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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. I'll be there tomorrow, looking forward to a win, but also seeing KD's homecoming should be fun. I made the first 2 years in Austin with some family, so we're trying to make it a little tradition, should they keep visiting the city. Hoping somebody offloads some cheap tickets before Friday's game so maybe I can sneak that one in too. GSG.
  2. I agree Tim Robinson has a punchable face, and because of that I didn't want to give in. But I sat through ITYSL and it got me. Obviously not every sketch, but it's worth watching every episode. Also, Detroiters is more sane and maybe even more enjoyable to me. He's hilarious, teaming up with Paul Rudd seems like a no-brainer, and I will watch this movie.
  3. Zach Collins really fucked us. He looked like he was maybe salvaging his career for a minute there, but completely disappeared this year and now we're left with Charles Bassey. Hopefully by next year we're done cleaning up the shit mess we made from extending Collins last year. Oh, and Vassell.......... the clock is ticking. It's the all-star break and people are still making excuses that you were injured to start the year. That you haven't found your rhythm yet. 3 months is not "rhythm" territory.
  4. A March on Washington will end in a LOT of bloodshed. It will be the war Trump has been readying his uneducated stooges for for years now. They already fought their supposed "good guys" in Blue at the Capitol. Imagine the restraint they'll show against the evil leftists they've been seething over for a decade. That's why he's releasing them all. He may just need them again. Have fun with all that. I'll think of another way to survive this. This country has exploited mine and others for long enough. My tíos and pops fed into all that model minority bullshit serving the country to prove their patriotism. Look where they got us. Right back around to Project 2025, 50 years later.
  5. This is framed as a passive action being taken by many, when it is very much an active push out since he bought it. Flooded with bots, flooded with right-wing shit sniffers, the ads and algorithms are flooded with shit. He took the shit hose and started spraying shit all over the walls, and changed the algorithms so that new, fresh shit gets pumped in every week. I don't blame people for leaving the house.
  6. Are you new to the country's existence in this world? We've been friendly to him because he is friendly to Western Imperialism. That has now been co-opted (taken over) by Trump Imperialism, which will help Trump join Musk as an Oligarch. He always wanted to be Putin, he said it to the country's face, and they gave him the fucking keys AND the checkbook. Palestinians wanted existence, Trump doesn't respect that, he respects power and greed. Despots get him off because he envisions himself having the power that they have.
  7. I was at Saturday's game against Miami and was hoping DV would have a strong showing since we'd obviously need a primary scorer with Wemby out ill. He went 8/22 and 1/10 from 3PT. Keldon went 5/14. Both were needed to pick up some slack the last 2 games as Wemby gets over this, and both have been inefficient chuckers. Frustrating. Hopefully cutting both their attempts down helps this team out.
  8. To live through the .04 second Derek Fisher shot, be sure to flick yourself in one of your balls as hard as you can about 10 times in a row. Do it another 9 times to feel the Manu foul on Dirk in the WCF. And then target the other one to feel the paid of Ray Allen's 2013 shot. But, I take offense to the "dark side" comment. This organization is one of the shining beacons in this crazy league. The envy of many. Just to annoy Rockets and Mavs fans, I like to say "Good things happen to Good people." Which is what I said after 2014 and after we won the lottery for Wemby. We're blessed, and it's easily the easiest, most pure love I have for a sports organization in my life. Because they prove how much they care about winning, and never overextending themselves as an org to do it. Which is probably why you'll find David, Timmy, Tony & Manu around the organization often, to this day. They reward your patience and rarely (if ever) embarrass their fans.
  9. Bassey just started on Saturday instead of Collins. We're in the same spot we were a few days ago, in regards to needing a center. I hope it comes this year, but if it doesn't, we're in a damn good position to plug the hole soon.
  10. I'm fucking going Honking! How did he only give up those CHA/CHI picks?? GSG!!
  11. Pretty dang reputable I'd say. 35 years at NBC-4 in SA according to his profile. If he's not reputable he has a lot of community ties to burn with this.
  12. Don Harris (SA local broadcast sports guy?) tweeted earlier today: "Spurs very active and perhaps close on complicated 4-team deal that would bring D'Aaron Fox to San Antoio. Stay Tuned" 4 team deal gets me excited. Maybe finessing our way out of giving up both Castle and Vassell and all our 1st-round capital.
  13. Idk if you're in East Austin but there's a shitload of them all in the neighborhood. They used to freak me out a bit because I occasionally run through the neighborhood, and a little doubt would cross my mind that they'd stop to let me cross or get too close to me to pass me if I'm on the road, but they've been fine. Still kinda freak me out because they park behind the cemetery that's across MLK from Disch-Falk and just wait there often. On 14th st.
  14. Vassell in his 5th year seems like he won't reach the player Fox is now, and Fox only just turned 27. I'm on board. I've been hoping he would become a true #2 option for Wemby, but fuck 5 years is a long sample size to prove it and he just isn't there. Honestly I wouldn't even be too mad to see Castle go either. The chances he develops into an all-star and/or NBA leader in steals? Can't be that high. I know he has tons of potential, but it's going to take more than that for him to become the #2 that Fox can be for us right now. If they still leave us room to build with our picks, go get him FO.
  15. The "private workforce situation" that just gobbled up our government, is absolutely salivating at the idea of workers leaving stable Government jobs. No reason in particular. They just really need the help! I'm sure everyone will be paid handsomely and the benefits will remain lucrative and bountiful! The corporations make money, and it trickles down to the employees! Like water from Oregon to California! I, personally, cannot wait for our new capitalistic overlords to share their wealth!
  16. Just sitting here listening to AOC's last IG post to talk about week 1 of the new admin and what's going on. Clearly/explicitly, in laymen's terms, and discussing what the implications for these EO's are and what we should do. Explaining how the oligarchy is upon us and who is involved. But we live in a country that doesn't want to listen to an educated woman. Especially a 30-something Latina from a working-class background. Because it makes them feel insecure that they aren't nearly as intelligent as her. They want to listen to billionaires who have spent their entire lives enriching themselves, like their daddies before them did, and convince themselves that they are on the people's side. I'm not sure where I'm going with this other than realizing that some people are saying things, but they might seem "maddeningly" silent because they are being silenced. The media is complicit. This is aside from the fact that people were told BEFORE the election exactly what would happen, and frankly, too many people didn't give one shit. What is more noise going to do? The tree is falling in the forest.
  17. I just thought of this. I don't work in financial aid but a student just told me yesterday she just got her financial aid cleared and she was hoping it would get disbursed before tomorrow's tuition deadline. I told her to contact the accounting office/accounts payable to tell them that FinAid is coming, and most likely it will be fine.................................. That answer just got a bit more complicated if she relies on a Pell Grant.
  18. Nobody gives a shit, in part because it's bleak af and easy to take the pessimistic view that whats going to happen is going to happen. I think I'm there. But also, because what hill are they supposed to stand on to get that message out, exactly? Tweet it? Appear on another political talk show? The media is done for, they're complicit, the strings for Dems to pull to utilize media are quickly disappearing. They're as divided as the people are, the message rings hollow because of it.
  19. This right here is the bullshit some of us have a problem with. To adorn your King with credit like he wasn't surrounded by NFL talent that we hadn't seen in the 15 years prior. We were in the fucking desert, that's the constant. A constant lack of elite talent recruited or developed. Between 2012 (the first year after our NC loss) and Quinn's first year, we had 5 players taken in Rounds 1 or 2 of the NFL draft. In a fucking decade. Quinn's junior year had 5 go in the top 2 rounds. It appears that this year we'll have another 3-4. We were in the fucking desert. Sark is the constant. Talent is the constant.
  20. Sochan with 9 boards in 18 minutes certainly helped one of this team's glaring weaknesses. He and Wemby looked like they missed tf out of each other.
  21. He's monotone as fuck, which makes the mix come out weird as hell, he's not quite riding the beat either. He sounds like he's done it before, but not very good and not very long. He'd be a run of the mill performer at a typical SXSW open mic hip hop night, but, they don't have the brand he does. So I'm sure he'll get plenty of streams.
  22. "inability to adjust well" is such coded nonsense. He's been there two weeks, he has hardly gotten started adjusting. If it's something personal and not football related, just say he's stepping away. Then again these twitter accounts aren't actual reporters, so they can say whatever tf they want I guess. Technically Johntay also suffered from "an inability to adjust well" after 48 hours in Seattle. That's one way to frame it.
  23. I'm back on the bus. Took a year off out of frustration of watching Wolff, stars that seem like they don't care, a lot of lackadaisical play.... But if the FO cares enough to spend this much, I'll be back in.
  24. Jimmy Carter did what? Helped the poors? Kiss my ass, did he raise shareholder value and ensure corporate profits? Who gives a shit. Raise the flags for Dear Leader.
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