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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I think you need the reading comp class bub.  She literally asked Penn to list her as a minority and to change her race to "Native American."  Whether this was a factor in her application or not doesn't matter.  She then has used her "heritage" over and over again to relate to people.  That is called "political gain."  

    Like I said, I don't really care about what she is or who she is because I think she is deeply flawed for other reasons.  The blunder, and the only thing I am talking about, is she had no reason to release the findings.  She has done well enough defending herself against the attacks from trump and no one really cares at the end of the day what she is.  She just tossed gas on a candle.  Her heritage doesn't fucking matter, about 10 people cared or would change their vote because of her unsubstantiated (at the time) claims of being native american.  Now there is a weapon to use against her both in her party and against her in opposition.

    Once again, it has nothing to do with her claims in the past.  It has everything to do with fanning the smallest flame out there.  You just don't do it.  Our politicians constantly light themselves on fire doing it.  She didn't need to do this and she only made things harder for herself.

    You proved my point without even knowing it.  

  2. 52 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    “Game on, Tiny!”


    It really is an interesting time we live in where we have one side saying the President clearly isn't qualified because he throws out petty insults, primarily towards women and POCs; pays off porn stars; repeatedly lies to the American people  (including about paying off the porn stars); enriches himself; spends more time golfing than any other president, insults our allies and befriends our enemies, and is the complete opposite of the common man with the exception of the racism, and on the other side we have people saying "hur dur, he called her horseface."  But the horseface dorks are the ones claiming to be the true Americans and manly men despite the fact that they consistently smile and nod as the President and his merry band of frauds continue to shovel lies and bullshit down their gullets.  

    • Like 5
  3. Just now, Jhawk said:

    I don't give a fuck about whether she has native american in her or not.  2 things are clear from this and I saw a liberal tweet one of them:

    1.  She's a moron for publishing this information.  Unless you are anything but dawes roll it probably isn't smart to mark it down that you are cherokee or whatever tribe you belong to and to use it as a political or economical tool to advance your career.  You're just asking for criticism and handing your enemies a weapon to use against you.

    2.  I saw a liberal pundit tweet that this is the height of white privilege and cultural appropriation.  Once again, if you aren't substantially what you claim you are then why in the fuck are you even publishing this information.  She not only make a laughing stock out of herself with people who would twist anything the way they want it twisted (repubs) but she also opened herself up to the most hardcore SJWs to criticize her.

    Whether or not or how much native american she has in her doesn't really matter when you look at it from a political strategy angle.  This was akin to an all time political gaffe that won't go away in 2020 even though the intention here was clearly to get this off the table.  All of our politicians do this kind of shit regularly thinking it will help.  We probably have some of the worst people in our country actually running the damn show on both sides of the aisle.  It is surreal to think about.

    You and all the other dumb fuck right wing trolls need to go back to elementary school and take a basic reading comprehension class.  She never claimed to be Indian and she never marked herself down as Cherokee or any other tribe.  When she was at Penn she indicated she had Native American ancestry.  Right wing politicians picked up on that, made unsubstantiated claims that she couldn't have NA ancestry because she looks white, and made up claims that she benefited from claiming to be NA.  But the truth is that she indicated that she had been told by family that she has NA, possibly Cherokee ancestry, a DNA test confirmed that she has NA ancestry, and she did not ever get any benefit or apply for any benefit on the basis of her NA ancestry.  She also didn't use her NA ancestry as part of her political career.  She has only responded to racist attacks and straight up lies in an effort to correct the record.  The weapon isn't her accurate claims to NA ancestry, the weapon is the ignorance of the dumb fucks like yourself who can't read a simple sentence and understand what it means.  

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  4. 12 hours ago, horncyclist said:

    Is the less native than average person fact true? Sounds like disinformation to me. Link for that?

    Probably so.  But more importantly, she didn't claim to have more Native American blood than the average person.  She simply claimed to have Native American ancestry.  Onboard is either too stupid or too disingenuous to note the difference.  

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    She listed herself as a minority. She self-identified as a minority. This despite being just like everyone else who chooses to not identify as a minority because recognize it is either dishonest, foolish, shameful or absurd to claim to be a minority because of something 9 or 10 or 11 generations back. I guess by her definition, everyone can claim being a minority and have it not be dishonest, as long as they do it outside of applications and just for their own aggrandizement and delusions.

    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter and it shouldn't stop her from running. I think it's too far to do the whooping and war chant stuff that her opponent's staff did, whether you think it funny or not to mock her in that way, but I think calling her out of on her ridiculousness in this instance is fair game.

    I went ahead and negged you for the same reason Roma did.  You're either lying or willfully obfuscating.  Either way, you're doing exactly what I said you were in twisting her actions in order to create an alternative history in order to attack her credibility.  

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    You are dumbass in service to a dumbass, creating a Möbius strip of dumbassery.

    I really like this visual and may have to steal it.  Without credit, of course.

  7. 17 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    The lie which was her origin story and being the claimant of uncommon Native American ancestry compared to most people in her city, state, heck I'd go as far as to say region, to the degree to which she self-identified in a way that may or may not have a) helped her in any way b) made her look foolish in any way and c) bothered people in any way.


    So the lie is something she didn't actually do or say.  You are projecting your biases on her actions in order to make a conclusion about her that puts her into a bad light.  What did she do?  She marked on some minority law teacher list that she has Native American ancestry.  Does she have Native American ancestry?  Yes.

    Did she include that information on a job application?  No.  Did she run for office as a Native American? No.  She answered a simple question honestly based upon the information that was provided to her by her family.  And then people like yourself, and Trump, and Fox News twisted what she did and said to present an alternative narrative in an effort to attach her credibility.    

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I don’t think Conservatives are claiming this is a strike against her or means she shouldn’t run. I think they are just laughing at her and half the country thinks it’s a sophomoric and ridiculous thing to laugh at and the other half think it’s hilarious that people don’t see why it’s such a funny thing to “lie” about. 

    Just like everything else in 2018, the liberals and conservatives are on such opposite ends of the magnet that whatever news falls, there is no common ground and only two completely different views that one can’t fathom how the other can be so wrong.

    It reminds me of a political version of the blue/gold dress and yanni and the other word; half the population is convinced their worldview and perception is right— and their brains are reinforcing it— and the other half is the same way.

    and of course on surly if all you can see is the blue dress, if someone tells you why they think it might be gold, you are a troll.

    I'm still curious to know that the lie is that you're referring to.  I keep on seeing trolls and former conservatives (y'all aren't conservative anymore) referring to her lie.  But none of y'all have actually explained what that lie is.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Why would that cause women to accuse male democratic candidates of sexual assault?  Are you saying that all male presidential candidates are always accused of sexual assault, but we only hear of certain accusations?

    I think what he's saying (and this is supported by Lyndsay Graham) is that the Republicans are going to drum up fake accusations of sexual assault as revenge for certain women coming forward with allegations against Kavanaugh.  That despite the fact that Ford presented credibly, Kavanaugh objectively lied multiple times under oath while defending against the allegations, and the women came forward on their own and were not head hunted by the Democrats.  Because both sides and all that.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    "Run anyone else and you win." - phd

    I guarantee you he'd find a reason to not vote for them.

    Biden - omg too hold; one time he plagiarized in the 80s

    Harris - too inexperienced, could you even imagine someone with so little experience running the government; plus she shrill and uppity

    You see, there's a large percentage of this country that is filled with misogynists like phdhorn who will never vote for a woman.  And since the Dems will likely end up running a woman in 2020, the misogynists phdhorns of the country will vote against her even though their vote is going to a man who continues to lie to their faces and doesn't actually act in their interest.  

  11. 14 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    You mean written by the New York Times just this week. Read the comments from those living in SF. They say it’s not limited to just the Tenderloin and that the city is very dangerous

    Icono's stupid longcat.



    Have you not been to 6th and Red River recently?  Or really anywhere in the Red River district?  That kind of shit can happen in every major city.  

  12. 3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


    The Dallas Morning News had every chance to call Ted a liar and they didn’t. 

    Because Beto had a chance to oppose it via vote, he refused. He just wants to “keep his options open.”  Anyone with half a brain can do the math of where he stands. 

    The Dallas Morning News may not have called Ted a liar, but anyone with half a brain can see that he lied.  Beto did not support a $10 per barrel levy.  Ted claimed that Beto did support a $10 per barrel levy.  That is a lie.  Just like Ted has lied many other times to the people of Texas.  

    It really amazes me that the so-called tough guy Republicans who stand up for all that is moral and good for this country are perfectly happy having Republican politicians lie to their faces repeatedly simply because the lie is something that they want to hear.  That is not tough and that is not Texan.  Texans value honesty and integrity and when someone lies to their face, they call them on it and put them in their place, not the Oval Office or the Senate.  The Texans like you and Johnny Sack who eat up Republican lies like a fat kid at DQ and say, "please, sir, may I have some more" are not tough as Texas.  You're fucking pussies.   

    • Like 4
  13. 27 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


    Infrastructure concerns aside, sounds like a net negative for energy industry.  You’re welcome to dispute that. 

    I'll reiterate 94's question--did you read the article?  The real take away from that is that Ted is lying again.  Beto voted against a non-binding measure opposing an idea for 10 dollar per barrel levy to help pay for infrastructure.  The idea that we should keep all options open and not engage in political theater isn't bad for the energy industry.  Having a Senator who lies to voters on a consistent basis is bad for the people of Texas.  

    • Like 1
  14. 17 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    That's a great question.  The Beyonder stated that Hulk's potential strength is unlimited, but they've never really explored that in the MCU movies to date.  The only thing I can figure is that they've run him as a "gray" hulk to date and they may decide to use some plot device to bring out the "rage" hulk.  Or not.


    Plotwise, Thor:Ragnorak explores many elements of the Planet Hulk theme line, but without the merging of the Gray Hulk's intellect with Rage Hulk's strength.  

    My theory has been that they kill off Black Widow which triggers the change.  

  15. On 9/29/2018 at 4:38 PM, Patrick Bateman said:

    If you're talking about Bryan Singer, he's not involved with this movie...... It's Simon Kinberg who wrote and directed it.

    Holy shit, you're right.  They replaced Singer and managed to do it with someone worse.  But at least he's not a pedo.

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