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  1. bad risk management imo. necas's contract is up next year and rumor is that he didn't want to re-sign with carolina. colorado wouldn't let carolina talk to rantanen about an extention before trading him i'm with you on the first round picks. guys picked at the end the first have a 50/50 shot at 100 NHL games. as of today they traded necas for an undersized guy with good potential and maybe two guys who will combine for 200 NHL games
  2. stankoven and two first round picks. what a disaster rantanen was for carolina
  3. i think someone finally got it through to him that he can either win or get paid $14m but not both. apparently the lack of income tax in texas is worth about $500k compared to colorado
  4. mikko trade about to happen. $12m for 8 years. crazy. he rejected that from both colorado and carolina
  5. Paying this moron $10 million a year to kick a 48 yard FG with Bert Auburn. Are you fucking kidding me
  6. OSU apathy regarding Day and their presale ticket code leaked lol
  7. Was glad the defense got that fourth down stop with about two min left in the game to at least have something to show for their effort. Offense completely hung them out to dry tonight
  8. We’re number 1 and OU looks like complete ass. I used to have dreams of this happening
  9. Wow Howard completely fucked up those last 20 seconds
  10. So nice to see Jeff Lebby eat shit. Hope we hang 100 on him next week
  11. Florida dominating maybe the only team worse than them lol
  12. damn you know it's a grade a meltdown when there's just a wall of blue posts in the screenshots
  13. wow mark stone is ready for the first game the salary cap doesn't apply. what a fortunate turn of events for vegas
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