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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. My guess is she was doing meth while he was in utero.
  2. Sucks. For those who already have access to the Fox App, download the Telemundo App and you don't have to pay extra but it will be en espanol.
  3. I don't know why y'all continue to engage slorch. We already know he's a moron, racist, and a coward; he fits all three categories in the deplorable bucket. Instead, focus on those who might be convinced to change their views because they don't have a hole in their head and a hole in their heart.
  4. English women starting to play dirty in their frustration. Hopefully no one gets hurt.
  5. Is the claim that she hit her right ankle? Can't see shit from these reviews.
  6. As weird as this is for me to say, our girls need to get off their backs and up on their feet. Play the fucking game.
  7. Somehow our passing has been kind of shitty but our crosses have been fucking beautiful.
  8. Governor Dumbass is threatening to waive sovereign immunity because of Austin's new homeless ordinance. Wasting taxpayer money to own the libs. Also, the dumbass doesn't even have the authority to waive immunity.
  9. He's also too brown. While he may be good enough to be their token Mexican Cuban, he doesn't get to be their leader like white man Trump.
  10. Sounds like a very scientific poll.
  11. Bourbon and beer with the occasional scotch. Rum, even the good stuff I've tried, is way too sweet.
  12. No. You make fun of AOC because she's a brown woman who dares to speak up.
  13. I'm 50/50 on the pk. It got her in the arm, but it was mostly down by her side and the kick was from really close. It arguably wasn't in an unnatural position and she didn't have any time to react.
  14. What the fuck VAR? Of all the plays not to review, it's that one?
  15. Northram after the blackface pic came out.
  16. Car should have sped up to make direct contact.
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