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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. I can’t wait to leave work and jack off to that video and the picture of her in that blue dress. She gets me very hard. I’d love to fuck her. I like her a lot 
    I guess it's better than letting a guy jack off on to you.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

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  2. And this is the kind of casual, pervasive misogyny that the right engages in and is so often dismissed with a “Quit being such a sensitive girl” whenever it’s pointed out.

    I hope she continues to drive the PePe, 4chan, incels absolutely crazy just by existing.
    It's not just misogyny. She's also young and brown. It's the trifecta of old white guy fears.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

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  3. 3 hours ago, MoJames said:

    RLC highlights from our win vs Bourne


    Hazard's winner - https://streamja.com/BPOP

    RLC is going to be so good if he can refine his game just a little more.  He uses his body like he's the biggest guy on the field (he usually is) but is really good with the ball at his feet.  Hopefully we get to see a front three of him at RW, Hazard at the false 9, and Willian or Pedro at LW sometime this season.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:


    Claims he doesn't want government intervention or corporate handouts but would rather the government get involved to make things better for America than have truly free trade. Which, you know, means government intervention in order to give what essentially boils down to corporate handouts.

    Seems consistent and principled.

    Smax clearly picked a team and is sticking with them no matter what.  It doesn't matter if they've betrayed virtually every principle that they claim to stand for, campaign based upon fear and division, lie incessantly, and take part in a number of anti-democratic actions (gerrymandering, voter suppression, decreasing the power of certain branches of the government in contravention of the will of the voters, voter fraud);  he chose team R and he isn't going to change.    

  5. 51 minutes ago, Smax said:


    Personally my ideals do not align with those of the DNC, I'm sitting here reading their platform and I disagree with just about everything on the page. The examples in this thread so many are outraged by are no different then the left urging illegals to votes/vote fraud, both sides are crooked to the core.

    The GOP is far from perfect but I agree with more of they stand/stood for, hopefully they have a come to jesus talk and right the ship otherwise we are going to watch the radical far left take over the DNC and bring this country to an end.

    You're a liar.

  6. 17 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Chelsea aren’t opening up at £70m. 


    I think LFC will get him if the price is right. Klopp likes him and I’ve read that Pulisic would like to play for Klopp. We also have no depth at the wing position so he’d get a lot of minutes even if he’s not an immediate starter. 

    Knowing how cheap Chelsea is, I'm sure they opened at 30-35.  

  7. 2 hours ago, Gil Bang said:
    • Nov. 29, 2018

    President Trump’s recollection of discussions about building a Trump Tower in Moscow aligned with those of his longtime fixer Michael D. Cohen, the president’s lawyers said on Thursday after Mr. Cohen admitted in court that he had pursued the project as Mr. Trump secured the Republican nomination for president.

    The president knew about the deal and discussed it with Mr. Cohen before it fell apart, Mr. Trump’s lawyers said. Mr. Trump detailed those conversations last week in written responses to investigators for the special counsel investigating Russia’s 2016 election interference, Robert S. Mueller III. Prosecutors had sought to question Mr. Trump for months and eventually agreed to accept written answers for some queries.

    “The president said there was a proposal, it was discussed with Cohen, there was a nonbinding letter of intent and it didn’t go beyond that,” said one of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Rudolph W. Giuliani.

    Mr. Cohen admitted in court on Thursday that he had lied to congressional investigators about the length of the negotiations over the Trump Tower Moscow project and the extent of Mr. Trump’s involvement. He said that he discussed the deal with Mr. Trump several times and that Mr. Cohen continued to work on a potential deal until at least June 2016, court documents showed — months later than Mr. Cohen had told Congress that the deal fell apart.


    Mr. Giuliani said that Mr. Mueller’s office did not ask the president about the timing of his discussions with Mr. Cohen about the project.

    The fact that Mr. Cohen’s admission in a deal with prosecutors came so soon after Mr. Trump returned his responses to Mr. Mueller’s questions raised concerns among the president’s legal team that Mr. Mueller was laying a perjury trap — waiting for the president to explain his understanding of events before presenting evidence to the contrary to show that he lied, according to people close to the president’s legal team.


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    Mr. Giuliani said that the president and the Trump Organization, the umbrella company for his family’s businesses, have been forthcoming with Mr. Mueller’s investigators for months about the deal. The company, he added, voluntarily provided investigators with documents related to the Moscow deal.


    “We have provided them with every document about this from the beginning — that’s the only reason they know about it,” Mr. Giuliani said.


    Mr. Giuliani declined to provide the wording of Mr. Mueller’s questions about the deal or Mr. Trump’s answers. Mr. Mueller’s investigators told Mr. Trump’s lawyers earlier this year that they had several questions for the president about the deal.

    “What interaction and communication did you have with Michael Cohen, Felix Sater and others, including foreign nationals, regarding real estate developments in Russia during the period of the campaign?” the investigators wanted to ask the president, according to notes Mr. Trump’s lawyers took during a meeting with Mr. Mueller’s prosecutors.

    Though his lawyers said his statements to Mr. Mueller lined up with Mr. Cohen’s, the president attacked Mr. Cohen’s credibility on Thursday. The president called Mr. Cohen “weak” and accused him of lying to investigators to reduce his prison sentence.

    “So he’s lying very simply in order to get a reduced sentence, O.K.?” Mr. Trump said while leaving the White House for the Group of 20 meeting in Buenos Aires.

    Mr. Giuliani sought to explain why Mr. Trump would attack Mr. Cohen even if they had the same understanding of the facts.

    “He has so many different versions of the same stories, so by definition he is a liar and we can’t trust him,” Mr. Giuliani said of Mr. Cohen. “He has lied, so how can we believe him?”

    He added: “Cohen has just told us he’s a liar. Given the fact that he’s a liar, I can’t tell you what he’s lying about.”



    Let me get this straight.

    Rudy: We gave the same answers to the Special Counsel as Cohen.

    Trump: Cohen is lying.

    QED: Trump lied to the Special Counsel?


    • Like 1
  8. Let's just be clear.  

    It's not wrong to protect the border.

    It's not wrong for our border patrol agents to protect themselves.  

    It's not wrong to use non-lethal means while doing so as long as it doesn't otherwise violate the law (it's still unclear whether this violates international law).

    But it's all kinds of fucked up to do so when there are innocent children present and they get hit by tear gas or pepper spray or whatever it was.  The adult migrants who were acting inappropriately were not acting in a manner that created a serious risk to the lives of the agents on duty.  The risk that some of those adult migrants may get across the border and then be arrested and request asylum is not anywhere close to extreme enough to justify using tear gas/pepper spray on fucking innocent children.  It never is, and anyone who thinks keeping some migrants out of the country justifies using tear gas on children needs to seriously reassess their values.  

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  9. 6 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:


    sigh. this is EXACTLY what tariffs do to businesses.

    So now he wants to use the law to retaliate against a private business for making a business decision that is well within their legal rights.  And Republicans want to claim that he's not an authoritarian, anti-American, shit face?  

  10. 6 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    He is purposely going after McRaven.  For what reason, I do not know, but Dotard thinks there is an angle there which I'm sure is related to 2020.  


    Hypothetically, how would you guys feel if McRaven was the one that attempted to Primary Trump?

    The deplorables wouldn't allow it and they are the ones who show up to the primaries.  But it would be a great confirmation of just how shitty the Republican party currently is.  

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