Tested positive after the new year, got it probably right around New Year's eve in the valley. Ending my quarantine, per CDC guidelines today. Felt first symptoms last Tuesday, Wednesday/Thursday I had a real light fever for a couple hours a day (to where I was warm, but constantly questioning whether I was just making shit up), a couple random body aches where I don't have normal problems (my hip hurt in an area I've never felt before, for one day), but on day 3 until now (day 11) it's basically been like the ending of a cold. Just getting rid of congestion. Ran a couple miles twice this week, feel great. Lucky, went to visit my family in the valley and 3 of them got it too. I was the only addition to the household for the holiday, but luckily I didn't bring it, we got it there. Nobody got really sick, luckily.
A few people have asked me if I've gotten a negative test, but I'm going with the CDC on this. 10 days from first symptoms, as long as you've improved and haven't had a fever. The test doesn't measure if you're contagious, it just looks for traces of the virus (active or inactive), so those aren't "false" negatives, they're just not telling you if you're contagious. /rant.