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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. Jamison gotta put on a few pounds but he could be a Quandre starter kit. Put him at nickel.
  2. Because he's started the first 3 games of the MLS season and has 3 goals and played over 240 minutes total? He seems to be as healthy as he can get.
  3. Freshman year at the dorms we'd have some good battles on NCAA Baseball 2005 on PS2. First Apartment had a shitload of FIFA 2008/2009 Last Apartment included some Rock Band/Guitar Hero and occasional Mario Kart.
  4. Great decision, you'll enjoy it. I flew Interjet direct out of SA and had no problems at all. I'd never flown via Mexican airlines so I had some concerns, but it wasn't much different from a Southwest flight imo. I'd do it again without reservation.
  5. Derrick White has me really, really intrigued. I know it's at home dammit, but you aren't going to get me less excited for briefly moving into the 5 seed after this roller coaster of a season.
  6. But also where do I find that because it looks good as fuck. GTFO after you tell me, rookie.
  7. I think it's the most logical thing, and it makes me 10x more confident driving next to a scooter when it's in the bike lane, bc then I know the rider understand it's not fuckin' 'nam out here and is trying to follow some kind of order. Off Topic/related: I work on campus and the drive home on Dean Keeton usually has some employees cycling home too (east bound), I swear 90% of these guys are fuckin' pros. They use the lane, use their hand signals if they're switching lanes, look over their shoulder and wait for cars to pass before cutting across traffic, etc. Downtown just seems like it's Mexico City-style free for all.
  8. I live within half a mile from downtown and drive downtown frequently for Uber/Lyft (or myself) and I hate them. They drive stupid and their shit's all regarded. You're right, they are similar to cyclists. But these are the same reason I hate cyclists who don't know wtf they're doing. I actually appreciate when a scooterist uses the bike lane and controls themselves. When they don't, I hope that they diascooterf. There are a significant amount of scooterists who don't know or care about wtf they're doing, thus, the reaction. Honestly I drive under the assumption that all other drivers are idiots, which keeps me safer, so it's not much of a change. But the part that pisses me off is that when you drive a car like an idiot we might dent each other's cars and be in for a headache/$$, ride a bike/scooter like an idiot and the idiot is dead and/or in the hospital and that's a much bigger ordeal. The stakes are higher, so I wish they would use the scooters/bikes with the appropriate amount of discretion, but a lot of times they don't, so I react with my own discretion.
  9. I made a point to see Psych Porn Crumpets on Friday and I wasn't disappointed. My "find" this SX was probably Durand Jones & The Indications. Saw them at Scoot Inn and I was blown away at how good the whole band was. Sounded great. I was at White Denim at Hotel Vegas as well, they were good, I'd listen again. Had never seen Broken Social Scene before, they were cool but probably not my cup of indie tea.
  10. The only two fights I want to see him in are against Thurman (which I think Spence wins) and Crawford (classic fight/toss up). Manny doesn't need to be in there with him. Porter is basically what Spence would be if he had only 1/3 of the technique and styles that Spence has. Any other fights at 147 are wastes of time.
  11. Jesus the HS OLineman in me hates watching that first step. What a pointless move. Kick-step youngin, create space and center your opponent.
  12. Welp. The most likely thing to happen, happened.
  13. Same as what I did. Other than not having my own modem I went through the exact same shit.
  14. Day shows will be fine. I will probably try to go to the Austin Chronicle event on Friday. Volstead/HotelVegas can get packed but they have tons of room and always have entire days full of shows for free. The pictures I've seen of San Jose and/or Waterloo's free shows look like nuts-to-butts and I'm not super into that right now so I have never checked those out. They are well-curated though. The only two acts I have on my list right now are the Black Pumas and Jackie Venson. Black Pumas gotta be my favorite local band right now. Saw them in Houston in December and they were great, but I found out about them off of a SX recommendation last year (which they only played a couple shows). They have many more this year (just got signed).
  15. BurdineBandit


    Was in Seattle a couple weekends ago and really appreciated the Museum of Pop Culture's Nirvana exhibit. Lots of cool memorabilia: clothes, guitars broken by Kurt, lyric sheets, set lists, polaroids, etc. Pretty cool stuff. The whole grunge scene is a bit before my time, but walking through that exhibit + Pearl Jam's exhibit kind of started to clarify how Seattle/Washington could hold that type of scene/sound. Personally I always especially appreciated both Lithium and In Bloom, so those are fine choices for favorite songs to me. The Unplugged album is probably what convinced me I was truly a fan though.
  16. Who would he fight in June? I doubt Canelo takes Jacobs/GGG back-to-back (just doesn't seem like something fighters do these days, take the #1 and #2 contenders immediately after each other), but I have zero interest in seeing GGG against anyone other than Andrade or Charlo. Super excited for Garcia-Spence. I think Spence is getting too much love in the buildup from boxing fans (many expecting him to stop Garcia). He might very well win it and maybe even over-power Garcia, but I don't think Garcia is going to be obliterated like some people do. This will be very technical and likely go 12. We'll know by the 2nd/3rd round whether Mikey has enough power to halt Spence from coming forward on him though.
  17. This one and the WR section got a chuckle out of me. Filled the anuses with a baster of sunshine there.
  18. That's the Pop advantage. With the right 1-2 pieces he can make that work. We get DJM back and White moves over to the 2 (where he should be), and our starting 5 is set with 2 guys that can handle the ball at the guard and at least a couple (White, Gay) guys who are threat from deep and possibly Murray as well. If we're not counting Murray as one of those pieces of need then really we need 1-2 guys to solidify the bench (a taller/more athletic guard...... OH HEY LONNIE) and keep either Patty/Bryn but probably not both. Good win last night, and the game before, and the game before.
  19. BurdineBandit


    So bringing back extra luggage from Seattle should be just the same as it was in Denver right? Nothing different to worry about? I've been enjoying this legal stuff here, vapes, a couple pre rolls, having a damn good time eating teriyaki.
  20. That's a Percy if I've ever seen a Percy.
  21. It's stupid. We play up to competition, but we won't give ourselves a chance to at least beat a 3-5 seed in the 1st round (obvs not GSW) bc we're going to shit away a chance to be a 4-5-6 seed.
  22. Funny to see the talk of moving the Oscars an hour earlier to finish on time, but I've been watching both the Oscars and the Grammys since I was a kid and I specifically remember both of them always running 10-15 minutes late. Because it was so unusual to see broadcast TV stations give them that much flexibility on the ending time. That shit ain't changing.
  23. I'm not sitting here expecting it to get ugly. If Derrick White is playing and we have some semblance of defense while he's in, we'll hang. Apparently he and LMA are on the injury report (wtf. how many days of fucking around do you need to get healthy these days?). If they're not 100 we'll get boat raced.
  24. I haven't seen this movie in a while, need to drink a beer and laugh a bit at it. CSB alert: One of my favorite UT memories is freshman year French 1, I had a ruuuude blonde professor (young, early 30s if not late 20s) who was trying to get the class to lose their American accent and make nasal vowel sounds like the French do, and she says you have to "make your O(h) face" when pronouncing words with an O. She made a full pause after that and tried to hold in her laughter at herself while like 5 of us in the class tried our best to do the same. I think about that every time I watch that scene or even hear about this movie. Damn she was a great first-semester professor to have.
  25. Saw it this weekend too. It was very interesting and I respect Mr. Rogers a lot more for it. What an interesting, kind-hearted man. I was technically a bit after its era, but some of my earliest memories are being in day care watching this. I was never a big fan of puppets, and something about his voices and the bland puppets were off-putting, but I also remember being enthralled. He had a gift for bringing you into his little world without teletubbing the shit all up.
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