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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. Errors and walks. Embarrassing
  2. Gave the game away, just folded and gave it away.
  3. Errors and walks, killing us.
  4. That kid has got serial killer written all over him.
  5. Putting Porter up there was just taking an automatic out.
  6. Just absolutely gave it away, they didn't do shit to earn anything.
  7. Walks and errors put us here, now let's get out of it.
  8. Hittable shit, that was meat.
  9. The fucking strike zone just got stretched out.
  10. King Jack with an appearance.
  11. Contact at least, weak contact, but better than a whiff.
  12. I'd like to see the rule on that play at second.
  13. Of course it does, but it is not changing so gotta deal with it.
  14. I didn't know if they used multiple fields because of the weather to not get behind, dork.
  15. Do they play on multiple fields there or stay on one softball field?
  16. 3 years ago when we announced the move to the SEC, several articles and posts came out about the possibility of moving the SEC headquarters out of Birmingham, and Dallas was one of the places mentioned. ALL written by folks in the SEC. We hadn't written or said shit about it. And all the fanbases started losing their collective minds about something that they had manufactured in the first place. I hear the fear in their voice.
  17. I don't watch a lot of softball, had no idea the run rule was only 8. Seems odd.
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