Need a star indeed. We have tons of pieces, but a go-to guy in the 4th is most important. White is the only young guy that has the makeup, but I'm not sure that he's that guy. He can create for himself, but not as easily as DD. He creates for others better than DeRozan does, and obvs is better off the ball, but we need a guy that can go get that last shot.
I'm also not sold on Jakob. He's ok at the 5, but will either need another big to help him out down low (a 4), or will need to be a matchup/bench player. He works hard, but in the bubble he's appeared pretty weak in the paint at both rebounding and obviously also finishing at the rim. He refuses to be aggressive in his finishing and it literally partially cost us a game last week. We have 4 young guys that have shown no reluctance to take the ball to the rim, and we'll be missing a lot of points if we don't get them a guy that can finish in traffic when they collapse defenses. We've already seen it.