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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. If I was Memphis I take that penalty and punt again. You could have maybe got another penalty or a fumbled return or pinned them down inside the 5, something.
  2. That was hilarious the way they were celebrating like it was the end of time with no awareness or grasp of the situation. Sometimes you should heed the words of The Wolf.
  3. They play that game anywhere besides a bowl of shit soup, SMU probably wins handily.
  4. This will make for an interesting return game in Dallas next year.
  5. They would have had a better environment for this game if they played it at Reverchon Park.
  6. He was hit 5 yards out of bounds clear as day, no flag.
  7. You see that dirty bitch on the sideline eating that shit. You dirty girl
  8. That is puke worthy. Mayonnaise belongs on a couple things and they goddamn sure ain’t nachos.
  9. Wideout on that endaround screwed up the drive. Pick a side and go, don't run straight into the guy.
  10. Here comes the gross ass mayonnaise bowl.
  11. And if he does, let's try as a collective to not stick him with a braindead dumbshit nickname like we did with Ivan.
  12. Well that's complete bullshit
  13. Do nfl officials get paid weekly by the Eagles or just per-play commission checks?
  14. The Giants DB's are just horrid.
  15. You are quoting a TickPick blog. You could quote something from every company out there and they'll say they're the best. Those are marketing campaigns.
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