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Everything posted by oSuJeff97

  1. So you're saying there's a chance...
  2. I used to take speedā€¦.. maybe mix in a little cough syrupā€¦
  3. TCU losing its first game will make it extra sweet when they beat Aggy twice to eliminate them.
  4. I really hope Todd shows up in this movie.
  5. Fantastic. One of my good friends from high school went to Air Force Academy, played on the AF baseball team while he was there; finished 1st in his flight school, flew F-15s out of Okinawa during Afghanistan and the second Gulf War; transitioned to F-22s when they became operational, was an F-22 instructor for a while and is now a Colonel at Edwards. I still canā€™t really believe it because this is the same guy who would light his farts on fire when we were on baseball road trips in high school.
  6. Wow we had the 3rd highest attendance? Pretty proud of that.
  7. No, it has to do with what one considers "bullshit." Every whiny complaint about this show that I've seen in this thread has a reasonable explanation in either existing canon or potentially in the last 3 hours of this show. Just because you don't like a particular explanation doesn't mean that it isn't valid. Is this show perfect? Of course not. There are parts that I prefer more than others, but this nitpicky shit like, "hey why didn't all of the Stormtroopers get a text saying Obi-wan was there?" is just fucking stupid. It flies in the face of how ALL of these shows have worked for 40+ years. If you're going to let shit like that bother you about this show, but not pick apart the thousand different ways that the Empire could have easily crushed the Rebellion in the OT then I don't know what to tell you.
  8. And yeah I'm in the ca Well said. The idea that Filoni/Faverau have zero input on this series is also funny to me. They aren't running this show, but Debra Chow is, who was brought in by them for Mandalorian. And they are using the same space/methods they developed (the volume, etc.) and are all part of the Lucasfilm braintrust. As it were, nitpicking the hell out of plot points of a show that isn't even done yet and/or being mad because it doesn't fit into your own preconceived notions of what the show should be and then filing literally everything Star Wars into the binary "IT'S AWESOME!!/IT SUCKS!!" dichotomy is pretty par-for-the-course for Star Wars fans on the internet.
  9. The simple explanation before this series started was that the Empire wasn't actively "looking" for Obi-wan because he was presumed dead, along with all other prominent Jedi from the Clone Wars. Even at the beginning of this series they make the comment that they are only finding "scraps", e.g. young untrained Jedi who survived the purge or just force-sensitive kids. Yes it is now known that Obi-Wan is alive by Vader and the Inquisitors, but the series isn't over yet. Something could happen later in this series that makes everyone think he's dead again.
  10. Huh? His motivations were crystal clear. He was about to torture him to death right before whatā€™s-her-name showed up and saved him. So yes, he was toying with him until he was good and ready to subdue and torture him.
  11. This is one of the best line readings in the history of cinema, and I'm not kidding.
  12. I donā€™t know, manā€¦. Canā€™t we just go get some barbecueā€¦?
  13. Of course they are. But what this deflection (purposely) doesn't acknowledge is that every other country in the world has mental health problems, every other country in the world plays the same video games we do, watches the same TV and movies we do, listens to the same music we do, etc., etc., etc. But, other than cartel states, sub-Saharan Africa and active war zones, the U.S. is the only place where mass shootings happen over and over and over and over again. I wonder what the one single difference is between us and all of those other places?
  14. Saw last night at IMAX. Fan-fucking-tastic. It's been said like a million times, but this is certainly a movie that begs to be seen on the biggest, loudest screen possible.
  15. Police are the the biggest gaping fucking crybaby snowflake pussies in this entire country. It's every insecure dipshit bully asshole you knew from high school, but now with a badge and gun.
  16. Yes indeed. Such freedom. Looking forward to them adding metal detectors to all of the entrances. Thatā€™s how you know the freedom is working.
  17. Yeah this happened at my pregnant wifeā€™s hospital where sheā€™s an ICU nurse. (Thankfully she wasnā€™t working today.) Real nice trash fucking county we have here. Good to know weā€™re the only place in the world other than cartel states, sub-Saharan Africa or active war zones where this bullshit happens every other fucking day. Big fuck you to the NRA and its army of trash fucking redneck assholes that have turned this country into a gun-worshiping hellacape where you have to worry about your kids getting shot at school or your wife getting shot while she goes about her business helping people at a fucking hospital.
  18. Honestly the only episode of BoB I ever consider skipping is the Carentan/Blythe episode. There's something about that episode that just never clicked with me... maybe because of the random focus on Blythe, who we don't ever see before that episode? I don't know. But even with that being my least favorite episode, there is still a lot of great stuff, from the Spiers stuff to Winters literally kicking the company in the rear to get them out of the ditch and going into Carentan. I'd never skip any of the others though.
  19. Not viewing the thread yet but just dropped in to say got tix for IMAX tomorrow evening. Fucking pumped. See you guys after I see it.
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