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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. I'd fire his sorry fucking ass before he left the stadium tonight, and tow his car.
  2. Leaving him in the lineup should be held over this coaching staffs head and they should be called out by media and fans.
  3. Keep going you guys are cool, keep going, keep being cool. 2005 is our last. By all all means let’s keep going. That will pretend game is strong bro.
  4. You stupid asses think losing is ok. Just a handful of grab bag of stupid motherfuckers. I handful of fucking idiots who think quips get us where we need to go.
  5. No you dumb simpleton motherfucker haha. You have know idea how the world works. Hey go on keep lying to yourself
  6. You don’t read well bubba. You can be a bitch all you’ll want.
  7. We baby and cuddle and network and protect our guys. The day we stop, the day we get rid of the cameras and the LHN and the nice questions is when our first step to getting better starts.
  8. Buncha unprepared wilting weaklings, David Pierce should be dropped by helicopter on the back of a moving cow near Amarillo.
  9. Fire David Pierce right now. He is cultivating a farm of pussies, that is his nature.
  10. We talked about the wind up and we talked about going out of the stupid stretch, we should have talked about it earlier
  11. Yep getting there, think most might agree on a small tweak we would like to see, not pointing fingers but it rhymes with shmecond shmase.
  12. Good memories last time walking out of that stadium.
  13. Let’s stop dickin around and go ahead and give that guy a first baseman’s mitt.
  14. That opening bit was long and full of zero laughs
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