I'm smoking weed, but that's besides the point.
It depends what you mean by "nothing wrong."
Texas certainly got hosed by several bad calls in that game, just like every other team gets hosed by multiple bad calls in games from time to time. It's happened to OSU more times than I can count.
But there was "nothing wrong" in that there was no conspiracy by the Big 12, the refs or anyone else. Conspiracy theories about refs is just something fans whine about on message boards. The idea that something like that would go on in the real world is frankly, hysterical, when the very, very simple explanation is that college officials are roundly awful all the time.
I mean, fuck; the very next year we literally had a ref crew improperly give Central Michigan an untimed down against us at the end of a game that allowed them to win on a Hail Mary. That's not just making a bad judgement call on holding or whatever, that's an entire officiating crew that didn't know the fucking rules and gave the other team another play when the game was over. But I guess someone paid them off or whatever... yeah...that's it. That's the only possible explanation... not gross incompetence or anything...