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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. If I was Stewart, I would stand right in the way of that little smart-mouth bitch.
  2. There was nothing to get greedy about, 2nd was standing in front of her with the ball. That may be the dumbest play I've ever seen.
  3. Take advantage of all our outfielders sitting on their heels.
  4. You got to come up and make that play. Two terrible plays in the outfield.
  5. Wrap this one up, they're getting beat at every position on the court.
  6. If it's before she slides, and the throw is in line with the bag, she's out. She has to provide a reasonable throwing lane.
  7. Have had that many times playing infield in baseball and a couple throws right at the forehead cures that. Maybe not a good time to do that in a championship game.
  8. She has made a ton of errors in the post season.
  9. Those pitches are clearly off the plate. That is crap.
  10. If she's getting that outside pitch off the plate all night, she is going to be very tough.
  11. I was going to say, softball has to be the only sport where it's cool and expected to be dancing and laughing when getting your butt kicked. If that were done in any men's sport, they would be ridiculed to no end.
  12. Emptying the bench like at the end of a basketball game.
  13. Pack your shit up for the summer. This program needs a major overhaul. There is not a chance in hell they finish in the upper half of the SEC next year.
  14. Of course, that was destined to happen.
  15. These are non-competitive at bats.
  16. This is like dying by paper cuts.
  17. The guys who are supposed to be your guys are just flaking out.
  18. I don't know what the fuck JT is thinking, that was a little league at bat.
  19. If you cannot tell that guy is completely disingenuous, I don't know what to tell you.
  20. Powell, Flores and Balew should have to walk their ass back to the hotel, fuck that giving them a ride.
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