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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. 3 minutes ago, Texas25 said:

    Adrian Peterson is on record of saying he didn't think he needed college football. Nick Bosa was listed at 6'3 250 lbs as a Senior in high school. He is now 6'4 263 lbs and is ready for the NFL apparently. Just arbitrary guidelines. It is been talked about before.

    Your argument essentially breaks down to the NFL should retract their current rule prohibiting players from being drafted and institute a rule that allows players to be drafted but requires them to sit for a year.  Why the hell would the NFL institute a rule that requires them to pay more money for a system that results in the players getting less experience?  That's just fucking stupid.  

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Cool fact:  Tomorrow’s felony Friday is day #666 of the Trump administration 

    Trump's twitter today is like one of those greatest hits TV episodes where they do nothing but play flashbacks from previous episodes.  

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Goo Punch said:


    I don't know how you don't give Sarri an A.  He comes in three weeks before the start of the season and he's the only manager left who's undefeated in all comps.  

  4. 28 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Have we determined who Agent47 is?  Sometimes seems legit, sometimes seems like a troll, sometimes seems like a Russian.  Can't figure it out.

    My bet is tj.  The post similarly and 47 showed up shortly after tj started getting shit on for being such a horrible troll.

    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    They’re in Mexico and have escaped to safety, their credible fear claim is bogus and will be denied, so expedited removal. 

    You would have U.S. authorities violate the law in an effort to block access to people who are coming here to engage in an entirely legal process.  That tells me your issues are really about racism and xenophobia, not compliance with the law or security.

  6. 2 hours ago, SurlyBDR said:

    There's no "Post a pic that makes you say HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHY ARE YOU SO RETARDED?!" so I figured it belongs here since I can't stop laughing at this dumb mother fucker


    And that's how the Paradise fires started.

  7. 1 minute ago, tjhooker said:

    LOL why did this get negged?  I type stuff and when I am done I usually know what will generate a series of negs.  Essentially any counter opinion in general.  This one I thought to be safe.  I need to adjust the goal posts.  lul

    Because I thought it would be funny that you would come running in seconds later and complain.  And it worked.  

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  8. 20 hours ago, texashorne said:

    I guess my line if when Trump starts calling me a racist, sexist, moron, and nazi on a regular basis I will consider bailing on him.  Some of you guys need to consider that its while its perfectly ok to not like/support a president; the constant attacks on his supporters do no good in pulling people to align with your cause. It makes it worse. 


    Quick being a snowflake you beta cuck.  Trumpers are rape apologists, racists, and homophobes who embrace lying.  And some of them, I'm sure, are good people.  

    • Like 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    And you suck sick for meth and get knock off jerseys tailored.

    (Jerseys are for children)

    And you fantasize about shooting migrant women and children.

    I’m THRILLED a disgusting person like you thinks I’m a “weirdo”.

    Eat shit.

    Sadly, I'm out of rep for the day.

    • Like 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, HouTex2017 said:

    You think open borders, abolishing of ICE, socialized medicine, pro abortion, is good? 

    Do you look under your bed every night to look for the boogey man?

  11. 10 hours ago, Helobious said:

    My entire life's worth of experiences tells me that you're wrong about this. Most women I know will say exactly what you said, but when it comes to taking action out in the real world it's a different story. If you're rich, the majority of women will put up with your shit for a very long time. If you're attractive, most women will put up with your shit for a very long time. If you're rich AND attractive, most women will put up with your shit for a very, very, very long time. No matter how big of an asshole you are. And I'm not even saying there's much wrong with that, it's evolutionary. It's just annoying when women put up this hilariously false image about what they want in a man, and then are perplexed when men who fit that false image are upset to find that women don't actually want them. 

    Sup, incel?

  12. 13 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    We won it 5 times. How big are your britches?

    Certainly not old and moldy like yours are if you have bring up your CL trophies when four of them were won before I was even born (and I'm 34).  

    • Like 1
  13. 54 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Hazard is great & I love watching him play too, But I was talking about the title, not the Top 6...

    We've won two of the last four titles and the most recent FA cup.  We've played twice this season and we've beaten you once and tied you once.  You haven't beaten us in a competitive match in two years.  We are two points behind you after a quarter of the season.  You haven't won a title in 20ish years.  Maybe don't get too big for your britches.  

  14. 21 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The Supreme Court will never have to decide this case. It's never going to get that far.

    That's not the only thing moronic about that post.  It's a smorgasbord of stupidity.  

  15. 1 minute ago, thepop said:

    Genuine question, why is this a republican talking point? Is it because their constituents are stupid enough to believe it? When has any Democrat ever said they want to decriminalize illegal immigration?

    The Republican party currently exists of two type of people: (1) ignorant, gullible morons like stros, and (2) selfish, power-hungry assholes who seek power by manipulating those in group (1) so that they can pursue their greedy or racists goals.  One group knows it's a lie, but it's one that can gain them power so they continue to lie.  The other group is too dumb to understand it's a lie, and it's a lie that they want to hear, so they eat up the bullshit with smiles on their faces (or really, faces of rage against "the other").  

    • Like 7
  16. 5 hours ago, tjhooker said:

    This will be up to the Court.  I am glad Trump is forcing it.  He is right this shouldn't be the case but unfortunately legally it is.  I don't agree an executive order can counteract the 14th amendment.  It has been a long time since I read the Federalist Papers.  They have any views on this?   I'd guess not.  So unfortunately, this is a shit loop hole it is legal.  So what you do is keep as many people trying to have babies here to a min.  Otherwise, at least pass a law.  Otherwise, a president can't order that.


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