gundy says OK we understand and that sounds good. Because Sanders says he's going to play in the bowl game, Gunnar Gundy goes ahead and gets surgery to repair some sort of nagging injury he's had most of the year; this will mean we'll go into bowl prep and the bowl game with only two QBs: Sanders and Rangle. When the bowl practices start, Sanders is a no-show and communicates (via Dunn) that he's decided he doesn't want to play in the bowl game after all because he wants to focus on finding his next landing spot (taking visits, etc.). Gunnar Gundy has already had his surgery so now we are down to one QB for bowl prep/bowl game. Fast forward a few weeks as bowl practice is winding down and apparently Sanders hasn't gotten the interest in the portal he thought he would and so inquires about coming back and playing in the bowl game after missing out on all of the bowl prep practices. Gundy says "thanks we're good." I don't know if it happened exactly beat-by-beat like this, but I do believe this is the gist of what happened. People were beating up Gundy like crazy for (allegedly) saying no when Sanders (allegedly) asked to come back, but given Sanders' behavior in the last part of the season, I honestly don't blame him. Remember there's another portal window coming up in May and Sanders may very well have re-entered at that point leaving us in a bigger lurch. Better to go out and get an experienced QB for next year who really wants to be here, versus dealing with Sanders being wishy-washy about the whole thing.
  19. Yeah weird choice by him. I mean I get if there wasn't the interest that he thought there was going to be when he entered the portal... and if it's true that Mike Gundy said "Thanks. But no thanks" to him wanting to return, why don't you go somewhere where you are more or less guaranteed to start? Surely there is at least one other P5 program out there in need of an experienced starter who doesn't have a really good returning starter? Or even a high-level G5 program? His NFL dreams aren't going to be fulfilled by sitting on the bench for a year at Ole Miss. Maybe he'll supplant Dart as the starter there but I kind of doubt it. Dart is basically a younger, better version of Spencer Sanders.
  20. LOL yeah. Also - I posted this way up-thread, but it's funny to me when people are like, "Finally a 'dark' Star Wars..!" Here's a few things that happened in literally the first Star Wars movie: The Empire pursues and kills nearly an entire ship of people because they suspect the ship may be carrying plans to the Death Star. They don't find the plans but go ahead and kidnap and hold a member of the Imperial Senate anyway. In the process of searching for the plans on Tatooine, they murder and entire tribe of Jawas and also two moisture farmers, none of which have any idea what the plans are or where they are. They brutally torture the kidnapped member of the Imperial Senate because they suspect she may be in league with the Rebel Alliance. When that doesn't work, they destroy her home planet, literally killing billions of people as an interrogation technique. They are attempting to destroy ANOTHER entire planet killing untold numbers as a counter-insurgency method.
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