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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. They were busy hanging out with Opus Dei.
  2. Only one of those three wins trophies. Plus Chelsea has Captain America. The choice should be clear.
  3. This is my take. We showed a lot of positives despite being down arguably our two most important defensive players (and two likely offensive starters). We hit the post twice and had other good opportunities whereas Man U just did a great job of finishing their chances. I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do with Kante and Rudiger back (Zouma was a huge liability). Hopefully Reece James can be an added defensive bonus over the course of the season and can eventually replace Azpi. I'm not ready to give up on top 4 just because of one away game against a top 6 squad. My expectation for the season was to be in a fight for the top 4 while our youth grows into form and Lampard gets his system into place. Nothing about the first game changes that expectation.
  4. We must live in the same neighborhood. Deer everywhere and dillos living under my neighbor's porch. Though I don't mind the deer. As for the dillos tearing up your yard, you probably have too many grubs.
  5. This coming from the party that spread antisemitic conspiracy theories about George Soros. Then they complain that posting completely factual information about donors is wrong.
  6. Lampard on Luiz: “David Luiz has obviously left and gone to Arsenal. We had some honest conversations over the last week because I know him well and the conclusion of that was he is gone. It’s an area of the pitch where we have competition. I don’t have number ones or twos. They have to fight for that shirt. I wish him the best because he has been a big part of our history. “There certainly wasn’t a strike or fallout so I want to make that clear straight away. I always expected honesty from a manager whatever the news and I think I got that back from David. The day David didn’t train was a decision that I made because it was clear the way we were going. I am very happy with the squad I have got now and my focus is working on that.” So yeah, Luiz wanted to be guaranteed a starting spot, which Lampard wouldn't do, so Luiz took his ball and went home.
  7. Sounds like Team Mitch Bitch is just whining that they aren't getting special treatment.
  8. That's one of my favorite conservative moron arguments. "It's nice how the media is ignoring this event" while posting a link to the media reporting on the event. Okay, dumbass.
  9. Probably because he doubts that he will be a starter. It sounds like he may end up being 4th in Lampard's system behind AC, Rudiger, and Zouma. He left PSG because he wasn't going to be a starter and he almost left Chelsea last year until Sarri convinced him he would start. The rumors are that Lampard's response was essentially "well if you want to be a bitch about it, head on out."
  10. I bet he only visited white people.
  11. Dude, stop engaging him. He's a fucking lunatic with a drinking problem. You'd make more progress smashing your dick over and over with a hammer.
  12. Nothing. They're just a convenient boogey man for scared white people.
  13. This is the one that worries me. One of these days one of the parents of a kid killed in a shooting is going to snap and try and take out one of the politicians who continue to block reasonable gun regulations. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet.
  14. Is it really irrational if it can hurt you? I wouldn't say I'm so much scared of wasps/yellow jackets/scorpions, but I try to avoid them so as to not get stung. Roaches and millipedes are annoying, but harmless. I live off a greenbelt, so we get tons of critters in the backyard and often in the house and I've pretty much become accustomed to dealing with them. The biggest issue we've had recently is when I found out we had a beehive in our eave the hard way when multiple bees started coming my way as I was doing yard work. Fortunately, I didn't get stung, but the beekeeper did remove 80 pounds of honeycomb from our house.
  15. The data show that the death penalty doesn't have a deterrent effect beyond that provided by life without the possibility of parole. This will do nothing to prevent future attacks (and it's unconstitutional), but I'm pretty sure Trump can't even spell data so it makes sense that he would propose it as a solution.
  16. Somewhere in that guy's ancestry is a woman who got impregnated by a pig.
  17. We're likely to be in London on boxing day. What is the best way to get tickets to the game? Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  18. [McConaughey]Ask yourself this: would they ignore it and dismiss it as fake news if it were happening to white kids?[/McConaughey]
  19. Well, you see. They haven't met any Latinos, so they don't yet view them as human beings. But that's not racist in any meaningful sense of the word.
  20. You literally said you have to humanize entire races/ethnicities of people so that your family won't view them as stereotypical. It took meeting them for your family to "view them as human beings." They are fucking racist and you're just too weak to accept that fact. Neg me all you want, pussy, but you're a coward who won't accept that you have racists in your family.
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