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Everything posted by oSuJeff97

  1. Also, thought we had a pretty solid look on Saturday. I always enjoy the triple-striped helmet... and I believe we remain undefeated in the "script Cowboys" helmets. (knock wood) I also thought Arizona State's look was pretty sharp as well. Loved Sparky on the helmet.
  2. LOL that wasn't even the weirdest thing about these uniforms. Remember when they would scale the size of the letters on the nameplate based on how many letters were in the name? I always remember Clay Coe's name on the back: C O E
  3. Yeah I remember reading somewhere that the biggest fool's gold in college football is when you fire a coach because 8-4 isn't good enough. Nebraska has done that a couple of times and of course Aggy has been doing that since R.C. Basically what you're saying when you do that is that a 10-win season is the expectation. But how many programs out there realistically can expect to win 10+ games *every year*? There's about 3 maybe... Bama, OUsux, Ohio State,.... maybe Georgia now? Even a place like LSU hasn't been able to sustain that. Nebraska better get off their high fucking horse and hire a program builder/developer because that's 100% what they need. They are staring a 6th straight losing season in the face, which is pretty incredible.
  4. Yeah having a top 5... hell maybe top 3 (?) all-time college football program 90 miles down the road from our school has broken the brains of lots of our fans and thus no matter what we do, it will never ever be good enough. Apropos - we are top 10 in wins in college football in the past 15 years... we have literally been better than 90%+ of all college football teams in that time... it's the most successful run in the history of the program.... but guess who is in that 10% that we haven't been better than? That's right... fucking OUsux.
  5. I think all three of these games are super interesting. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Nebraska figured out a way to beat OUsux with whatever lame duck coach they have. You just never know how players will react to these mid-season firings so that's a huge wild card in this game. Watching the first two OU games have left me felling a little underwhelmed. It could be that I'm just used to seeing OU (under Stoops/Riley) just absolutely murder teams like Kent State and UTEP, but those games didn't really go down like that. Gabriel seems... fine I guess? He's a good player, but when we've seen nothing but future NFL starters and then Caleb Williams spinning the ball for them for nearly a decade now, the drop-off is very noticeable. With Kansas looking suddenly capable of competing, that trip to Houston should be a fun watch. And yeah 10.5 seems like WAY too many points on Tech/NC State. I would lay those for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if Tech won outright.
  6. Malcolm Rodrigez is starting for Detroit and Devon Harper is a #3 LB for Dallas. I think those two guys should get A LOT of the credit for how that defense ran last year. The two of them never being out of position and tackling anyone who was near them is what we miss WAY more than who is calling the defense.
  7. Is it me or is this halftime taking forever? Soaking hour?
  8. @Upgrayedd I know you’re not happy with the result, but hope you ended up having a good time in Stlly, shitty titty bars aside.
  9. Can confirm. Self-loathing is our jam.
  10. App State just bleeding the Aggy defense. Aggy defense gonna have nothing left by the 4th quarter.
  11. Purple Wizard II slapping Mizzou around. 33-6 with 9 minutes left. Mizzou looks terri-bad. They can’t do anything on offense.
  12. Oh shit you went to Dragon’s Lair? 😂 Titty bars and small-town Oklahoma, even a college town, is not a good combo, lol.
  13. Hell of a game you guys. Tough, tough loss considering everything.
  14. Hope you're having a good time in Stilly!
  15. Yeah we would never lose a game we “should win convincingly.” Where’s the bourbon?
  16. 1. Record game 2. Mute all devices 3. Total media blackout 4. ???? 5. Go home and watch game 6. ???? 7. Profit?
  17. 100%
  18. Godspeed you guys. Fuck those clowns on College Gameday saying the Colt injury made no difference in ‘09. That fucking pissed me off.
  19. What time does the soaking start?
  20. I’ll be sure and start drinking early this time.
  21. Sure it is. Also nice: not being associated with a school synonymous with covering up rape and murder.
  22. Yep. I goes on the permanent record. Just like all of the rapes. And the murder.
  23. You better hope so, considering you had a +8 turnover margin over two games and the outcomes were a 10-point loss and a win by 1 foot. Also - please ask your players to try not to rape anyone on their way across the parking lot.
  24. Yeah just because of how the selection process for the teams work, it's almost always going to be a bad team. For me, it's mostly about celebrating the return of football.
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