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Certifiably Surly
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  1. This is the move of someone who wants to get the fuck away from the politics. My worry is that this means SMU is going to try to money whip CDC into being their new AD.
  2. "It's okay, my parents are rich" always annoys me. Just shoehorn in this dumbass line to make it seem like Wyatt will have a happy ending.
  3. Just did my part to try and turn Texas blue.
  4. He's trying to work in the talking points his lawyers gave him so that he doesn't go to jail, but his brain is mush so it comes out as incomprehensible gibberish.
  5. I don't know who the fuck Scott Presler is, but he definitely has kiddie porn on his computer.
  6. My wife and I went to a game in 2018 at the Bridge. We had to join Club Chelsea (free) and buy one of the specialty ticket packs: https://www.chelseafc.com/en/club-chelsea?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=MBM_Brand_ROW&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwufq2BhAmEiwAnZqw8s5mzAwCXIUEeZV5_GZh-rqKnYEcPb9t-LLOhjBR3kb9W9p3Rjq5QRoCq8AQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds. We went with the UTB package. Tickets were up high, but the Bridge isn't very big so we still had a good view. It was expensive, but the experience was worth it.
  7. That . . . actually makes a lot of sense.
  8. I assumed it would be an ad for overcooked white bread.
  9. Ana in here making 10 posts per page and he's telling other people to touch grass.
  10. Lukaku finally gone. Time to celebrate.
  11. Not only do they have a right to an AR-15, they have an obligation to own one.--Clarence Thomas
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